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查看完整版本: 訂最低工資 時薪33至35元

kcpw0n 2008-10-13 16:54

就如舊電話公司轉電盈之一次翻版.:verygood: :verygood: :verygood:

工棍真好0野,手段又成功啦!!!!:applause: :applause: :applause:

Rubber 2008-10-13 17:51

[quote]原帖由 [i]kcpw0n[/i] 於 2008-10-13 16:54 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5425716&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
工棍以最低工資借口為商家來一次大清洗行 ... [/quote]

I have to inform you that your beloved commies in PRC also practice min wage policy... :lol

moxfactor 2008-10-13 18:18

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-12 11:09 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5419232&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Some reports about the effect of minimum wage ordinance :
In UK and USA, the findings have been
1/  There has " no measurable adverse effect on employment or inflation."
2/  No obvious incentive fo ... [/quote]

in that case, is there equal "positive" effect on employment or inflation?  i see this as merely a play on words, propaganda if you will.  pay raise for minimum wagers will only promote the deterioration of incentive to work harder, and not the other way around.  as someone else have mentioned, minimum wage should be related to the amount of social benefits and welfare of the community we live in(aka HK), however, HK workers and business owners' ethics are vastly different than North America or even the UK, and we cannot use the same standards as they do.  It's difficult to determine what should or should not be done in Hong Kong to improve living standards for minimum wagers, but some people here blindly expecting minimum wages to raise because other countries do is merely selfish thinking, and no different than the bosses they work for.  If someone spends as much time whining here as they do working, perhaps they won't be a part of the minimum wager's group.  It's too bad there are so many biased viewpoints from the likes of Ho Ting, who can't accept any other's viewpoints but his own.

Rubber 2008-10-13 19:17

[quote]原帖由 [i]moxfactor[/i] 於 2008-10-13 18:18 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5426134&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

in that case, is there equal "positive" effect on employment or inflation?  i see this as merely a play on words, propaganda if you will.  pay raise for minimum wagers will only promote the deteri ... [/quote]

That is not mutually exclusive, increases in wages does not necessarily means lowering the profit.
The report findings included that there are more revenue generated in the premises by the more loyal and happy workers.
A more positive approach is one seeking for reduction in rent and other costs to offset the increase in wages.

peninsula 2008-10-13 21:14

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-13 17:51 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5426031&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I have to inform you that your beloved commies in PRC also practice min wage policy... :lol [/quote]
So now people are better off!:loveliness:

peninsula 2008-10-13 21:15

[quote]原帖由 [i]moxfactor[/i] 於 2008-10-13 18:18 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5426134&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
in that case, is there equal "positive" effect on employment or inflation?  i see this as merely a play on words, propaganda if you will.  pay raise for minimum wagers will only promote the deteri ... [/quote]
Yes, happy and more productive.:lol

public59 2008-10-14 21:08

[quote]原帖由 [i]devilsadvocate[/i] 於 2008-10-12 21:49 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5421832&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
一個無經驗鴾冗Е朵~生做文員 ... [/quote]

It means wages system are forced to reform.

public59 2008-10-14 21:18

[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2008-10-13 21:15 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5426914&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Yes, happy and more productive.:lol [/quote]

But loyalty and happiness are not easy to measure.
It seems they are luxury to many owners of SME

peninsula 2008-10-14 21:20

[quote]原帖由 [i]public59[/i] 於 2008-10-14 21:18 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5431542&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
But loyalty and happiness are not easy to measure.
It seems they are luxury to many owners of SME [/quote]
Yes, very subjective indeed.:jaw::oh:

Rainybreeze 2008-10-14 23:01

[quote]原帖由 [i]moxfactor[/i] 於 2008-10-13 18:18 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5426134&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

in that case, is there equal "positive" effect on employment or inflation?  i see this as merely a play on words, propaganda if you will.  pay raise for minimum wagers will only promote the deteri ... [/quote]

Mox, I am sure you're well aware of the fact that almost all nations across the globe place economy as their top priorities.  

Economic used to be simpler, how we compete for limited resources, supply, demand, markets. It's an competition game.  The thing with this game is that the winner will do pretty well, but the weak, unwanted, will get eliminated.  They have a system for this game; it's called "Free Market". Do you still carry a cassette walker around? Well, it's pretty close to be eliminated.  Likewise for the cassette industry, and the work force that specialize in it.

