36D 2008-4-17 09:56
d'ont let the media fool you
"Awesome video! If it is Chinese government propaganda, they must have learnt their lessons from Western public relations. Within 5 days, this video got viewed over a million times and became one of the most popular; beating even those sexy types"
"All civilizations have skeletons in the closet. However, physical consequence counts much more than intentions. China has had a longer history and a bigger population than Western Europe. Yet look at the world now. The Western Europeans almost own Australia, the United States of America, and parts of Africa and Asia. How much has China ended up with by comparison? The Western Europeans have conquered most of the world already, and they are still complaining about the little Tibet which has been part of China for thousands of years."
"Within two centuries of Columbus's arrival, the Native American population dwindled to less than 10% of its previous level. During that same period, European population tripled. How would His Holiness the Dalai Lama explain this? Don't tell me that those tens of millions of Native Americans reincarnated into white Europeans who continued the genocide." Take a look at the First Nations in Canada, how have they been treated? Use your own judgement, don’t let the media fool you.
moxfactor 2008-4-17 18:00
free Canada! free USA! ^_^
these people enslaved and killed Native Americans, Chinese, Indians, Aboriginal Australasians, etc... and now they've suddenly grown a conscience and want to force their conscience onto others? what a bunch of BS
ali 2008-4-17 19:22
Free Hawaii
Free New Zealand
peninsula 2008-4-17 22:16
[quote]原帖由 [i]36D[/i] 於 2008-4-17 09:56 發表
"Awesome video! If it is Chinese government propaganda, they must have me ... [/quote]
Since when were the media unbiased?:o:wondering::oh:
暗黑騎士 2008-4-18 01:40
應該整多0的呢種英文的文章或vidoe 全世界放送, 效果比我們只係中文網頁簽名, 更加好...!!!
如果有上其他地方的網, 應該一路forward開去!!!
Rubber 2008-4-18 12:18
Anyone certain about what is China in the first place ?
The land ? The culture ? The ritual ? The tradition ? The hope ?
The collective wisdom ? The government ? Or the PEOPLE ?
Keep a clear mind and not let others netted you by big words.
ngtungsee 2008-4-18 22:35
[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-4-18 12:18 發表
Anyone certain about what is China in the first place ?
The land ? The culture ? The ritual ? The tradition ? The hope ?
The collective wisdom ? The government ? Or the PEOPLE ?
Keep a ... [/quote]
Better tell CNN of the above.....