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[疑難] 請問有人懂Change management 嗎?

請問有人懂Change management 嗎?

各位好;又係我;又有問題問,今次係想問關於Change management 既問題:

1. Planned Change, Emergent Change, Incremental Change, Discontinuous Change 等.......。其實佢地係唔係全部都講緊managing change model? 定係Incremental Change 同Discontinuous Change 係講change 既形態?

2. Structure Change, Culture Change, Strategy Change 之類係點樣去planned/emergent change 之類連上關係?

我唔係無睇過journals/ books 而問,但我睇完仲亂,journals 同books 講既好似唔同咁,所以先0係度發問,各位仁兄/姐 如果可以幫幫我解決尼個問題,謝謝!!


What level are you in at school?  Are you in University or in High school? Let me know so I can help out.


原帖由 tongtong1031 於 2007-11-8 16:05 發表
What level are you in at school?  Are you in University or in High school? Let me know so I can help out.
what is the difference between them?


1. All the changes you said above is all related to an organizational change.  
The evolution of the change management field stems from psychology, business and engineering. Hence, some models are derived from an organizational development perspective whereas others are based on individual behavioral models.  In an organization, Organizational change management includes processes and tools for managing the people side of the change at an organizational level. These tools include a structured approach that can be used to effectively transition groups or organizations through change.
Planned change and emergent change would be Total Quality Management, which is influenced by Eastern management style and Re-engineering concept which is influenced by Western management style.  Effective sensemaking and effective emergent changes are closely related. The more fully sensemaking activities are activated, the more effective the change.  

Incremental change means big changes made all at once just don’t work, any problem is solved with a series of the smallest changes that make a difference.  In another words, for an organization that needs to change, small steps will be needsed in order for it to change successfully.
Discontinuous change is qualitatively different from incremental change. It requires a break with the past, perhaps even the deliberate destruction of certain elements of the current system


As for number 2, Structure Change, Culture Change, Strategy Change 之類係點樣去planned/emergent change 之類?

Well, these changes will be all related back to the organized changes.  in an organization, the structureand the company culture has a direct relationship on what the company does. If the company needs to change, the structure and the company's culture will also need to be changed to adopt to the new changes.  Which means, the management will need to plan on the changes.
The strategy will also change at the same time when the company decide to change it's path of what it choose to do.
Remember, both Planned and emergent changes are linked together.


Well, saxontse, I hope what I have told you help a little.  It is hard for me to type all the stuff out for you, but I hope you got the idea.  Also, remember change is a very subjective thinking.  It all depends on what the organization decide for it's future path.  If you still need me to answer you questions, let me know.  I will do my best to help


Thank you for your expalnations first, while I still can't distinguish about it

Here is an article that I found in the Internet about change

(一) 依組織變革的意圖區分
1. 計畫性變革(planned change):係指深思熟慮、精心策劃以達到目標的變革。
2. 自發性變革(spontaneous change):係指未經深思熟慮的變革,而是在自然環境下短時間的改變。
3. 演化式變革(evolutionary change):係指組織經一連串的改變後,長期所形成的累積性變化之結果。

(二) 依組織變革的範圍與所跨越的變革時間區分
1. 漸進式變革(incremental change):變革範圍較小且時間較長的變革,
2. 激進式變革(radical change):範圍較大且時間較長的變革,屬於劇 烈、全盤的變革,對組織影響頗大。
3. 修補式變革(tinkering change):範圍較小且臨時性的興革,可提升組織成員的工作表現。
4. 快速修整式變革(quick fix change):範圍較大且短期的變革,較無法改變組織成員長期根深蒂固的行為,只能有表面的改變。

(三) 依組織變革的持續性及變革時間選擇與安排區分
1. 依持續性區分:包括漸進的(incremental)變革及間斷的(discontinuous)變革。
2. 依時間選擇與安排區分:包括反應性(reactive)變革及預先的(anticipatory)變革。

Please allow me use cantonese in the following part:

請問佢地之問有無抵觸? 或有咩關連? 定佢地本身無任何瓜葛?
我個腦對尼d change 真係有好多問號,我要攪清楚因為我要做功課寫一份case study 既 report,但我仲係分唔清佢地之問既關係,所以我希望攪清楚佢


相關搜索目錄: 功課


ok.  First you need to figure out what is the CHANGE related to, business or personal (but I think for your topic, it will be more on business).  Then you need to know what change you need to do; which means, what you want to accompolish at the end.

You ask 佢地之問有無抵觸? 或有咩關連? 定佢地本身無任何瓜葛? Well, that all depends on what the ultimate out come that you or the company decides.  They will have no relation at all, but on the other hand they are all related!