We are never borne equal; some are always faster, smarter, work harder, mouth with a silver spoon.  Again, they will do well.  But for the folks at the other end, this competition game, this system of free market, how this economy works just doesn't add up.  It's beyond right or wrong, it's about the nations' stability and viability.  Governments have the power to redistribute wealth, to balance out the equation of this game.  And there will be trade off, consequences.  Thus, how are we going to do this?

Mandatory minimum wages is neither entirely good nor bad.  It's a mean, a tool, a measure.  And there is time we would need to use this tool.  We all build our nations based on competition, and we will be distorting the system to a different model as the government step in.  That's why, hopefully, someone who knows what he/she is talking about could answer for Hong Kong.

無神論狂徒 2008-10-16 11:44



Rainybreeze 2008-10-16 16:28

[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2008-10-13 21:14 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5426909&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

So now people are better off!:loveliness: [/quote]


在國際金融海嘯的巨浪衝擊下,有「世界工廠」之稱的中國亦遭重創。美聯社、美國有線新聞網絡(CNN )報道,金融海嘯令歐美等國對玩具、日常用品的需求量勁減,外國廠商紛「撻訂」,中國各廠房損失慘重,國內進出口受衝擊,中國將引發工廠倒閉潮。國家發改委早前已透露,今年上半年內地已有近七萬家中小企業倒閉,逾二千萬人被解僱,中小企業面臨前所未有的困難。
廣交會揭幕成交料減30 %
在廣州生產擴音器的美國商人理查森(Richardson )表示,過去兩星期,美國的定單已減少逾半,其十二名客戶中,有九人取消來穗與其洽談生意。中國商務部發言人姚申洪亦承認,中國加工貿易出口形勢嚴峻,全球經濟下行風險對中國對外貿易影響正不斷顯現。

Orinetal News, A35

其實睇下d數據, 跟本響金融爆褒前, d中小企業已經出咗事.

一般物料升幅為30%, "執行"基本最低工資, (深圳二線為例), 由往年12月$600, 加到1月750. 今年七月去到$900, 跟據勞動局, 以後每年仲要定年加15%.  叫d中小企業點頂?

d公司出事, 對工人, 對社會係咪好事?  工人也好, 老細也好, 無左競爭力, 就要比市場搞掂.  現實就係咁既一回事, 做野要睇大時大勢, 然後諗清諗楚.  先出手.  

希望 now people are better off.

peninsula 2008-10-16 21:11

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rainybreeze[/i] 於 2008-10-16 16:28 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5439740&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

七萬廠家倒閉2000萬人被炒  ... [/quote]
That's not to do with wage policies.:dizzy::$

毛球 2008-10-16 22:10

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rainybreeze[/i] 於 2008-10-16 04:28 PM 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5439740&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]


在國際金融海嘯的巨浪衝擊下,有「世界工廠」之稱的中國亦遭重創。美聯社、美國有線新聞網絡(CNN )報道,金融海嘯令歐美等國對玩具、日常用品的需求量勁減,外國廠商紛「撻訂」 ... [/quote]
仲有好多工廠依家唔加得班, 週日, 假期全部放足有多冇少, 產量下降, 交貨期廷長, 成本難以負擔, 最終企業又是捱不住.

DIY555 2008-10-17 01:44

都好既  香港有d老闆好喜歡刻薄員工

[[i] 本帖最後由 DIY555 於 2008-10-17 01:45 編輯 [/i]]

moxfactor 2008-10-17 18:04

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rainybreeze[/i] 於 2008-10-14 23:01 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5431987&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Mandatory minimum wages is neither entirely good nor bad.  It's a mean,a tool, a measure.  And there is time we would need to use thistool.  We all build our nations based on competition, and we will bedistorting the system to a different model as the government stepin.  That's why, hopefully, someone who knows what he/she is talkingabout could answer for Hong Kong. [/quote]

i disagree.  mandatory minimum wages in HK i don't believe will be a good thing.  it might work elsewhere, but unless with other steps involved, including social benefits and more income tax.  so many others on this post only see higher income = better productivity leading to better general economy.  sorry, but that's not so simple, and especially not in Hong Kong where everything is as you say, competitive.  minimum wage will only force companies to cut down employees with less future on a guess.  it will make other employees less efficient because there is less incentive to work harder, because mandatory minimum wage is only for the bottom of the barrel.  it will also force many older and handicapped people into early retirement because companies will refuse to hire them because hiring someone younger will be the same price.  we're talking older as in 45 being replaced by a 25 yr old.  not even getting to the 60+.  unless the social groundwork is rebuilt to fit more western civilization work ethics, including social education, there is no way this will work for the better in Hong Kong.  if this passes, it will cause chaos in the overall workforce in Hong Kong.  i don't believe it will never work in Hong Kong, just that now is too early because there's no foundation for this.  so unless the ulterior motive is to drive away all the mainlander immigrants and force older people to live off social welfare, there is no justification to the overall economics of Hong Kong to establish a mandatory minimum wage.

