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查看完整版本: NowTv新聞及財經台女主播記者 - 陳潁楓

jacksonhon 2016-9-28 01:13

[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2016-9-27 21:32 發表 [url=http://xocat2.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28643064&ptid=706499][img]http://xocat2.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
輪證追蹤都是Stella主持 [/quote]使唔使開埋鎖俾你擺李碧珊圖?

PLKLSP 2016-9-28 02:39

回復 1551# 的帖子



[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-9-28 03:07 編輯 [/i]]

Powercar 2016-9-28 11:16

[quote]原帖由 [i]penalty_pick[/i] 於 2016-9-27 22:11 發表 [url=http://xocat2.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28643279&ptid=706499][img]http://xocat2.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

NowTV又試越(Olive)級升任主持 :saujai: [/quote]
Pretty Ship幾個月前做過輪證主持,
因為下午主要時段係長進做, Stella就去返做332中更報新聞

PLKLSP 2016-9-28 21:53

回復 1553# 的帖子


PLKLSP 2016-9-28 21:54

28th September 2016

PLKLSP 2016-9-29 22:05

29th September 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-9-29 22:27 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-9-30 22:02

30th September 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-3 23:31

3rd October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-4 02:44 編輯 [/i]]

drkpoon 2016-10-4 01:58


PLKLSP 2016-10-4 02:46

回復 1559# 的帖子

Agree :lol :Q :'( Pretty Stella塊面有痘痘,高清台較顯眼 :Q :'(

PLKLSP 2016-10-4 02:46

3rd October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-4 03:25

3rd October 2016

Pretty Stella皮膚敏感嗎? :'(:'(:'(

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-10 02:45 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-10-4 23:28

3rd October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-4 23:29

4th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-5 00:16

4th October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-5 00:18 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-10-5 02:46

4th October 2016

Pretty Stella於第4-6張圖分別與3任特首合照 :clap:

PLKLSP 2016-10-5 23:52

5th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-5 23:53

5th October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-6 02:33 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-10-6 02:38

5th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-6 23:58

6th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-7 00:07

6th October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-7 03:14 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-10-7 03:16

6th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-9 22:03

9th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-10 00:43

9th October 2016

Pretty Stella露爸帶呢

PLKLSP 2016-10-10 00:45

9th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-11 23:45

11th October 2016

Viu TV至君BB跟Now TV的Pretty Stella今天著同一件衫
難道至君BB收工後把衫借給Pretty Stella?

PLKLSP 2016-10-11 23:52

11th October 2016

penalty should be satisfied

PLKLSP 2016-10-12 00:04

11th October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-12 03:06 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-10-12 03:08

11th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-12 23:44

12th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-12 23:55

12th October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-13 03:41 編輯 [/i]]

penalty_pick 2016-10-13 00:10

回復 1577# 的帖子

That's Stella's habbit :lol

[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2016-10-11 23:45 發表 [url=http://xocat.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28713276&ptid=706499][img]http://xocat.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Viu TV至君BB跟Now TV的Pretty Stella今天著同一件衫
難道至君BB收工後把衫借給Pretty Stella? [/quote]

因為大家都係同一服裝Sponsor ;P

PLKLSP 2016-10-13 03:35

回復 1582# 的帖子

How do you know? :lol

PLKLSP 2016-10-13 03:41

12th October 2016

Powercar 2016-10-13 11:06

呢期Pretty Stella返夜更332先有返少許睇頭,佢拍檔就算吧啦

PLKLSP 2016-10-14 00:09

13th October 2016

penalty_pick 2016-10-14 00:29

[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2016-10-13 03:35 發表 [url=http://xocat.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28718836&ptid=706499][img]http://xocat.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
How do you know? :lol [/quote]

《智富通》結尾字幕有講 :loveliness:


PLKLSP 2016-10-14 03:20

回復 1587# 的帖子

Why do you like watching 智富通 so much?

PLKLSP 2016-10-14 03:21

13th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-14 03:22

13th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-14 03:23

13th October 2016

penalty_pick 2016-10-14 23:12

[quote]原帖由 [i]PLKLSP[/i] 於 2016-10-14 03:20 發表 [url=http://xocat.com/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28723999&ptid=706499][img]http://xocat.com/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Why do you like watching 智富通 so much? [/quote]

刨冷支持阿Tin囉 :oh::saujai::fire:

題外話,至君已經唔係BB,人地充滿機心架 ;P:lol:hamsup:

PLKLSP 2016-10-15 00:52

14th October 2016

[[i] 本帖最後由 PLKLSP 於 2016-10-15 03:24 編輯 [/i]]

PLKLSP 2016-10-15 03:25

14th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-15 03:26

14th October 2016

最後無zoom out,所以貼一張算了

PLKLSP 2016-10-15 03:27

14th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-17 23:54

17th October 2016

Herman呢? :Q :'( 為何這節不出Herman? :'(
如果這節是Herman做的話,周一四節聯播新聞就會出齊4位不同的男主播了 :Q:'(:saujai:

PLKLSP 2016-10-18 03:38

17th October 2016

PLKLSP 2016-10-18 03:40

17th October 2016

penalty should be satisfied

PLKLSP 2016-10-18 03:55

17th October 2016
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查看完整版本: NowTv新聞及財經台女主播記者 - 陳潁楓