PLKLSP 2017-9-17 15:58
Pretty and lovely :loveliness:
PLKLSP 2017-9-17 16:00
penalty should be disappointed@星期日香港早晨
[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2017-9-17 16:01 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2017-9-17 16:08
Kat BB@無線新聞台新聞報道
[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2017-9-17 16:14 編輯 [/i]]
PLKLSP 2017-9-19 00:22
PLKLSP 2017-9-20 22:55
PLKLSP 2017-9-20 23:04
此為本帖第5555個回覆 :clap:
magshek 2017-9-20 23:47
Thank you...
又塞... 痴線... 引死人...
PLKLSP 2017-9-21 03:14
weather goddess@天氣報告
0000000 2017-9-21 07:10
21/9/2017 無綫財經新聞
magshek 2017-9-21 16:42
嘩... 咁都見到。
housing 2017-9-21 22:23
Thanks for sharing:loveliness:
Pantech 2017-9-22 02:30
*** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ***
0000000 2017-9-22 11:28
22/9/2017 睇新聞講英文 #159
PLKLSP 2017-9-23 00:57
Where will Kat BB go then? :Q:'(
heero 2017-9-24 08:14
0000000 2017-9-25 11:29
25/9/2017 睇新聞講英文 #160
busport 2017-9-25 13:11
今日報紙賣有可能用MAGGIE同 賴君蕊頂 <睇新聞講英文>個位喎
PLKLSP 2017-9-25 23:28
Kat BB呢? :Q:'(
0000000 2017-9-27 11:51
27/9/2017 睇新聞講英文 #161
englishist 2017-9-27 20:35
要珍惜最後時間, 無得再 J 喇... 嘉倩 BB 保重 :'(
00000wai 2017-9-27 21:08
:wave: :wave:
housing 2017-9-27 22:06
thanks for sharing
PLKLSP 2017-9-27 22:55
thanks for sharing
magshek 2017-9-28 00:53
以後唯有 J 舊片,好在佢呢幾年都提供鬫n多material...
(By the way, 佢真係... 好好 J。:loveliness:)
[[i] 本帖最後由 magshek 於 2017-9-28 00:54 編輯 [/i]]
0000000 2017-9-28 17:28
28/9/2017 新聞提要 (15:19)
0000000 2017-9-28 19:40
28/9/2017 天氣報告
housing 2017-9-28 21:07
thanks for sharing:loveliness:
PLKLSP 2017-9-28 22:44
回復 5576# 的帖子
她last day過後就無得sharing了
PLKLSP 2017-9-29 02:26
weather goddess@天氣報告
0000000 2017-9-29 14:56
29/9/2017 睇新聞講英文 #165
0000000 2017-9-29 15:24
29/9/2017 新聞提要 (15:19)
housing 2017-9-29 18:52
thanks for sharing:loveliness:
PLKLSP 2017-9-29 22:39
回復 5581# 的帖子
PLKLSP 2017-9-29 22:40
thanks for sharing
Pantech 2017-9-29 22:57
*** 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽 ***
0000000 2017-9-29 23:50
[align=left]29/9/2017 天氣報告[/align]
PLKLSP 2017-9-30 13:53
Kat BB's last day in CCTVB
PLKLSP 2017-9-30 13:56
Kat BB's last performance in CCTVB
hoyufung 2017-9-30 22:03
kellypow 2017-10-2 19:57
Thx for sharing!
fusekaz 2017-10-4 18:08
Nothing special
The newsroom doesn't need naive-looking joytoys like these
KT? TK'ed!!
陳志雲 2017-10-9 23:00
嘉倩都走埋:jump: :jump: TVB:wave: :wave:
magshek 2017-10-20 18:09
fusekaz 2017-10-20 18:50
[quote]原帖由 [i]magshek[/i] 於 2017-10-20 06:09 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
上咗MenClub,大家自己去睇吧。 [/quote]
Probable PR malfunction
So no more professional image anymore
Only joytoy here, joytoy there......
magshek 2017-10-20 23:56
回復 5593# 的帖子
I think if you don't fancy her, you should just ignore this thread.
No need to repeat the Joytoy opinion many times.
fusekaz 2017-10-21 07:25
[quote]原帖由 [i]magshek[/i] 於 2017-10-20 11:56 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
I think if you don't fancy her, you should just ignore this thread.
No need to repeat the Joytoy opinion many times. [/quote]
Not that I want to loathe her, it's just that I don't treat media personalities like idols or whatsoever
But it's a problem with the HK media and fandom scenario, when media personnel leave the TV scene for other endeavours they're being snapped/exploited by other parties (sponsors etc.) and in the end having these personnel's professionalism devalued (or even worse, rendered a commercial subject, KOL etc. etc.)
Meanwhile the joytoy comment was mainly based on how other parties portray her as a person long ago...
NOT her fault of course... but initial (and lasting) impressions DO matter
In short, no one really wants to get labelled in certain (human) category in the said media scenario (even though it's unavoidable), they're pretty much on equal ground regarding work objectives (even though their job rankings are different)
If however this gal still wants to maintain a cute image towards the outside world, it's totally fine and she'd better do that before it's too late, as she's not young anymore (ie. she doesn't have much time left)
Once she finishes her Masters a few years later, things could drastically change and no one knows just how bad that would be (no more cute look, for example)
penalty_pick 2017-10-22 22:50
penalty should be extremely satisfied :applause:
heero 2017-10-23 23:13
magshek 2017-10-24 16:27
回復 5597# 的帖子
magshek 2017-10-25 17:55