飛毛腿 2008-10-17 18:38

回復 67# 的帖子

變成純粹 " 政治問題 "
無論煲呔定邊個做特首都頂唔住/ 無謂去頂班九流:shit: 政客
自作孽, 不可活   :nono:

kcpw0n 2008-10-17 19:10


public59 2008-10-17 22:06

[quote]原帖由 [i]peninsula[/i] 於 2008-10-16 21:11 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5440744&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

That's not to do with wage policies.:dizzy::$ [/quote]

But it is not the right time to set the min wage policies.
It is the time how to tackle the downturn economy for both employer and employee.

kcpw0n 2008-10-18 00:25

信者得救,實行打救你;P ;P ;P

bobbystar2100 2008-10-18 02:03



毛球 2008-10-18 02:15

[quote]原帖由 [i]kcpw0n[/i] 於 2008-10-17 07:10 PM 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5446287&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
準備食西北風啦!!!! [/quote]
[img]http://hk.l.yimg.com/hk.yimg.com/i/nws/partner/mp.gif[/img] (明報)10月17日 星期五 23:25


毛球 2008-10-18 04:04

[quote]原帖由 [i]bobbystar2100[/i] 於 2008-10-18 02:03 AM 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5449207&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
宜家個問題係出於勞工界果班人只係一味從勞工、基層既角度去睇,根本忽略左社會整體既利益,等如「生果金」打算加一千蚊要兩次資產審查一樣,使社會更加分化。請記住,身為立法會議員唔係只顧短視,更加需要既,就係 ... [/quote]
直選議員為選票出賣香港社會整體利益, 一面倒只為基層發聲, 中產變成社會上只有貢獻卻是最無助的一群, 所謂"民主"社會的選舉制度存在如此漏洞及矛盾, 不禁懷念港英政府時代, 政府決策之果斷, 不如今日每天受政棍們別有居心的指控變得軟弱無力舉步維艱. 民選議員原意之一是代市民起監察政府之效, 但如果監察偏向某階層利益而忽略整體發展及長遠考慮, 以至以反政府(為反而反)為主流, 只會損害香港潛在的前景, 到頭來一起捱窮.

kcpw0n 2008-10-18 12:54


[[i] 本帖最後由 kcpw0n 於 2008-10-18 16:36 編輯 [/i]]

kcpw0n 2008-10-19 19:29



kcpw0n 2008-10-20 11:35



法國經驗 青年失業高企



[[i] 本帖最後由 kcpw0n 於 2008-10-20 11:37 編輯 [/i]]

Rubber 2008-10-20 12:07

[quote]原帖由 [i]毛球[/i] 於 2008-10-18 02:15 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5449272&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

[img]http://hk.l.yimg.com/hk.yimg.com/i/nws/partner/mp.gif[/img] (明報)10月17日 星期五 23:25

繼連鎖集團U-Right上周被清盤後,有62年歷史的泰林無線電行在金融海嘯下今日全線結業,影響260名員工 ... [/quote]

I seriously doubt if anyone employed by Tai Lum was being paid the minimum wage.
Min wage is a two blade sword, if there are less employment or less establishment, rent will eventually trickles downwards ( painful process ) to a point where new business can start again.
If competitiveness is build solely by suppressing one side ( wages of the less fortunate )  and not the broader side ( land use, rent ), sooner or later, something bad will happen.
Intervene is sometimes a necessary evil.

[[i] 本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2008-10-20 13:37 編輯 [/i]]

毛球 2008-10-20 19:12

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-20 12:07 PM 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5461937&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

I seriously doubt if anyone employed by Tai Lum was being paid the minimum wage.
Min wage is a two blade sword, if there are less employment or less establishment, rent will eventually trickles d ... [/quote]
泰林同最低工資當然冇關係, 佢只係經濟不景氣加管理不善的頭一批犧牲者.

