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查看完整版本: 有線新聞首席女主播 - 王巧

caib82413 2011-3-7 09:31

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rayao 2011-3-9 09:34

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0000000 2011-3-14 00:03

13/3/2011 新聞最前線

highestcake 2011-3-14 00:41

Thank you so much, brother 0! Jolly looks good.

gchan1221 2011-3-14 22:56

but becomes fatter;P

kyo7532 2011-3-17 18:45

thank you your share~~~~~~~~

housing 2011-3-17 20:40

very good pic thanks for sharing:loveliness:

0000000 2011-3-20 22:29

20/3/2011 新聞最前線

highestcake 2011-3-21 00:22

Thank you so much. Jolly looks set to be a mother soon.

mclaren_418 2011-3-21 00:48


gchan1221 2011-3-21 01:11

she is good, wish her all the best:verygood:

kyo7532 2011-4-7 13:17

thank you your share~~~~~~~~~~

solar3210 2011-4-7 15:42

She  gained a lot of weight.... So round

highestcake 2011-4-10 01:51

I think Jolly is going to be a mother soon.

dormicum 2011-4-21 20:43

回復 1395# 的帖子

oh really???????????
she got pregnanted???????

ming.wan 2011-5-3 18:32

Jolly add oil:verygood:

hny 2011-5-4 10:23


housing 2011-5-4 19:21

good pic thx for sharing

hny 2011-5-24 09:39


solar3210 2011-5-24 12:22

I think she is pregnant.... Taking the last train.

puikwong 2011-9-12 22:48


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mr2turbohk 2011-9-13 01:04

Yes, I saw it too!!

mclaren_418 2011-9-13 09:39

long time no see, welcome back

Anti-air-gunner 2011-9-13 10:24

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jacksonhon 2011-9-13 18:28

[quote]原帖由 [i]Anti-air-gunner[/i] 於 2011-9-13 10:24 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15290186&ptid=509361][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
肥司奶,我來也!:lol  [/quote]冇記錯今日都有Jolly,一於將佢之前嘅圖合併啦!



tony1997 2011-9-13 21:05


jacksonhon 2011-9-13 22:47

[quote]原帖由 [i]Anti-air-gunner[/i] 於 2011-9-13 10:24 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15290186&ptid=509361][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
肥司奶,我來也!:lol  [/quote]典型嘅犀利人妻,可能好似張曉雯Venus咁,先前生過小朋友嚟。

ming.wan 2011-9-13 23:28


solar3210 2011-9-14 00:33

She is 40..... Pretty old for 1st time mom... Anyway congrat

元朗型男 2011-9-14 10:59

Congrulation! 王小姐始終是我心目中十多年內香港第一Anchor。

0000000 2011-9-14 20:40

14/9/2011 新聞最前線

kyo7532 2011-9-14 22:07

Thank you so much your share !!!

highestcake 2011-9-15 00:12

Thanks so much. She is as beautiful as always.

陳志雲 2011-9-15 00:29


0000000 2011-9-15 21:45

15/9/2011 新聞最前線

風也燒燒 2011-9-15 22:47



hymok168168 2011-9-16 00:23


overpowering 2011-9-16 00:30

[quote]原帖由 [i]風也燒燒[/i] 於 2011-9-15 22:47 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15311384&ptid=509361][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

繼cable2大腿后,而家又有有線三肥. [/quote]

btw, she be the Mom now? girl or boy?

gchan1221 2011-9-18 01:28

welcome back:verygood:

0000000 2011-9-18 20:01

18/9/2011 新聞最前線

0000000 2011-9-19 22:09

19/9/2011 新聞最前線

Anti-air-gunner 2011-9-19 22:13

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風也燒燒 2011-9-19 22:30


tomypig210 2011-9-19 22:38

snapshot20110919220655.jpg (76.72 KB)
2011-9-19 22:09   
呢張王巧似唔似浜崎里緒.......  哈哈;P ;P

dede2010 2011-9-20 00:52

[quote]原帖由 [i]Anti-air-gunner[/i] 於 2011-9-19 22:13 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15344676&ptid=509361][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
兩個奶樽賬卜卜,BB 開心到咀郁郁。:lol [/quote]

e道好多BB:loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes:

jacksonhon 2011-9-20 01:02

[quote]原帖由 [i]0000000[/i] 於 2011-9-19 22:09 發表 [url=http://forum.timway.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=15344635&ptid=509361][img]http://forum.timway.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
19/9/2011 新聞最前線 [/quote]點解Jolly嘅一身打扮咁似接待處小姐嘅?

Anti-air-gunner 2011-9-20 12:28

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風也燒燒 2011-9-20 21:38



0000000 2011-9-20 22:00

20/9/2011 新聞最前線

highestcake 2011-9-21 01:09

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查看完整版本: 有線新聞首席女主播 - 王巧