科拿仔 2007-9-11 12:39
A﹕係金鐘美國銀行中心一間類似consultant公司既account department做account clerk既,佢地話係做類似count account既野,13個月糧,仲有bonus,study leave,5 days work。
B﹕Causeway Bay東區商業中心一間電子玩具公司做account clerk既,員工有廿幾人,
人工一樣,都係5 day works。
最大問題係我依間讀緊part-time degree,想問下邊份會OT得無咁多架?我唔想再好似之前audit咁,每日番成13-14個鐘。
peninsula 2007-9-11 13:53
[quote]原帖由 [i]科拿仔[/i] 於 2007-9-11 12:39 發表
做邊份工好?.. [/quote]
I would choose A. B seems to require some to a lot of O/T.:o:lookaround::reading::soldier:
gunman_keung 2007-9-11 13:55
[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2007-9-11 13:53 發表
I would choose A. B seems to require some to a lot of O/T.:o:lookaround::reading::soldier: [/quote]
Support Master's opinion, A seems better than B :lol
科拿仔 2007-9-11 19:10
[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2007-9-11 05:53 發表
I would choose A. B seems to require some to a lot of O/T.:o:lookaround::reading::soldier: [/quote]
間野唔係cpa firm,但我個department係同其他公司做數架,其他department又同人做company secretary果d,咁即係咩黎?
大窮鬼 2007-9-14 21:58
科拿仔 2007-9-15 19:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]大窮鬼[/i] 於 2007-9-14 13:58 發表
請左mei?........... [/quote]
cfamba1 2007-9-16 09:54
of coz the first one la...has study leave...
高射炮 2007-9-21 12:14
For your long term career ... I prefer B over A. A sound like some kind of accounting firm for me.
peninsula 2007-9-21 12:37
[quote]原帖由 [i]高射炮[/i] 於 2007-9-21 12:14 發表
For your long term career ... I prefer B over A. A sound like some kind of accounting firm for me. [/quote]
Did you read?? How can "A" be an accounting firm?:slap::blowme::P:o:wondering:
大窮鬼 2007-9-23 12:17
peninsula 2007-9-25 10:58
[quote]原帖由 [i]大窮鬼[/i] 於 2007-9-23 12:17 發表
樓主宜家做咩?......... [/quote]
Who are you referring to?:wondering:
科拿仔 2007-9-25 21:08
[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2007-9-25 02:58 發表
Who are you referring to?:wondering: [/quote]
大窮鬼 2007-9-27 21:07
ICIC....SHIPPING 唔關account???
科拿仔 2007-9-27 22:51
[quote]原帖由 [i]大窮鬼[/i] 於 2007-9-27 13:07 發表
ICIC....SHIPPING 唔關account??? [/quote]
負責Accounts Payable
peninsula 2007-9-28 09:42
[quote]原帖由 [i]科拿仔[/i] 於 2007-9-27 22:51 發表
負責Accounts Payablel [/quote]
Don't like logistics co.:(:reading:
大窮鬼 2007-10-14 17:05
peninsula 2007-10-24 20:35
[quote]原帖由 [i]大窮鬼[/i] 於 2007-10-14 17:05 發表
睇左其他message.........樓主宜家無做account??? [/quote]
大窮鬼 2007-10-28 10:09
[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2007-10-24 20:35 發表
Me?:o:wondering: [/quote]
ray195719572 2007-10-28 14:54
A is better..........
peninsula 2007-10-28 16:27
[quote]原帖由 [i]ray195719572[/i] 於 2007-10-28 14:54 發表
A is better.......... [/quote]
gats 2007-11-4 07:54
I would pick the one that would give you better long term benefit... and in most cases, this is decided by the reputation of the firm. THus, if A. is an international company, and B. is a local / south east asia only company, then I would choose A. (and vice versa).
redman123 2007-11-11 18:23
I prefer B over A. A sound like some kind of accounting firm for me.
hehehaha123 2008-2-21 03:06
COO 2008-3-21 14:35
[quote]原帖由 [i]科拿仔[/i] 於 2007-9-11 12:39 發表
A﹕係金鐘美國銀行中心一間類似consultant公司既account department做account clerk既,佢地話係做類似count account既野,13個月糧,仲有bonus,study leave,5 days work。
B﹕Causeway Bay ... [/quote]
It really depends on
1) The kind of transactions you are required to handle. If the accounts are simple. You never get the chance to learn or experience complicated accounting treatments or tax schemes...
2) The prospect of the job. If there is no clear career path, it will not lead you to anywhere. Why choose it?
3) Your own career plan. What do you want to be? A CPA? HKCPA or China CPA or AICPA? How the above jobs enrich your experience or knowledge?
24876999 2008-3-23 12:32
peninsula 2008-3-23 17:21
[quote]原帖由 [i]24876999[/i] 於 2008-3-23 12:32 發表
WHY??????~~~ [/quote]
Why not?:saujai::slap:
SuBzErO〞 2008-4-7 00:23
A 升職機會多D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cd1983 2008-4-9 12:31
看不明白 呵呵 可可
peninsula 2008-4-9 19:21
[quote]原帖由 [i]cd1983[/i] 於 2008-4-9 12:31 發表
看不明白 呵呵 可可 [/quote]
Don't say anything lor!:saujai:
myanchovy 2009-2-11 01:29
seems like A is better
peter241277 2009-4-15 23:09
30854756 2009-4-18 21:54
30854756 2009-4-18 21:55
30854756 2009-4-18 21:55
joseph111 2009-5-13 02:08
九巴70站長 2009-12-30 00:48
晰炎枝 2010-1-18 04:27
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iamhere 2010-2-1 14:45
A seems better than B
kelvingc 2010-2-6 00:23
PPSC1234 2010-2-10 18:25
係我一定CHOOSE A 囉!!!!1
aotuai 2010-3-29 16:33
Better Choice : Offer A
『劍心』 2010-4-5 23:35
我揀a ~~^^:loveliness:
abodao 2010-6-4 15:50
loisey 2010-6-25 23:10
A is surely better
Doh 2011-4-5 02:17
both are good but i think a's better
idd0258 2011-5-18 14:09
26265 2011-8-16 03:43
I would choose A. B seems to require some to a lot of O/T
musicphy123 2011-11-12 07:43
I Prefer A A is way better than B
wokao1234 2011-11-30 14:42
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gdr900mcm 2011-12-4 16:31
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