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查看完整版本: 中國人被西方欺侮得很慘

SuieKuard 2008-4-10 10:31


[size=4][size=5][size=4][color=Blue][font=Tahoma][b]We must tell the truth to everyone, please help to tell you Western freinds as well.[/b][/font][/color][/size][/size][/size]


SuieKuard 2008-4-16 10:12

This is a good site to know the western news are crap.  CNN, ABC, BBC, are all big liers. :fire:  抗議CNN主持人侮辱華人 :fire:

keve0223 2008-4-16 16:34

從清未到民國中國飽受西方欺凌, 所以班西人身有屎驚中國人一強大便會報復, 呢D咪叫作賊心虛
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查看完整版本: 中國人被西方欺侮得很慘