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wine lovers pls come in (2)

no problem, 7:30 right?
blind tasting, good game

btw, if any of you are interested to go to my friend's shop before the dinner, pls let me know


I will bring some aluminium foils and arrive earlier so that  the waiters can cover immediately after u bring the wine. So please dont let us have a look of the wine when u arrive.

to Tailawyau, when will u arrive at  the wine shop? I am interested in joining u.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


i guess i will be there before 7pm
call me when u are about there


回復 303# 的帖子

no problem, I will call you when i am around there

btw, is it possible I bring one more person (lady; so total 3 ppl including me) to the dinner? (I assume there is no objection if I don's receive any comments )

cu all


Aug 27 - Thursday

1. & 2.  dejavu & friend.
3. & 4.  Mr & Mrs LWT (老頑童)
5.          Tai
6 & 7.    Oncologist & Friend
8 & 9.    Mr & Mrs Barton
10 & 11. Kenzo and friend
12.         Onco's lady friend
13 & 14. The 2 guests who came to 富東 and Twist

I've asked DJV Bro. to add 2 spaces at the rstnt.       

[ 本帖最後由 可愛老頑童 於 2009-8-27 15:42 編輯 ]


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2009-8-27 03:36 PM 發表
Aug 27 - Thursday

1. & 2.  dejavu & friend.
3. & 4.  Mr & Mrs LWT (老頑童)
5.          Tai
6 & 7.    Oncologist & Friend
8 & 9.    Mr & Mrs Barton
10 & 11. Kenzo and friend
12.          ...
No problem.  Just added a pair of chopsticks.


Thank you guys, it's lot of fun. See you next month.


原帖由 barton 於 2009-8-27 23:37 發表
Thank you guys, it's lot of fun. See you next month.
Yes, it was a very nice evening.  Thank you for bringing the WOTN !      


yes, so surprised, u could see my response just after seeing the red head....sorry for drinking it too fast.


thanks bro barton
its really nice, and i wonder how it would develop over the next decade

btw, for the photographers, please upload the photos la~~~


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2009-8-29 01:43 發表
yes, so surprised, u could see my response just after seeing the red head....sorry for drinking it too fast.
There's a lot of red head wine, how comes you know this red head is that red head?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 barton 於 2009-8-29 16:08 發表

There's a lot of red head wine, how comes you know this red head is that red head?
perhaps he is having lots at home la~~~

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 barton 於 2009-8-29 16:08 發表

There's a lot of red head wine, how comes you know this red head is that red head?
it was shown on your face too. haha
it is a waxy red head, not hard to guess, and from your habit....

相關搜索目錄: Wine


sorry for the late upload

<a href="http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y60/lamlam123/?action=view&current=DSC_0647.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y60/lamlam123/DSC_0647.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>






Oh finally we got some pictures. Thank you.


原帖由 barton 於 2009-9-14 11:46 AM 發表
Oh finally we got some pictures. Thank you.
how can I upload?  I tried but it was blocked.  Message saying something to do with my firewall and I have to turn it off first.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2009-9-14 19:22 發表

how can I upload?  I tried but it was blocked.  Message saying something to do with my firewall and I have to turn it off first.
you may try to upload your photos to photobucket then paste the link on this web.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2009-9-14 19:22 發表

how can I upload?  I tried but it was blocked.  Message saying something to do with my firewall and I have to turn it off first.
If it's your computer's firewall problem, you can disable it temporary at "Control Panel" ->"Firewall". But if it's due to your company's firewall, then there is no way to disable it.


next gather pls.  For the celebration of my new movement!! bring good bottle!!


原帖由 kenzo1111 於 2009-9-16 10:30 PM 發表
next gather pls.  For the celebration of my new movement!! bring good bottle!!
what new movement?  promotion?

I will be leaving town next Friday (9/25) until 10/4.

My father-in-law is starting to recover and was discharged today and moved to rehab.  

Thanks Oncologist and Kenzo for your valuable advice.  How many bottloes do I owe you guys for consultation?


u never owe us ar, that is what the friends are for.

I will change job!

will inform u guys later.




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