牛奶蛇 2008-5-9 12:42
【明報專訊】引起內地民眾廣泛關注的紐約華人狀告美國有線新聞網(CNN)一案,代理此案的美國海明律師事務所透露,本周二(6日),CNN負責法律與國際事務的副總裁大衛•維格蘭特代表CNN以公函的形式,向律師事務所發出正式道歉信,CNN在這封信中,引用主持人卡弗蒂(Jack Cafferty)的談話說,他對於當初攻擊中國人民的辱華言論感到後悔(regret),他認為這使在中國的公民和生活在美國的華人受到侮辱,他也表示對不起(Sorry) 。海明律師表示,CNN終於用正式公函的形式向華人道歉,這是世界上全體華人努力抗爭的結果。
明報沒有把CNN原信刋出, 小弟從某大陸网站找到, 照錄如下:
May 6, 2008
Dear Mr. Hai,
As you may know, Jack Cafferty recently gave an interview to Bill Press, a nationally syndicated political commentator in the United States. During that interview he was asked about his recent remarks that have been the subject of controversy in China and the United States. Mr. Cafferty responded :”And the one thing I regret was that some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention. And I am sorry for that…”
I hope this clarifies matters for you.
David C. Vigilante
Vice President-Legal
Mr. Cafferty responded :”And the one thing I regret was that some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention. And I am sorry for that…”
Cafferty 回應 "有一樣事情使我感到遺憾的是, 有部份住在中國的中國公民和住在本國的華裔美國人感到好似被本人之言論羞辱. 這都非本人之意图. 我為此致歉.
第一, CNN並沒有道歉.
第二, Cafferty只是向那些感到好似被他言論羞辱的人致歉, 潛台詞是這些人自找煩惱, 因本人並沒对他们羞辱之意.
明明是被人玩在股掌中, 明報及一些華文傳媒和那個什么律師利用翻譯瞞混之便, 一見到 regret 與 sorry二字, 就急不忙向不明內裹的中國人報喜, 魯迅筆下的阿Q莫過於此.
P.S. 根劇美國法律之class law-suit 條欵, 如要代表十三億中國人控告CNN賠償, 首先要得到十三億人的簽名同意, 因為CNN也可根据這份簽名名單反告. 至於那個什么律師如何取得十三億人簽名, 只有天知道. 看來這只不过是中國人自瀆的鬧劇而己.
ivan99 2008-5-9 14:01
keve0223 2008-5-9 14:38
上次戰機事件都唔道歉啦, 呢次只代表一個機構, 唔代表美國佬既想法同那白痴主持不同!
COO 2008-5-9 15:18
[quote]原帖由 [i]牛奶蛇[/i] 於 2008-5-9 12:42 發表
【明報專訊】引起內地民眾廣泛關注的紐約華人狀告美國有線新聞網(CNN)一案,代理此案的美國海明律師事務所透露,本周二(6日),CNN負責法律與國際事務的副總裁大衛•維格蘭特代表CNN以公函的形式,向律師事務所發出 ... [/quote]
這種非驢非馬應酬式的抱歉通知,衹會加深華人對 Jack Cafferty 那種無 guts 企硬,又惺惺作態而實際不原意承擔責任的態度,更加不能接受。
港奸剋星 2008-5-9 15:53
COO 2008-5-9 16:25
ali 2008-5-9 17:19
COO 2008-5-9 17:27
[quote]原帖由 [i]ali[/i] 於 2008-5-9 17:19 發表
要道歉重乜o吾係電視直播? [/quote]
唔通 CNN 怕要負責賠埋被人掉落街既 TV sets?定係冇信心呢段道歉直播內容,冇廣告商會願意贊助?
牛奶蛇 2008-5-10 00:19
我覺得不管中國人如何憎恨Cafferty, 作為大眾消息來源的報章應該要对事情如實報導, 絕對不能利用翻譯之彈性去瞞混讀者.
我不是偏幫CNN, Cafferty之所謂辱華言論原文為,
I think our relationship with China has changed. They are basically a bunch of goons and thugs they have been in the last 50 years.
China一字 在此好明顯是指中國政府, 但是當落到華文報紙的手時, 却被翻譯成卡弗蒂说Chinese (泛指華人, 包括海外華人)是流氓和暴徒。把50年也给省略了。 這种移花接木的造法與中國人口中的CNN歪曲報導有何分別呢?.
draghixa 2008-5-10 01:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]牛奶蛇[/i] 於 2008-5-10 00:19 發表
我覺得不管中國人如何憎恨Cafferty, 作為大眾消息來源的報章應該要对事情如實報導, 絕對不能利用翻譯之彈性去瞞混讀者.
我不是偏幫CNN, Cafferty之所謂辱華言論原文為,
I think our relationship with [color=red]China[/color] has changed. They are basically a bunch of goons and thugs they have been in the last 50 years.
[color=red]China[/color]一字 在此好[color=red]明顯是指中國政府[/color], 但是當落到華文報紙的手時, 却被翻譯成卡弗蒂说Chinese (泛指華人, 包括海外華人)是流氓和暴徒。把50年也给省略了。 這种移花接木的造法與中國人口中的CNN歪曲報導有何分別呢?.
"Well, I don’t know if [color=red]China[/color] is any different, but our relationship with [color=red]China[/color] is certainly different. We’re in hawk to the [color=red]Chinese[/color] up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. [color=red]They[/color]’re holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We also are running hundred of billions of dollars worth of trade deficits with them, [color=blue]as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart[/color]. So I think our relationship with [color=red]China[/color] has certainly changed. I think [color=green]they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years[/color]”
紅色[color=red]China[/color]及[color=red]Chinese[/color] 可理解為中國政府.
