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查看完整版本: 穆沙拉夫玩死布殊仔

八皇爺 2007-11-4 10:58



[[i] 本帖最後由 八皇爺 於 2007-11-4 09:13 編輯 [/i]]

港奸剋星 2007-11-4 10:59


ali 2007-11-4 17:10

挑!:bird:[img] [img]http://bilan1.usherbrooke.ca/bilan/contributions/18aff9120070514093549361.jpg[/img][/img]
條Benazir Bhutto都o吾好得去邊!:moon::moon:

八皇爺 2007-11-4 20:05

[quote]原帖由 [i]港奸剋星[/i] 於 2007-11-4 02:59 發表
叫佢解放巴基斯坦 [/quote]


[[i] 本帖最後由 八皇爺 於 2007-11-4 12:09 編輯 [/i]]

Rubber 2007-11-4 21:11

[quote]原帖由 [i]八皇爺[/i] 於 2007-11-4 20:05 發表

點擊進入布殊的民主戰車,如果膽小就別看了。 [/quote]

嘩, 你大件事啦, 你唔知條片反戰 最後嗰段係講中共老友 北韓 入侵南韓造成大量南韓人死亡 :oh: :oh:

八皇爺 2007-11-4 21:40

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2007-11-4 13:11 發表

嘩, 你大件事啦, 你唔知條片反戰 最後嗰段係講中共老友 北韓 入侵南韓造成大量南韓人死亡 :oh: :oh: [/quote]

Rubber 2007-11-4 22:14

[quote]原帖由 [i]八皇爺[/i] 於 2007-11-4 21:40 發表

我都睇晒,點會唔知呀?奇怪,到今天你還認為指責漢奸就等於中聯辦嗎?醒下啦!唉.......:slap: [/quote]

係你一直都唔會覺得中共會有錯, 我幾時話過你係中聯辦 ?
唔通你鬼 :slap:
你先要醒醒呀... ;P ;P

[[i] 本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2007-11-4 22:16 編輯 [/i]]

Rainybreeze 2007-11-4 23:19

响呢一刻, 巴基斯坦係一個平衡中東局勢既重要棋子. 又反恐, 又伊朗, 又伊拉克, 中共既拉攏對象, 同埋係擁有核武.

咁既時勢, 要美國佬講, 人權? 自由? 民主? 道德? 大家都唔細架喇, 唔好玩喇.

呢d小丑野又冇政治分攞, 李生都唔會做喇.

ivan99 2007-11-5 09:49

[quote]原帖由 [i]八皇爺[/i] 於 2007-11-4 21:40 發表

我都睇晒,點會唔知呀?奇怪,到今天你還認為指責漢奸就等於中聯辦嗎?醒下啦!唉.......:slap: [/quote]

惡少 2007-11-5 11:02

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Asia888 2007-11-5 11:24

[quote]原帖由 [i]惡少[/i] 於 2007-11-5 11:02 發表

狗色盲都睇到黑白灰, 有好多人淨係睇到黑白. :oh: [/quote]


這似乎正正是民主派現在的問題. 民調出來不順意就只認為是有組織抹黑, 是否可想想就算有組織中,有幾多成也可能是一般市民的意見???

Rubber 2007-11-5 15:01

[quote]原帖由 [i]Asia888[/i] 於 2007-11-5 11:24 發表


這似乎正正是民主派現在的問題. 民調出來不順意就只認為是有組織抹黑, 是否可想想就算有組織中,有幾多成也可能是一般市民的意見??? [/quote]

抹黑咗先做民調,  同埋做民調嘅方法係唔係公正都會影響结果..

Asia888 2007-11-5 15:07

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2007-11-5 15:01 發表

抹黑咗先做民調,  同埋做民調嘅方法係唔係公正都會影響结果.. [/quote]


飛毛腿 2007-11-5 17:30

[quote]原帖由 [i]惡少[/i] 於 2007-11-5 11:02 發表

狗色盲都睇到黑白灰, 有[color=Red]好多人淨係睇到黑白[/color]. :oh: [/quote]

咁即係色盲中的色盲 - 雙重色盲 ? :wondering:
更可能係腦盲  ;P

飛毛腿 2007-11-5 17:32

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2007-11-5 15:01 發表

抹黑鬙做民調,  同埋[color=Red]做民調鴾隤k係唔係公正都會影響结果.. [/color][/quote]

佢靠呢家疪祗 :lol

hardcat 2007-11-6 21:38

[quote]原帖由 [i]八皇爺[/i] 於 2007-11-4 10:58 發表
穆沙拉夫突然廢除憲法,宣布巴基斯坦進入緊急狀態,明顯違背現代民主法治社會的標准!布殊仔不知點算好,停止反恐? [/quote]

The War on Terror is a joke and a hoax, a PR show to fool its own citizens and give them smokescreen for imperial agression (iraq, and iran next)..

Now that President Pervez Musharraf has declared a state of emergency and begun arresting political opponents. Pakistan has nuclear weapons!!!... Do you see Bush do anything like they did against Burma? No of course... Those who see US as some bastion of freedom and democracy should wake up... US do what suit its own interests politically, economically, imperially... they even want a dictator in charge if it suit their interests, there are plenty of such history to support this...

freedom and democracy is NOT their concern at all, they only mention those words when they do PR image and propaganda, when they need to fool unassuming public ;) and also when they want to use this as pretext for a nake agressive war so that they can benefit in whatever ways they have planned (aka. liberate ppl/bring democracy to a nation)

[[i] 本帖最後由 hardcat 於 2007-11-6 22:06 編輯 [/i]]

八皇爺 2007-11-7 09:35


hardcat 2007-11-7 13:56

[quote]原帖由 [i]八皇爺[/i] 於 2007-11-7 09:35 發表

Not only that, they themselves are not that democratic in the real sense... they have the look of democracy but without much substance...

the War on Terror is simply a hoax... In truth, the US administration really want some terroists attack on american soil so that they can scare their own citizens again for submission... stripping them more rights and freedom and privacy.. and enable them to launch more wars much more easier... then they will attack any nation they like with a pretext of them being terrorist or liberate them....  and you know why they wont touch Musharraf ?? not because they are partner for war on terror... because Musharraf is their crony .. having Musharraf in charge best serve US interests politically and economcially, being a dictator/totalitarian doesnt matter at all... Compared to Burma, their current leader dont serve US interest, so US want to topple them and install one that benefit them.. thats why you see US come out and acting as a moral leader and accusing burma of this and that.. and pressing so hard to sanction them.... this is all about self serving interests! nothing to do with freedom and democracy.... having said that what burma leader done is totally wrong, i just want to point out the hyprocritic and pretentious nature of the US leader...


Yes, US is targetting China indeed.. the toy recall, dala lama, etc... they all serve to provoke china... have an agenda of course...

飛毛腿 2007-11-7 17:30

[quote]原帖由 [i]八皇爺[/i] 於 2007-11-7 09:35 發表
... [/quote]

委內瑞拉唔民主咩 ? 巴勒斯坦, 俄羅斯, 伊朗唔民主咩 ?
歐美白人心中認為[color=Blue]只有親西方, 聽西方話的民主[/color]先算好的:moon:
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