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KMY89 2008-9-26 18:09

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:03 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332762&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我就冇咁好心機去同 d 知識水平驚人嘅:shit: 植物人浪費時間
日本 " 雪印 " 呢個牌子以前喺日本係一哥
比起甚麼雀巢, 牛奶公司在香港地位過之無不及
2000年佢地 揩一鑊
2002再一鑊 ... [/quote]

[color=indigo]代答:人地衰要衰過佢 ...[/color]
[color=indigo]代覆:樹大有枯枝,無良商人無良官唔係淨係大陸有 ... [/color]

Rubber 2008-9-26 18:17

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 17:20 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332518&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
都唔係冇前科咯... 甲烷毒酒,大頭BB奶粉 ... 你會給貴子弟飲三鹿奶粉嗎?Kmy就不會了 :nono: 。 [/quote]

Can you really escape.  Nestle and Lotto using China Ingredients.

Rubber 2008-9-26 18:23

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 17:53 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332722&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

有些奴隸見到主子便搖頭擺尾 ....  ;P

難怪有些人被領導X了幾次都唔敢出聲,最多露點賴死 ... :moon:

做領導真好。 [/quote]

So simple.. sometimes naive...  :o :wondering:

飛毛腿 2008-9-26 18:23

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:09 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332786&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

代答:人地衰要衰過佢 ...

代覆:樹大有枯枝,無良商人無良官唔係淨係大陸有 ...  [/quote]

答代答 :
去討伐喪心病狂無良奸商就要一視同仁, 鞭撻所有人間不義之事
唔係只做門口狗向屋內吠, 只識吠自己屋內人
咁樣大細超, 雙重標準就預咗俾人揭穿假面具  :saujai:

覆代覆 :
無良奸商無良官世上通處有, 大陸特別多......
香港 :shit:人提

Rubber 2008-9-26 18:26

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:03 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332762&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
我就冇咁好心機去同 d 知識水平驚人嘅:shit: 植物人浪費時間
日本 " 雪印 " 呢個牌子以前喺日本係一哥
比起甚麼雀巢, 牛奶公司在香港地位過之無不及
2000年佢地 揩一鑊
2002再一鑊 ... [/quote]

If that really affects the health of Hongkongese....

By the way.. isn't  " no interfering in other countries affair " an adopted policy of PRC ?

KMY89 2008-9-26 18:26

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:23 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332835&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

So simple.. sometimes naive...  :o :wondering: [/quote]

[color=indigo]請 Rubber 先生分析 " Chinglish" 有沒有 辱華成份?:bow: [/color]

Rubber 2008-9-26 18:28

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:23 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332837&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

答代答 :
去討伐喪心病狂無良奸商就要一視同仁, 鞭撻所有人間不義之事
唔係只做門口狗向屋內吠, 只識吠自己屋內人
咁樣大細超, 雙重標準就預咗俾人揭穿假面具  ... [/quote]

Please Note :  Can you trust that social system will right itself ?   If yes, that answered most of your questions.

KMY89 2008-9-26 18:35

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:23 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332837&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

答代答 :
去討伐喪心病狂無良奸商就要一視同仁, 鞭撻所有人間不義之事
唔係只做門口狗向屋內吠, 只識吠自己屋內人
咁樣大細超, 雙重標準就預咗俾人揭穿假面具  ... [/quote]

[color=indigo]+-x%$&*,乜都拆穿晒 .... ban 我啦 ... 我要人身攻擊啦 ... :applause: [/color]
[color=indigo]腿哥,毛姨姨 ... 我賴尿啦 ...  ;P [/color]

Rubber 2008-9-26 18:38

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:26 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332845&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

請 Rubber 先生分析 " Chinglish" 有沒有 辱華成份?:bow:  [/quote]

I am no language teacher.
I can't find authoritative reference to this word.
So in my humble opinion, I think " yes "  because this word carries the degenerative meaning
1/  Something wrong. ( meaning the phrase not used by native English speaker )
2/  Something need to correct (e.g.  remove all "Chinglish" sign during the Olympic games in Beijing )
3/  Something you ridicule others with.

KMY89 2008-9-26 18:45

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:38 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332913&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

I am no language teacher.
I can't find authoritative reference to this word.
So in my humble opinion, I think " yes "  because this word carries the degenerative meaning
1/  Something wrong. ( ... [/quote]

[color=indigo]Thank you. :bow: [/color]
[color=#4b0082]那你認為 Chinglish 與 "Ching" (清)有關嗎?[/color]

Rubber 2008-9-27 10:09

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:45 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332953&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Thank you. :bow:

那你認為 Chinglish 與 "Ching" (清)有關嗎? [/quote]

"Ching" according to the Random House Unabridged Dictionary 2006,  could mean "Ta Ch'ing" or "Qing", which is the last dynasty of China.

Chinglish means " CHINese enGLISH", so it is related to CHINESE,
When inspecting CHINESE, the term "Chinaware" and "China", were known to the western world through Persia, when they trade procelain ware.
"China" was not derived from "Qing", but from "Qin" the name of the dynasty and the first emperor of the united China.
So in this strict sense, Chinglish is not related to "Qing" or "Ching" dynasty.

But if a foreigner call a Chinese by "Chink", "Qing" or "Ching", that is similar to call an African "Nigger", which is intended to cause great offense.