香港一向最成功同寶貴既係經濟自由, 租金及薪酬水平主要由市場調節, 市場定律是靠供求平衡, 經濟不景租金及薪酬自然下調, 百業興旺租金及薪酬自然上升. 單以社會民生作考慮, 爭取最低工資表面上可解低技術勞工收入問題, 不過最怕幫唔到仲拖慢整個經濟發展, 班僱主要保持競爭力就要控制成本效益, 失業率同通脹必首當其衝, 低廉消費業務難再生存, 汰弱留強之下, 租金未下跌, 行業壟斷已加劇, 競爭力被削弱, 民生依然冇改善. 依家d吉舖其實隨處可見, 只係一d旺點特別搶手, 有錢都未必有, 到底係業主不到價寧可丟空定係乏人問津? 要地產價下跌經濟代價不菲, 既要干預, 何不索性限制物業價格, 何苦要壓迫中小企業? 呢個提議當然又引申其他問題, 所以唔可以就一個片面問題要求立法以為就可以解決, 痛苦過後係點唔可以一廂情願.

無神論狂徒 2008-10-20 19:43

In my book, it might be not the right time to activate this ordinance because of recent financial tsunami.  I believe this act would make the enterprise in low margin going belly up.  As a result, this act would intensify the devastating of recent financial turmoil, unemployment rate would soar.

理魯竇 2008-10-20 20:48

[quote]原帖由 [i]無神論狂徒[/i] 於 2008-10-20 19:43 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5463909&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
In my book, it might be not the right time to activate this ordinance because of recent financial tsunami.  I believe this act would make the enterprise in low margin going belly up.  As a result, thi ... [/quote]

你估 d 政棍們肯唔肯 ?


Rubber 2008-10-21 10:47

[quote]原帖由 [i]毛球[/i] 於 2008-10-20 19:12 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5463773&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

泰林同最低工資當然冇關係, 佢只係經濟不景氣加管理不善的頭一批犧牲者.

香港一向最成功同寶貴既係經濟自由, 租金及薪酬水平主要由市場調節, 市場定律是靠供求平衡, 經濟不景租金及薪酬自然下調, 百業興旺租金及 ... [/quote]

The high land price is a form of " pre-paid " TAX, in which every citizen have to paid it back eventually ( in rent which in turn as higher cost in dinner / goods ) to the land tycoons and govt.  No body can escape from this TAX.  I think HK Govt should try to lower the land cost.

There are always a significant amount of under-educated people in Hong Kong.
The govt should plan a way to absorb this work force and turn them into valuable assets.
Manufacturing is the way out to utilized this resources and create jobs.
It is very sad to see from 1997 onwards, the HKSAR govt did nothing to help small manufacturers in HONG KONG.

無神論狂徒 2008-10-21 11:03

Exactly right!  What we need right now is conscientious politician.  Noday, there is too many politicians aiming to make big bucks on their position, ripping apart  a big chunk from us - tax payer.  I dislike such politicians who treated the people's livelihood as a means to gain profit .
I understand applause is equal to survival in this "industry".  They cannot exist without public acknowledgement.  Nevetheless, some of them have lost the balance.

毛球 2008-10-21 12:32

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-21 10:47 AM 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5467486&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

The high land price is a form of " pre-paid " TAX, in which every citizen have to paid it back eventually ( in rent which in turn as higher cost in dinner / goods ) to the land tycoons and govt.   ... [/quote]
Apart from lowering the land cost, to avoid directly interfering the property market, Government can also introduce a kind of tax system which can draw the income from the property developer according to different rates to discourage the unhealthy market.  Tax collected then can be used for the benefits of the entire society, e.g. extra support to the SME and re-training of low-skill workers to upgrade their value.  It should not be solely the responsibility of the HKG Government if our Legco members have never given same kind of positive suggestion properly but just opposing the Government for everything.  Our Chief Executive Tung was blamed for the serious decline of the property market after he proposed the “85,000” scheme (which should be a way to help the poor), but in fact it’s just because of the coincidence of the financial crisis.  I think the Government was too weak to deal with these politicians after 1997 as whatever policy there will be the drawbacks and the politicians are just attacking with different arguments and it’s becoming the trend in HKG.

飛毛腿 2008-10-21 13:28

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-21 10:47 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5467486&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

The high land price is a form of " pre-paid " TAX, in which every citizen have to paid it back eventually ( in rent which in turn as higher cost in dinner / goods ) to the land tycoons and govt.   ... [/quote]

好心你啦, 又老調重彈
當時全港市民生活有幾幸福呀 ?
一星期以內隔日必有人跳樓, 燒炭
賤地價, 賤樓價就幸福 ?

地價樓價關佢地乜事呀 ?
點樣人人走唔甩要交變相 "" pre-paid  TAX" 法 ?