藍色[color=blue]as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart[/color]字面上卻必定是指中國人,因他所指的如[color=blue]their junk with the lead paint[/color] 及[color=blue] jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month[/color]絕對是中國民間才能做到的行為.
所以綠色[color=green]they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years[/color]中的所指的[color=green]they[/color]是包括中國政府及中國人民.
[[i] 本帖最後由 draghixa 於 2008-5-10 01:20 編輯 [/i]]
牛奶蛇 2008-5-10 04:47
[quote]原帖由 [i]draghixa[/i] 於 2008-5-10 01:02 發表
所以綠色they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years中的所指的they是包括中國政府及中國人民.
I think our relationship with China has changed. They are basically a bunch of goons and thugs they have been in the last 50 years.
我想我们(美國政府)與China(中國政府, 並非指人民)的關係已变. 他们基本上五十年不变的goons and thugs.
從這两句說話可以看出Cafferty所講的是中國政府, 因為只有說政府間関係才合理, 與人民無干.
如果閣下硬要將前段所述的We’re in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing中的[color=Red]Chinese[/color]與[u]幾句說話後的[/u] goons and thugs 拉在一起講, 是否庸人自擾呢 ?
再者中國人已存在過千年, 只有現今中國政府存在了五十年, 'they' 是指中國政府是顯而易見.
對西方傳媒來講, 批抨甚至辱駡政府或領導人是閒过立秋, CNN駡本身政府和布殊也不在少數, 問题是Cafferty不明中國人把政府等同人民的民族性, 被人段章取意地曲解而已.
飛毛腿 2008-5-10 12:30
皇帝唔急太監急 :saujai:
唻倩@主 :moon:
鬧你就鬧你, 吹呀 ? :bird:
draghixa 2008-5-10 23:10
[quote]原帖由 [i]牛奶蛇[/i] 於 2008-5-10 04:47 發表
I think our relationship with China has changed. They are basically a bunch of goons and thugs they have been in the last 50 years.
我想我们(美國政府)與China(中國政府, 並非指人民)的關係已变. 他们基本上五十年不变的goons and thugs.
從這两句說話可以看出Cafferty所講的是中國政府, 因為只有說政府間関係才合理, 與人民無干.
如果閣下硬要將前段所述的We’re in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing中的[color=red]Chinese[/color]與幾句說話後的 goons and thugs 拉在一起講, 是否庸人自擾呢 ?
再者中國人已存在過千年, 只有現今中國政府存在了五十年, 'they' 是指中國政府是顯而易見.
對西方傳媒來講, 批抨甚至辱駡政府或領導人是閒过立秋, CNN駡本身政府和布殊也不在少數, 問题是Cafferty不明中國人把政府等同人民的民族性, 被人段章取意地曲解而已. [/quote]
"[color=blue]as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart[/color]"
這句,我並沒有硬將前段所述的We’re in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing中的[color=red]Chinese[/color]與幾句說話後的 goons and thugs 拉在一起講,亦請你再看一次.
而在你的回覆中,你一直都刻意迴避[color=blue]as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart[/color]這句,以幫助Cafferty解釋他並沒有指責中國人,是被人段章取意地曲解.
牛奶蛇 2008-5-13 14:34
[quote]原帖由 [i]draghixa[/i] 於 2008-5-10 23:10 發表
"as we continue to import their ju ... [/quote]
依閣下羅輯, 在那個'they'字之前所有出現过的人種稱号都可歸納為goons and thugs 了, 我不是要袒護Cafferty, 只是覺得這個'they'字被有意曲解及引伸, 如有人硬要自作多情, 自以為被辱, 乃咎由自取, 與人無関.
Jeff9394 2008-5-13 22:29
唔 知 可 能 我 英 文 唔 好 :bow:
我 聽 來 聽 去 佢 都 係 指 係 兩 國 之 間 既 問 題 同 講 中 國 點 點 點, 意 思 冇 特 別 指 係 府 或 人
so 我 點 聽 都 係 覺 係 講 成 個 中 國 (包 括 府 同 人) :$
不 過 位 主 持 點 講 就 由 佢 點 講 我 地 做 好 自 己 野 就 係 :rose:
唔 arm 聽 就 等 落 左 道 氣 睇 下 自 己 有 咩 野 可 以 再 改 好 D 等 人 講 都 冇 得 講 lo :verygood:
[[i] 本帖最後由 Jeff9394 於 2008-5-13 22:30 編輯 [/i]]
COO 2008-5-14 15:25
"Well, I don’t know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different. We’re in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. They’re holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We also are running hundred of billions of dollars worth of trade deficits with them, as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we’re buying from Wal-Mart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years”
好明顯 Cafferty 都係對中國有 prejudice (拿住你美國數佰億美元既紙張就有問題?唔通,中國買貨唔俾錢?)。佢成篇內容都充滿著 grape sour (US 既 trading counterpart 有deficit 就 ok,有surplus 就唔妥?) 及以篇蓋全 (試問中國有多少貨出口到美國,是用每月 US$1 工錢造?勞動合同法假架?),圖而誤導觀眾!
ivan99 2008-5-14 15:56
[quote]原帖由 [i]COO[/i] 於 2008-5-14 15:25 發表
"Well, I don’t know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different. We’re in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thi ... [/quote]
ngtungsee 2008-5-14 15:57
每月 US$1 工錢造???任何一個非洲國家都唔得啦,何況中國.中國係三十年前都做又三十六,唔做又三十六啦.可想而知Cafferty 對中國的認識如何貧乏.佢咁講只係想挑起美國人的反華情緒,繼而杯葛中國貨.
draghixa 2008-5-18 02:28
牛奶蛇 2008-5-18 03:50
"扮聾","扮盲"一直都是中國人的絕枝, 看看CCTV就知清楚.