[[i] 本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2008-9-27 10:10 編輯 [/i]]

KMY89 2008-9-27 10:19

[color=red][b]So in this strict sense, Chinglish is not related to "Qing" or "Ching" dynasty.[/b][/color]
[color=red][color=indigo]Thank you, Rubber. :bow: [/color]


飛毛腿 2008-9-27 13:32

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:28 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332854&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Please Note :  Can you trust that social system will right itself ?   If yes, that answered most of your questions. [/quote]

唔通佢地會為香港一堆恐共植物人日吠夜吠而去改變 ?
佢地冥頑不靈的話, 根本就唔會為區區一小堆恐共植物人而改變任何政策
而佢地知錯能改的話, 亦只因為要面對大陸十三億人
對班港產:shit:恐共植物人,  they don't give a :shit:

FXO 2008-9-27 21:46

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 18:35 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332899&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]


+-x%$&*,乜都拆穿晒 .... ban 我啦 ... 我要人身攻擊啦 ... :applause:


腿哥,毛姨姨 ... 我賴尿啦 ...  ;P  [/quote]

真好笑,  人地話"[color=red]ban 我啦 ... 我要人身攻擊啦 ... " [/color][color=black]就係人身攻擊;P [/color]
如果"[color=red]真好笑, 自己有事就問點解唔話人, 中國真係有救了 :shit:

好涼薄呀, 但願kmy有家人開過金寶湯, 亦有親人長期食三鹿[/color] " 呢幾句話都叫人身攻擊既, 睇怕呢版無邊幾個可以留低.

人云亦云, kmy可叫一絶了. :lol


FXO 2008-9-27 21:50

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-26 17:20 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5332518&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
都唔係冇前科咯... 甲烷毒酒,大頭BB奶粉 ... 你會給貴子弟飲三鹿奶粉嗎?Kmy就不會了 :nono: 。 [/quote]

貴子弟就梗係唔使食三鹿啦, 但

[color=#4b0082]全世界有12億勞工日薪不足 US$2,很多人活在赤貧線下 :'( 。

我相信呢D 奶送去某些第三世界國家一瞬間會被搶完飲完,就算他們明明知道有問題有毒害。[/color]

KMY89 2008-9-28 11:36

[quote]原帖由 [i]FXO[/i] 於 2008-9-27 21:46 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5339137&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

真好笑,  人地話"ban 我啦 ... 我要人身攻擊啦 ... " 就係人身攻擊;P

如果"真好笑, 自己有事就問點解唔話人, 中國真係有救了 :shit:

好涼薄呀, 但願kmy有家人開過金寶湯, 亦有親人長期食三鹿 " 呢幾句話 ... [/quote]

[color=indigo]FXO 無需佔座,"粗"人未必係你 Win 梗,夠quali 嗎? ;P [/color]

KMY89 2008-9-28 11:41

[quote]原帖由 [i]FXO[/i] 於 2008-9-27 21:50 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5339147&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

貴子弟就梗係唔使食三鹿啦, 但

全世界有12億勞工日薪不足 US$2,很多人活在赤貧線下 :'( 。

我相信呢D 奶送去某些第三世界國家一瞬間會被搶完飲完,就算他們明明知道有問題有毒害。 [/quote]

[color=indigo]不同的是第三世界國家由於糧食不足,嬰兒無法哺乳。:'( [/color]

FXO 2008-9-28 12:18

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-28 11:36 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5342007&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

FXO 無需佔座,"粗"人未必係你 Win 梗,夠quali 嗎? ;P  [/quote]

無野講, 鬥貼圖:wondering:


:nono: :shit: :saujai: :soldier: :boxing:

FXO 2008-9-28 12:21

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-28 11:41 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5342015&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]


睇下果的已發展國家, 發展中國家肯唔肯幫人啫. 俾毒奶粉救濟人, 講出都無理 :nono:

KMY89 2008-9-28 13:26

[quote]原帖由 [i]FXO[/i] 於 2008-9-28 12:21 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5342180&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

睇下果的已發展國家, 發展中國家肯唔肯幫人啫. 俾毒奶粉救濟人, 講出都無理 :nono: [/quote]

[color=indigo]Kmy 睇過節目 60 Min+,內容說西方國家是越援助某些國家越窮。[/color]

kcpw0n 2008-9-28 14:00


[[i] 本帖最後由 kcpw0n 於 2008-9-28 17:37 編輯 [/i]]

飛毛腿 2008-9-28 17:23

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-28 13:26 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5342363&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Kmy 睇過節目 60 Min+,內容說西方國家是越援助某些國家越窮。 [/quote]

唔通派救濟金可以派到一個人發達 ?

kykyky121212 2008-9-28 18:05


FXO 2008-9-29 07:03

[quote]原帖由 [i]KMY89[/i] 於 2008-9-28 13:26 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5342363&ptid=215849][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Kmy 睇過節目 60 Min+,內容說西方國家是越援助某些國家越窮。 [/quote]

所以kmy提出 "[color=red]全世界有12億勞工日薪不足 US$2,很多人活在赤貧線下 :'( 。

我相信呢D 奶送去某些第三世界國家一瞬間會被搶完飲完,就算他們明明知道有問題有毒害。"[/color]
[color=#4b0082]無論點睇都係大錯特錯. :lol [/color]
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