Rubber 2008-10-21 15:11

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-10-21 13:28 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5468032&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

好心你啦, 又老調重彈
當時全港市民生活有幾幸福呀 ?
一星期以內隔日必有人跳樓, 燒炭
賤地價, 賤樓價就幸福 ?  ... [/quote]

You never understands.
The cost of rent is always the fixed cost.
The cost pay for the land will finally be absorbed by ALL citizens.
So in a sense it is a TAX collected by land tycoons for the GOVT from the citizen (pre-paid).
It is a mis-concept that Hong Kong TAX rate is low in this sense.

飛毛腿 2008-10-21 17:29

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-21 15:11 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5468456&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

You never understands.
The cost of rent is always the fixed cost.
[color=Red]The cost pay for the land will finally be absorbed by ALL citizens.[/color]
... [/quote]

有人買入一單位自住也好, 出租也好
我真唔知個地價關你乜事 ? 又關天水圍阿乜太何事 ?
點樣會無厘頭轉嫁落你地身上  ?  :oh:

南丫島, 長洲地平租平啦
裡面士多雜貨舖賣一斤米幾錢 ? 一罐可樂又幾錢 ?
唔通平過港島區, 油尖區一半 ?

至尊豪庭9 2008-10-21 19:45

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Rubber 2008-10-21 19:56

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-10-21 17:29 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5468976&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

有人買入一單位自住也好, 出租也好
我真唔知個地價關你乜事 ? 又關天水圍阿乜太何事 ?
點樣會無厘頭轉嫁落你地身上  ?  :oh:h:" />

南丫島, 長洲地平租平啦
裡面士多雜貨舖賣一斤米幾 ... [/quote]

Of course I don't care about residential building.
I am focusing on land use that can create jobs.

In the TVB series about 1 year or half an year ago, documenting livelihood of elders in Hong Kong.
One episode is about people living in Kwun Tong.
There are shops in Kwun Tong that can manage to sell bread / buns at around $1 each, just because their rent is low.

FXO 2008-10-22 10:07

原來的商家佬咁好人, 唔將的租金計落成本度, :bow:  唔向消費者開刀收回, 一本萬利 :verygood:

飛毛腿 2008-10-22 13:38

[quote]原帖由 [i]FXO[/i] 於 2008-10-22 10:07 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5473392&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
原來的商家佬咁好人, 唔將的租金計落成本度, :bow:  唔向消費者開刀收回, 一本萬利 :verygood: [/quote]

7-11 要交租
再舉例 :
尖沙嘴甚麼瑞士錶行, 東方錶行...
果 d 舖租閒閒地廿萬卅萬一個月
大陸, 泰國, 馬來西亞...高級商業區舖租最多等如香港旺區五份一左右
去買一隻勞力士錶, 大陸, 泰國, 馬來西亞怕者平過香港三份一, 一半 ? :slap:
預你再死拗....大陸賣一隻麥當勞漢堡包幾錢 ? 香港又幾錢 ?

將的租金計落成本度喎 ;P
你有錢去開舖, 一個月內唔摺就係奇蹟  :moon:

飛毛腿 2008-10-22 13:52

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rubber[/i] 於 2008-10-21 19:56 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5469709&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Of course [color=Red]I don't care about residential building[/color].
I am[color=Red] focusing on land use that can create jobs[/color].

In the TVB series about 1 year or half an year ago, documenting livelihood of elders in Hong  ... [/quote]

特區政府每年賣地收入住宅用地佔總賣地收入幾多你知唔知 ?
官塘中心地帶, 物華街, 裕民坊....等
除咗極少數新建商場中心如 APM 廣場之類
就算你去彌敦道, 銅鑼灣怡和街一帶都係
幾十年前舊樓有咩高地價 ? 政府有咩理由同能力去控制私人地舖租金水平 ?
你老兄對香港房產商舖一無所知, 對營商亦連皮毛都不曉
以為賤地價就人人可以安居樂業 ? :shit:

FXO 2008-10-22 15:53

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-10-22 13:38 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5474314&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

7-11 要交租
再舉例 :
尖沙嘴甚麼瑞士錶行, 東方錶行...
果 d 舖租閒閒地廿萬卅萬一個月
大陸, 泰國, 馬來西亞 ... [/quote]

做生意的租金唔計落成本度, 我都係第一次聽. :verygood:

原來7-11淨係賣報紙. ;P  

又賣勞又MAC記, 原來你做生意咁單純, 淨係識睇一樣野:bow:

