東方水匯桑拿(The Sauna and Spa)

我本來話唔寫,只係係「尖東係新場」题內加些資料. 但見高射炮兄出左個報告,
我卒之都係手痕 ,開翻條題目。
這場記得我若兩年半前講過會開, 拖下拖下終於上月中開檔.
雙鐘570 (85折原價約610, 加鐘200).



佢地亦一年前請左大豪客/維港既嘉玲姐過檔做經理, 我一直都好期望見翻靓女經理.

http://forum.timway.com/f/viewthread.php?tid=296609&page=2#pid8821792   (post #32)

高兄已寫過裝潢, 我只補充: 我唔會形容為好豪華, 但高雅新淨.

最吸引處是水池區的水晶燈好靚, 兩個水池(熱、凍)
分得好開, 地方大容許.

}身booths夠, 整個水池同locker區都鋪了好细塊tiles, 感覺exquisite.

但無維港色水咁花, 主調啡色, carpet 灰, 近水吧櫃有卡位餐^.

我個人經歷過原址舊龍濤濼(crystal spa) 、新龍濤濼到依家, 當然依家硬件最好.
入到休息室好輕鬆, 因為立即就有維港過檔的兩位腳師傅greeted我


都見翻中更的Maggie, 夜更的Carmen(當然不是維港的carmen)同Ming (唸第一聲),


特別開心見翻maggie和carmen. 幾位靚公關穿天空藍色suit,

而嘉玲姐養尊處優多時復出, 一樣依舊雙眼動人, 粉紅菲菲.


食物方面, 雖然已開始有小炒及飯餐,但未比得起維港的質素.

聽說間場三位股東之一X哥試過都話未係好得. (我落去有見同到高大靓仔的他.)

16/10開張那天到18/10那三天的確好爆客, 初時收 1 am都百幾客 (by now, 收5 am),
但by now 已levelled off甚至回落, 初時吸引到尖東附近桑拿的客, 甚至棕泉及各股東的舊客、朋友.

現在能否有較多的隱定長期客, 未係肯定. 佢要同附近的棕南海和維港競爭.



現役技師亦俾一些競爭者缚住, 现役棕泉的,講明東方水匯唔會請(但應該/可能有例外,

因為我知水匯有一個剛之前係香港棕泉幾红), 维港则早已扣起技師鐘錢之中的每雙鐘十元.

所以雖然维港失了若干客,水匯暫時未算好樂觀. 希望唔係弄致雙輸.

至於技師方面, 我不在版面說numbers 了. 不過我可以講下: 未有 8 仔,
最好意頭的雙位數字技師, 大半年前在维港做過. 以前龍泉匯的四小花(我真衰, 以前替佢地起埋咁既 ),

首小花和另一花都係水匯. 有一位來自碧麗湖的陀地(number 也有8字)及另一入行無耐的陀地,

近日會有再多一兩個陀地返. 另外亦有 d來自维港(早前已離職)

super兄和fitman兄問過我, 我會稍後pm你地深入少少的info.

對我方便的是,我在维港的至愛 ,與及维港較靚的其他幾位技師都留在維港.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-3 23:18 編輯 ]

原帖由 super123123 於 2010-1-30 13:48 發表

Tried, not very young, I guess early 30s. Look ok nice.
Bone Skill average, little bit too much "dead strength", push oil not too comfortable and rush without pattern
I guess she is NMCOT, not t ...
surely not the most pretty bg you have ever met in HK saunas, right?

回復 226# 的帖子
sorry ching about the bad trip. i guess i still need more experience to comment and recommand. i will try !)^ and see the different.

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2010-1-30 14:31 發表

surely not the most pretty bg you have ever met in HK saunas, right?
of course
and !)^ as well... OMG... cannot tied up with young and pretty!

原帖由 SCWT 於 2010-2-1 10:43 發表
sorry ching about the bad trip. i guess i still need more experience to comment and recommand. i will try !)^ and see the different.
i did already, if you look for nice looking, please skip

better go for !^^, !@! in the night

回復 230# 的帖子
saw *^ at the corridor and she did recognize me, told her I will find her later

回復 231# 的帖子
ching. Is *^ good?

too many no. throw at me recently..i really need to digest it slowly

原帖由 ameba88 於 2010-2-2 01:56 發表
ching. Is *^ good?
there was a short comment on this BG, dup no problem at all, worth a try at this sauna for sure!

回復 234# 的帖子
Tried !@@
Look quite good, voice ok, tall and slim, ex-VPS
medium strength, worth a try too

*^, !@!, !@@, !^^,  I am coming

[ 本帖最後由 SCWT 於 2010-2-2 13:58 編輯 ]


特價時段應該遲了一個鐘先開始:23:00, 01:00

繁忙時間都唔平 (同 VPS 比較)

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

原帖由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2010-2-2 23:13 發表

特價時段應該遲了一個鐘先開始:23:00, 01:00

繁忙時間都唔平 (同 VPS 比較)
HJ兄, 水匯的特價時間是2000, 0000
而維港的是2000(提早了一小時), 0100

回復 239# 的帖子
HJ兄 is correct. Discount starts at 23:00 and 01:00

原帖由 SCWT 於 2010-2-3 14:03 發表
HJ兄 is correct. Discount starts at 23:00 and 01:00
sorry, 咁即改了. 奇怪當初明顯攝維港位, 現在反而推晏.

日頭加回正價, 67X, 咁仲有無2 pm 前減?

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2010-2-4 09:15 發表
日頭加回正價, 67X, 咁仲有無2 pm 前減?
上次去時見到有,價錢同 23:00 一樣。 

我試左!&* + &仔, !&*手骨都幾好, 不過兩個樣都一般

有冇早班好介紹 ?

回復 244# 的帖子
my friend and i tried @( long time ago, not sure if she is still there. she goes 早班. young and pretty

回復 244# 的帖子
!#*, pretty and super nice dup skills @ early shift

回復 246# 的帖子
sounds like !^^ (night shift) left, anyone can confirm?

Saw one very beautiful PR in the lobby today afternoon. Very tall and slim with big eyes and long eyelashes (makeup ). Any C-hings know who she is?

ching, i was super busy and didn't visit  水匯 for a week...any new BG recommandation?

原帖由 SCWT 於 2010-2-8 11:10 發表
ching, i was super busy and didn't visit  水匯 for a week...any new BG recommandation?
have yoy ever tried 68?  early shift.

回復 250# 的帖子
i don't have time in day time   thx for recommandation
