sniPe53412 2007-2-14 11:05
I¡¦ll get the job done¡T
albtkl2006 2007-2-14 12:10
[quote]ì©«¥Ñ [i]sniPe53412[/i] ©ó 2007-2-14 11:05 µoªí
¦p¬O¥¿¬O±ç®a³Ç¬Fºõ³Ì¤j°ÝÃD¡R¡¨Á¿±o¥X¡Q°µø¨ì¡§ªº¬Û¤Ï¡C [/quote]
kkwong7606 2007-2-14 13:33
«} «Y ¡A ¤µ ®É ¤µ ¤é Ãä Ó °÷ Áx Á¿ ¡§§Ú°µ±o¨ì¡¨:saujai::saujai::saujai:
D ¡§ ¬F ºõ¡¨ ¥Î ¨Ó Á¿ ¤§ ½X ¡A ÂI ·| °á ¨Ó °µ :fire::fire::fire:
Rubber 2007-2-14 13:49
Everybody can get the job done, simply do not promise anything concrete right at the start.
ken-man 2007-2-14 15:13
[quote]ì©«¥Ñ [i]sniPe53412[/i] ©ó 2007-2-14 11:05 µoªí
I¡¦ll get the job done¡T
jsmleung02 2007-2-14 16:14
[quote]ì©«¥Ñ [i]kkwong7606[/i] ©ó 2007-2-14 05:33 µoªí
«} «Y ¡A ¤µ ®É ¤µ ¤é Ãä Ó °÷ Áx Á¿ ¡§§Ú°µ±o¨ì¡¨:saujai::saujai::saujai:
D ¡§ ¬F ºõ¡¨ ¥Î ¨Ó Á¿ ¤§ ½X ¡A ÂI ·| °á ¨Ó °µ :fire::fire::fire: [/quote]
¥¿¦p¥¬®í¸Ü¦n§ÖºMx°Õ, Á¿¤§¹À, ®e©ö°Õ.
ngtungsee 2007-2-14 16:58
¤£¹L«Y¦ÑÁó³£·QÓ¥ë°O°µ¦n¥÷¤u.¦³ÃäӦѲÓÁé·N E¥ë°O§]ªwÝø°µ³¥.«Yø«Y?
¸¤ò»L 2007-2-14 17:50
¤@¥y¥y¤l쥻¸Ü¤jºµ¿ß¹¦Ëµ«¤S¹¦Ë¸ -
A panda eats shoots and leaves
¥[¤W¼ÐÂI²Å¸¹«áÅܦ¨¤jºµ¿ß¹ÅQ¤ýÀ\, ü«¤äºj¶}¨âºj¨«¤HøÚ¿ú -
A panda eats, shoots and leaves
ÞsÊy¨ä¹ê¸Ü : §Ú°µµw©O¥÷¤u !
I'll get the job !
Done !
eddie01 2007-2-15 01:42
so Donald should say: I'll get the "dirty" job done.
auriga00 2007-2-15 07:31
[quote]ì©«¥Ñ [i]¸¤ò»L[/i] ©ó 2007-2-14 17:50 µoªí
ÞsÊy¨ä¹ê¸Ü : §Ú°µµw©O¥÷¤u !
I'll get the job !
Done !