[[i] 本帖最後由 FXO 於 2008-10-22 15:57 編輯 [/i]]

kcpw0n 2008-10-22 16:11

呢陣時要訂最低工資 時薪33至35元,
攤抖吓啦!!!!;P ;P ;P

Rainybreeze 2008-10-22 17:27

[quote]原帖由 [i]飛毛腿[/i] 於 2008-10-22 13:52 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5474389&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
... ...
幾十年前舊樓有咩高地價 ? 政府有咩理由同能力去控制私人地舖租金水平 ?
... ...
以為賤地價就人人可以安居樂業 ?
首先, 價格釐定係供求. 但係大前提係個市. 政府要做既係點樣作出"財富資源分配政策以平衡競爭同社會協調". "控制市場"只可能係其中一個手段.

個市好, 大家搵到錢有能力既時候, 樓市需求價格升. 開心到不得了.
ok, 個市唔好又點, 對於一d失業, 低收入, 少積蓄, 剛踏出社會既人, 如果仲要比高樓價既租金, 係百上加斤.

政府有理由同能力 "作出財富資源分配政策" 去降低生活成本.  個政策叫 "公共屋邨", 而公屋商舖租金比較便宜, 所以商品價格有"下調空間", 但係價格始終同"市場"決定.

"公共屋邨"係香港社會既資產, 對於買賣公屋我係好有保留.

老董的政策係想短期內控制市場, 降低樓價以降低整體社會生活成本, 提高整體社會競爭力.  

問題係老董無睇清楚個大勢, 無諗清楚事件因由後果. 就去干預市場. 難聽一句, 佢唔知佢自己做緊咩.

個市唔好, 抄家離塲, 用家托市, 高供款已經辛苦, 一生積蓄化為烏有. 唔好話8萬5係為商家, 係咪好心我唔知, 不過結果就係壞事.

依家最低工資就係"控制市場".  要做唔係問題. 但係, 唔該, 尊貴既議員, 做野要睇大時大勢, 然後諗清諗楚.  先出手.

飛毛腿 2008-10-22 17:42

回復 95# 的帖子

timway 政版呢度第一個狂插老董八萬五, 賤賣土地政策, 不能知所謂....
不過有 d 共產大鑊飯主義者偏偏就相信老董九噏咩提高香港競爭力
我無數次反駁呢 d 腦殘低 b 論點 - 地平樓平會提高競爭力
照咁講, 老撾, 柬埔寨競爭力高過日本十倍 !

>>>尊貴既議員, 做野要睇大時大勢
有部份係腦殘兼鼠目寸光, 根本唔知咩叫大時大勢
有部份係詐傻扮懵, 借頭借路趁香港病就攞佢命
例如 2002年人心最虛弱, 最冇信心時
劉穢卿, 吳靄儀呢亭港奸就大鑼大鼓話要港幣脫聯繫匯率

Rainybreeze 2008-10-22 18:02

咁樣講, 8萬5真係天真到不得了.

不過, 如果在所有其他狀況不變之下. (跟本無可能) 經濟學上, 降低樓價係會提高整體社會競爭力.  

有機會了解下老撾, 呢十年變化好大, 發展潛力好高.

至尊豪庭9 2008-10-23 22:07

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飛毛腿 2008-10-24 13:47

[quote]原帖由 [i]至尊豪庭9[/i] 於 2008-10-23 22:07 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5481955&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

on9,用返你理論,埃塞俄比亞人工平英,美,日何止十倍,佢地應該競爭力高英,美,日十倍啦,更加唔會有你地所講有最低工資就會增加失業,失業率一定低過英,美,日,一個饅頭就請到人啦,應該一早取代英,美,日成為世界金融中心 ... [/quote]

死開啦  :slap:

xocatII 2008-10-30 16:37

[quote]原帖由 [i]至尊豪庭9[/i] 於 2008-10-23 22:07 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5481955&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

on9,用返你理論,埃塞俄比亞人工平英,美,日何止十倍,佢地應該競爭力高英,美,日十倍啦,更加唔會有你地所講有最低工資就會增加失業,失業率一定低過英,美,日,一個饅頭就請到人啦,應該一早取代英,美,日成為世界金融中心 ... [/quote]

Please mind your words here.

一支柒 2008-10-30 17:21

[quote]原帖由 [i]xocatII[/i] 於 2008-10-30 16:37 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5514126&ptid=219320][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Please mind your words here. [/quote]
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