chankakam9568 2010-4-11 14:07
overpowering 2010-4-11 14:51
:lol be frank, she is so professional with Lovely gOOd ga!!:verygood: :verygood: :jump: :jump:
Mart3333 2010-4-11 23:14
11 April, 2010
overpowering 2010-4-12 03:37
:P looks thinner than b4 waw...still gOOd!!
過氣水手 2010-4-12 17:49
論美貌、論才華, 總覺得[b]劉[size=5][color=red]芷[/color][/size]欣[/b]比[b]劉[size=5][color=plum]銘[/color][/size]欣[/b]高一截!!!:victory: :victory: :victory:
[[i] 本帖最後由 過氣水手 於 2010-4-12 17:52 編輯 [/i]]
overpowering 2010-4-16 18:53
[quote]原帖由 [i]過氣水手[/i] 於 2010-4-12 17:49 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
論美貌、論才華, 總覺得劉芷欣比劉銘欣高一截!!!:victory: :victory: :victory: [/quote]
;P;P;P;P;P;P...yes...I agree!!Candy is so sweey and lovely!!!
過氣水手 2010-4-16 20:26
[quote]原帖由 [i]overpowering[/i] 於 2010-4-16 18:53 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
;P;P;P;P;P;P...yes...I agree!!Candy is so sweey and lovely!!! [/quote]
No, Mr. Overpowering. I mean Tiffani is more charming and more professional than Candy!!!:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness:
chankakam9568 2010-4-17 14:17
overpowering 2010-4-17 17:24
[quote]原帖由 [i]過氣水手[/i] 於 2010-4-16 20:26 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
No, Mr. Overpowering. I mean Tiffani is more charming and more professional than Candy!!!:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: [/quote]
OH....IC....then I disagree la..:hamsup:
overpowering 2010-5-12 17:23
any udate for her...?:P :P :P
Catpp 2010-5-13 14:08
overpowering 2010-5-13 14:58
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: YEAH..she is Great~!! :verygood: so Good
chankakam9568 2010-5-19 14:30
宜家佢主持緊,請幫忙cap cap:loveliness:
chankakam9568 2010-6-1 15:11
overpowering 2010-6-1 18:13
:loveliness: any special today?????
overpowering 2010-6-20 03:00
any update for her? She is so gorgeous & professional anchor^^8
Catpp 2010-8-31 19:28
劉銘欣 Continue....
[size=12pt][color=#000000]有料低調的人:byebye: [/color][/size]
陳志雲 2010-8-31 19:54
回復 1# 的帖子
去左收費台先冇咁多人睇姐:jump: :jump: :jump:
fredng 2010-9-4 15:48
combine repeated topics!:soldier:
housing 2010-9-4 17:11
very good i love it:loveliness:
overpowering 2010-9-25 14:59
:loveeyes: :loveeyes: love to see her again~~~
過氣水手 2010-9-25 15:44
very 謝妻良母 feel........:P :P :P
overpowering 2010-10-15 03:14
[quote]原帖由 [i]過氣水手[/i] 於 2010-9-25 15:44 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
very 謝妻良母 feel........:P :P :P [/quote]
well she is still young right?
Mart3333 2010-10-17 22:37
17 Oct, 2010
overpowering 2010-10-18 03:29
:verygood: :verygood: :verygood: super gOOd!!
hkkane 2010-10-18 17:54
陳志雲 2010-10-18 17:57
smgoodboy 2010-10-19 00:17
佢都係有料之人:soldier: :jump:
overpowering 2010-10-19 00:28
:clap: :clap: :clap: Yeah!!!! a professional anchor!!
hkkane 2010-10-19 18:29
overpowering 2010-10-20 03:21
雪豹pattern??? so YEAH waw...^^8
hkkane 2010-10-21 11:06
hkkane 2010-10-21 16:48
smgoodboy 2010-10-21 23:02
[quote]原帖由 [i]hkkane[/i] 於 2010-10-21 11:06 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
===2010-10-21=== [/quote]
11-03-59.jpg 至11-04-03.jpg後面果個咪係徐蕙儀
[[i] 本帖最後由 smgoodboy 於 2010-10-21 23:08 編輯 [/i]]
overpowering 2010-10-22 00:17
[quote]原帖由 [i]smgoodboy[/i] 於 2010-10-21 23:02 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
11-03-59.jpg 至11-04-03.jpg後面果個咪係徐蕙儀
有冇大大可以貼上唻分享吓:bow::handshake [/quote]
OH...yes..should be...why U guess?
hkkane 2010-10-22 11:05
overpowering 2010-10-22 13:49
Og just reviewed her section in page with now...her face is much thinner now ..others still keep
housing 2010-10-22 14:35
very good i love it:loveliness:
過氣水手 2010-10-23 16:37
回復 563# 的帖子
左手無名指戴 ring??? 嫁o左??? So sad.......:'( :'( :'(
Who is the lucky fellow???
[[i] 本帖最後由 過氣水手 於 2010-10-23 16:38 編輯 [/i]]
overpowering 2010-10-24 20:46
[quote]原帖由 [i]過氣水手[/i] 於 2010-10-23 16:37 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
左手無名指戴 ring??? 嫁o左??? So sad.......:'( :'( :'(
Who is the lucky fellow??? [/quote]
Really? lady sometimes carry their rings on different fingers....
housing 2010-10-24 23:02
thanks for sharing i love it
hkkane 2010-10-25 00:12
hkkane 2010-10-25 21:54
overpowering 2010-10-26 10:55
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: great to see her again!!
hkkane 2010-10-26 21:57
hkkane 2010-10-28 11:04
overpowering 2010-10-28 13:51
:loveliness: :loveliness: she looks much thinner than b4 busy liked.
housing 2010-10-28 20:35
good pic thx for sharing
hkkane 2010-10-29 11:04
overpowering 2010-10-29 11:05
:loveeyes: :loveeyes: OH....amazing!! the weather is cool now..and she is hot..