jacksonhon 2015-11-30 19:31
penalty_pick 2015-11-30 19:33
30th November 2015 鳳凰午間新聞
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2015-11-30 19:35 編輯 [/i]]
penalty_pick 2015-11-30 19:39
而家Jophine同Season都死埋去資訊台 :saujai: :fire:
睇怕吊緊鹽水的山雞香港台最終都會自然死於劉爽同田甲申手上 :Q :'(
penalty_pick 2015-11-30 19:41
30th November 2015 鳳凰六點新聞
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2015-11-30 19:46 編輯 [/i]]
penalty_pick 2015-12-2 13:05
2nd December 2015 鳳凰午間新聞
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2015-12-2 13:28 編輯 [/i]]
penalty_pick 2015-12-11 21:24
11th December 2015 鳳凰午間新聞
penalty_pick 2016-1-1 13:18
1st January 2016 鳳凰午間新聞
其他人係咪死晒 :saujai:
penalty_pick 2016-1-1 18:05
1st January 2016 鳳凰六點新聞
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2016-1-1 18:25 編輯 [/i]]
penalty_pick 2016-1-13 13:28
13th January 2016 鳳凰午間新聞
penalty_pick 2016-1-13 19:09
唔通呢鋪真係「風光大葬」? :oh:
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2016-1-13 20:03 編輯 [/i]]
jacksonhon 2016-1-13 19:10
13-1-2016 施政論壇 2016
[[i] 本帖最後由 jacksonhon 於 2016-1-13 19:32 編輯 [/i]]
penalty_pick 2016-6-8 13:06
唔通有人走 :Q :'(
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2016-6-8 13:29 編輯 [/i]]
Pantech 2016-6-8 15:28
*** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ***
jacksonhon 2016-6-8 16:52
jacksonhon 2016-6-13 22:35
[quote]原帖由 [i]penalty_pick[/i] 於 2016-6-8 13:06 發表 [url=http://xocat2.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28103914&ptid=165115][img]http://xocat2.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
唔通有人走 :Q :'( [/quote]卓麗雯部份已由原吹水帖分割,並合併到本帖,請繼續討論。
hoyufung 2016-6-27 08:42
thanks for sharing
penalty_pick 2016-7-9 18:13
9th July 2016 鳳凰六點新聞
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2016-7-9 18:28 編輯 [/i]]
jacksonhon 2016-10-16 02:02
PLKLSP 2016-10-16 02:16
13th October 2016
PLKLSP 2016-10-16 02:17
14th October 2016
[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-22 02:25 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2016-10-20 03:59
19th October 2016
[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-25 04:29 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2016-10-21 04:02
20th October 2016
[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-25 04:37 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2016-10-21 04:03
20th October 2016
PLKLSP 2016-10-24 02:23
22nd - 23rd October 2016 香港新視點
penalty_pick 2016-11-20 23:01
17th September 2016 鳳凰午間新聞
PLKLSP 2016-11-26 23:49
回復 1126# 的帖子
Thanks for your effort to keep this post unlocked, penalty ching! :lol
PLKLSP 2016-11-26 23:50
26th-27th November 2016 香港新視點
PLKLSP 2016-11-28 23:59
28th November 2016
PLKLSP 2016-12-5 23:57
5th December 2016
Vienna appeared in Phoenix Afternoon News for two [color=#000][font="][size=14px]consecutive [/size][/font][/color]Monday :clap:
penalty_pick 2016-12-6 00:16
[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2016-12-5 23:57 發表 [url=http://xocat.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28973469&ptid=165115][img]http://xocat.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Vienna appeared in Phoenix Afternoon News for two consecutive Monday :clap: [/quote]
但六點兩次都俾Sammy踩場 :fire:
PLKLSP 2016-12-10 23:52
10th December 2016
[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-12-10 23:54 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2016-12-14 00:03
13th December 2016
PLKLSP 2016-12-21 22:45
20th December 2016
截圖咁耐先輪到郭一嗚做時評 :saujai:
hoyufung 2016-12-28 23:29
thanks for sharing
PLKLSP 2016-12-30 23:52
30th December 2016
PLKLSP 2016-12-30 23:53
回復 1135# 的帖子
thanks for sharing ching 都出手頂住本帖不要上鎖? :funk: :lol
penalty_pick 2017-1-2 21:00
[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2016-11-26 23:49 發表 [url=http://xocat.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28934142&ptid=165115][img]http://xocat.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Thanks for your effort to keep this post unlocked, penalty ching! :lol [/quote]
:offtopic: Happy New Year!PLK ching :loveliness:
醫Apps已於2016年12月31日後停播 :Q :'(
PLKLSP 2017-1-6 23:04
回復 1138# 的帖子
Thank you. 我都祝你今年「satisfied」多過「disappointed」 :loveliness:
PLKLSP 2017-1-6 23:07
6th January 2017
PLKLSP 2017-1-7 23:12
7th January 2017 香港新視點
PLKLSP 2017-1-19 04:16
18th January 2017
penalty_pick 2017-1-21 22:53
Angel 呢? :saujai: :fire:
PLKLSP 2017-1-25 23:15
25th January 2017
PLKLSP 2017-1-26 23:31
26th January 2017
Vienna連續兩日報新聞 :clap::clap::clap:
今個農曆年是否又會日日出Lily? :lol
penalty_pick 2017-1-27 17:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2017-1-26 23:31 發表 [url=http://xocat.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=29138813&ptid=165115][img]http://xocat.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Vienna連續兩日報新聞 :clap::clap::clap:
今個農曆年是否又會日日出Lily? :lol [/quote]
penalty_pick 2017-1-31 13:18
31st January 2017 鳳凰午間新聞
大鐘呢? :lol
(主編:陳淑芬 :loveliness: )
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2017-1-31 13:47 編輯 [/i]]
penalty_pick 2017-1-31 18:02
31st January 2017 鳳凰六點新聞
Vienna 報外電! :lol
[[i] 本帖最後由 penalty_pick 於 2017-1-31 18:45 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2017-1-31 22:57
31st January 2017
PLKLSP 2017-1-31 22:58
penalty should be disappointed
PLKLSP 2017-2-2 23:17
2nd February 2017