Think of a company, a big company.  Let's use IBM as an example.  For the longest time.  IBM has been changing little by little.  They have sold their laptop and PC business to Legend in China.  What does IBM wants to do that?  Why do they want to change from a computer manufacture company to a service company??  The easiest answer is because there is no money to be make in the PC manufacture business.  Now how does IBM change themselves into the services company that they are in?  Well, here are the steps

1.  Their management team will need to have a change management team to slowly implement these changes.  They will need to have a planned change.  In this planned change, they will need to have incremental change to slowly move away from the PC business, then they will have to planned on the spontaneous change in order to start the services business.  Then they will have to have a evolutionary change in order to oush out those services.  Remember, IBM used to be a PC manufacture, so for them to be in the services business, they will need to change
2.  Since IBM is a big company, the will need to do the changes little by little.  That's where the incremental change come in.  If they change everything at one, the company will not be able to cope with the change.  Think of a vehicle turning into a corner.  Do you think a smaller car and turn smoothly or a big truck can??  IBM is the big truck so if they change very fast, what do you think it will happen?
3.  With the changes into services business, IBM will need to have the reactive and anticipatory changes as well.  With the new business IBM will have new customers and new requirements from them.  IBM will need to be both reactive and anticipatory on what new things will come.


ok.  Now let's use a smaller business as an example.  Let's use a indepentdenly own 7/11 corner store as an example.
If they want to have more business what can they do?  Well, they also will need a management plan on the changes of what they want to do.  So planned change is a must.  but because of it's size, do you think they will need an incremental change?  Well, they probably don't.  They probably will use spontaneous change, since if the spontaneous change doesn't work, they can change into something else.
Now in this case, do you think they will need incremental change?  They probably will not need.  Since they are small enough, they will not need to take it step by step.   
Will they need to be reactive?  Yes they might, since they migght need to explain to customers why they change.........


So in another words, the change you talked about is all context base.  You will need to understand what context you are talking about in order to see if any of these changes are like you asked, 有無抵觸, 有咩關連, 定有無任何瓜葛.  I hope this helps.  If not, please let me know.  I will try and explain it to you again.  No problem.  

Good luck


Thank you very much first

But I still get some questions about those "Change" s.

First, I had read a book and some journals, they all said change is triggered from external, internal and temporal enviroment, anyone of them or both. Is that means change is come from that company can't handle external, internal and temporal enviroment? (Example, the company still using hand writing for handling daily order is a problem because the speed of it is very slow ?)

Second, is that etc mickey's 7S, weightborad six box model those are used to investigate the current enviroment of the company (actually find what problems does the company have)?

Thrid, how do I say what "Change" approach used according to the work in the second point?

Forth, I read a book he said Planned change have four elements, Field theory, Group dynamics, Action research and Three step model,  how can I use these for further research? And what elements contain in other "Change" approach??

Really thanks for you, I start understand something


恭喜恭喜.  Glad that you starting to understand.

ok.  Before I answer your question, please let me know what mickey's 7S and weightboard six box models are?  往末聽過.
But I can answer you the following:
1.  A company will make changes based on any one of those environment.  In your example, a company change was triggered by all three environment.  For example, because of the hand writing orders, the company is losing business because of the non-effectiveness of the company.  Client may think they are too slow on processing orders (this will be the external environment).  In this time of year hand write orders are not effective, too many paper are being used, and some time these paper will be lost because of un-organized employee.  Results in lost of orders (both internal and temporal environment is here).......Now on the other hand, a company has already upgraded all the necessaries to be competitive, but they need to have better employee training for their new ordering system.....here it is only the internal environment......Do you understand this part?

4. If you want to use these for further research, you will need to understand every single model.  How it relates to a company.  To me, all 4 of these model contain change in a way.  It will need you to think more deeply in turn to understand.


what I mean by think deeply is 明白佢地的 relationship.  Use example to link them together and see if you understand.  Once you get the idea, you will be better to understand what is going on.  Remember, all these are related!!

如果你再有問題, 我會很樂意幫忙


Thanks again

mickey's 7S and weightboard six box model are both used to investigate the current situation of the company. 7S contains 7 components, which are:

Structure, Systems, Style, Staff, Skills, Strategy and Shaerd Values

Weightboard six box model :

Purpose, Structure, Rewards, Helpful Mechanisms, Relationship and Leadership

After according to two models above and PETS and SWOT analysis, it can determine what model(s) can use to change. I don't know if I write using Planned change in the report, why I use it? just according to models above?

maybe I use cantonese is better:
如果我用0左上面d tools 去幫我睇0左而家尼間公司同行業既經營環境、佢既強項弱項,我點可以俾到証據人用咩change approach 係適合既.


無問題, 我很樂意幫忙, 但是如果你耍我幫你去分析你所要寫的公司, 就有點難, 因為我完全不知你那公司是做什麼的.
但是我可以講的是所有change approach 是同你以上講的model 有關係.  但是你耍用時間去分析.

hummmm........ok. Why don't you let me know what the company does and why they need to change.  Then may be I can have a more clear picture to help you.


原帖由 tongtong1031 於 2007-11-15 13:16 發表
無問題, 我很樂意幫忙, 但是如果你耍我幫你去分析你所要寫的公司, 就有點難, 因為我完全不知你那公司是做什麼的.
但是我可以講的是所有change approach 是同你以上講的model 有關係.  但是你耍用時間去分析.

Thank you for your advise.
um.....actually it is a case study about a bank, while it doesn't exist actually. The company background I had post it before on the other subject.


Page 5 is no need to do becuase it is other subject's homework

I haven't tell you the case study background because I really want the whole work can do it by myself, however I really don't understand how can I do it

Thanks for helping me to see the background.


如果你不介意, 請給我一天時間, 我會幫你再分析一下你的公司.  
你也不用worry, 我只會幫你明白你要的東西, 其他的你就要靠你自已啦


原帖由 tongtong1031 於 2007-11-16 13:36 發表
如果你不介意, 請給我一天時間, 我會幫你再分析一下你的公司.  
你也不用worry, 我只會幫你明白你要的東西, 其他的你就要靠你自已啦


No problem.  I will get you what you need by Sunday morning.


Hello there,

First I have to say 對唔住, 因為太多野做所以遲了回答.  唔好意思

ok.  Here is what I can see form your company.  Your bank is looking to do a lot of chnages and when you look deeper into it, all these are pretty much changes that you had talked about.  From the IT department to the customer services area, there are changes to be make.  No, let me ask you the following questions.

1.  In the IT department, when they need to change, what kind of change will they need to do for them to be successful??  
2.  Now.  In the customer service department, since they want to have their IT department and they want to increase their services, what kind of change will they need???

Just let me know on those, then we can go forward.  But when you can answer these questions, you are pretty much done on what you need to do, since this is just a guide line for you to start thinking the right way on the changes.

Let me know if you need help.


Thank you for you of spending time to read it. I am sorry that spend your time to help me do this assignment. Really thanks for you.

I think IT department and credit card division need to change also.

Parts of IT department need to change I think are:

1. The programme of buying computing equipment: It was introduced in 1980s, while it is not suitable nowsadays becuase the cost is really high and fixed by only one manufacturer (IBM)

2. Reconstruct the IT deparment structure: there contains 45 senior IT executives in the department,  the cost of in the last five years continuously increase while the service level continuously decrease.

3. relocate the location of IT department: 45 senior IT executives using a whole floor in the headquater of bank, and it costs $105 per square meter.

4. Improvement the share value between IT staff and board of directors: many IT staffs do not recognise decisions made by board of directors

Parts of credit card division need to change I think is:

5. Release the power reserved by board of directors: board of directors do not allow the credit card division manager own their individual IT support team.

As you ask me what kind of change need to use for make it succesful. I think both IT & credit card division use Planned apporach to change is suitable becuase:

A. Planned apporach is suitable for a relative stable industry enviroment and the pace of change is not fast

B. Planned apporach is based on what the state that the bank want.

while I don't' know whether incremental change / discontinuous change is suitable for which department.

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


ok.  You are getting there.  which is good.

Now here is something for you to think about. First, they all need to have a planned approach.  No company can just do a change without any planning, so you are right on the planned part.  Now what kind of change will you need?  You said incremental change, think of what incremental means.....then apply it to the department you need.  Just a hint, all the department will need the incremental change, since this is not a small company, so they will need to have a step by step plan to change it.

Now, do you think tinkering change will be needed?  Also, which department will be reactive and which department will be anticipatory?
Also, since you already said the bank needs to have the planned change, what will they need to plan on it?? or how will they plan for it?  If you can answer these questions, you are pretty much done.

I hope these suggestion helps you, and if you need more help, please let me know.
Good luck.


um...sorry, those questions you asked I don't know how to answer.......


ok.  You have to think.  How will the bank change the way they do business.  For example.  In the IT department, can they change at once or can they change a little at a time?  This will give you the answer if they need incremental change or quick fix change,or other changes.  Think of it this way.  A big company like this bank, can they just change everything at once, or do they need to chnage it a little bit at a time to make it all useful?

Now in the customer service area, will they need a reactive or anticipatory change?  on the other hand, will they need to react to the customer's action to have the best change or they need to anticipate what the customer like will be a best change.

Just try and think of these first.  Then tell me what you think.


Thank you for leading me to think about it.

If a big company need to change, they normally need to change a little and little at a time because if they change at once, staffs can not adapt a rapid change and the work efficiency will decrease even make a company close.

In the credit card part, I think anticipate what the customer like will be the best change becuase if react to the customer's action, it will always behind pace of customer need and need to change very often.
But why not incremental / discontinuous change ? Actually I don't know what is reactive and anticipatory change.

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


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