0000000 2010-10-22 20:31
22/10/2010 新聞最前線
housing 2010-10-23 00:04
thanks for sharing i love it
highestcake 2010-10-24 00:36
Thanks. She is very fit.
zoeyuen 2010-10-24 00:37
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lwp2000 2010-10-25 00:35
才貌雙全, 不愧為首席主播! :applause:
mr2turbohk 2010-10-25 20:17
Very good! Thank you for sharing!
gchan1221 2010-10-26 01:07
any cap today?
highestcake 2010-10-29 23:16
希望000000兄有Jolly 近日的圖貼上,謝謝!感激不盡!
0000000 2010-10-30 21:47
24/10/2010 新聞最前線
0000000 2010-10-30 22:15
25/10/2010 新聞最前線
0000000 2010-10-30 23:32
27/10/2010 新聞最前線
mr2turbohk 2010-10-30 23:46
Very good. Thank you.:clap:
puikwong 2010-10-31 00:53
回復 1192# 的帖子
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0000000 2010-10-31 09:11
28/10/2010 國際最前線
0000000 2010-10-31 09:48
29/10/2010 新聞最前線
highestcake 2010-10-31 10:48
gchan1221 2010-10-31 13:09
solar3210 2010-11-1 00:38
She is going to create HK news reporting history........... the oldest and longest serving female anchor........ Cablenews doesn't improve look at the background music and the background they haven't been upgraded for 15 years
0000000 2010-11-1 00:41
31/10/2010 新聞最前線
highestcake 2010-11-1 02:21
Thank you! Jolly is elegant tonight!
0000000 2010-11-1 20:10
1/11/2010 新聞最前線
sansui 2010-11-1 20:20
:loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: 深黑色,,,,:verygood: :verygood: :verygood: ol呀
mr2turbohk 2010-11-1 20:21
Thank you for sharing! :verygood:
gchan1221 2010-11-1 20:57
top fit:clap:
eric1250 2010-11-1 23:38
:clap: :clap: :clap:
highestcake 2010-11-2 02:03
Very fit! Thanks!
0000000 2010-11-3 20:33
3/11/2010 新聞最前線
sansui 2010-11-3 23:25
:loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: 連身裙好靚呀,,,,,ol呀深黑色好靚呀,,,,,,謝謝....靚呀:verygood: :verygood: :verygood:
mr2turbohk 2010-11-3 23:27
Very good!! :clap:
lwp2000 2010-11-4 01:19
The hair style suits Jolly beautifully! :verygood:
overpowering 2010-11-4 01:41
;P compare with Anny, she is so fit..anny becomes very fat now...hahaha
0000000 2010-11-4 20:07
4/11/2010 新聞最前線
highestcake 2010-11-5 00:37
Very elegant. Thank you.
ALEX_YSL 2010-11-5 00:52
0000000 2010-11-5 19:57
5/11/2010 新聞最前線
gchan1221 2010-11-5 23:26
very nice, elegant:verygood:
highestcake 2010-11-6 00:54
Very elegant. Thank you.
0000000 2010-11-7 19:57
7/11/2010 新聞最前線
0000000 2010-11-8 20:41
8/11/2010 新聞最前線
housing 2010-11-8 21:09
thanks for sharing i love it:loveliness:
mr2turbohk 2010-11-9 23:04
Thank you!! :loveliness:
highestcake 2010-11-10 00:46
Thank you! Jolly is elegant!
eric1250 2010-11-11 12:31
:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:
0000000 2010-11-11 20:30
11/11/2010 新聞最前線
mr2turbohk 2010-11-11 21:05
She is very good today! :clap:
rayao 2010-11-12 17:29
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highestcake 2010-11-13 00:06
叫庵老姒 2010-11-13 20:20
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0000000 2010-11-15 19:59
15/11/2010 新聞最前線
housing 2010-11-15 21:14
thank you very much i love it:loveliness: