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標題: 運動用品生產商- 永嘉集團控股有限公司 (03322) IPO, 認吳認得個 ? [打印本頁]

作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-8-25 21:25     標題: 運動用品生產商- 永嘉集團控股有限公司 (03322) IPO, 認吳認得個 ?

運動用品生產商- 永嘉集團控股有限公司 (03322) IPO, 認吳認得個 ?
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-25 23:00

Only $35M margin in day 1 for Phillips but no other major brokers. But there is 30 times
over-subscription in the international placement.
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-8-28 23:37

原帖由 b4321 於 2006-8-25 03:00 PM 發表
Only $35M margin in day 1 for Phillips but no other major brokers. But there is 30 times
over-subscription in the international placement.
咁明天就止margin, 認吳認好 ?
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-29 09:40


作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-8-29 09:45

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-8-28 03:37 PM 發表

咁明天就止margin, 認吳認好 ?

作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-29 10:34

I'll apply $1M by margin.
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-29 22:07

野心勃勃的李寧(將收購永嘉( 鞏固其運動服裝王國。

《星期日泰晤士報》引述消息指,李寧公司(曾向英國體育產品製造商Umbro的董事會提出非正式收購。李寧公司(表示, 不會評論市場傳聞,但目前與Umbro之間並無收購計劃。收購Umbro計劃的告吹全因李寧(的財務顧問星展亞洲已展開了令一個收購方案。



同為李寧( 及永嘉(的保薦人星展亞洲為了令收購方案能夠順利完成, 永嘉(新股的貨源定需歸邊,所以包銷商只有匯富, 工商東亞, 匯盈和星展, 以防貨源落入對沖基金之手。令一方面公開招股要盡量低調, 絕不能有大額超額認購,以免啟動回撥基制令貨源散落散户之中。因此, 永嘉集團國際配售雖已錄得三十倍超額認購, 星展亞洲王國龍亦不願透露實質數字。

其實是次星展的技財與新宇亨得利 (同出一徹。在招股前不引入策略股東,在上市後才引入全球最大手錶製造及分銷商Swatch集團, 再於早前引入法國LVMH集團令新宇亨得利(的股價節節上升。一方面可免除戰略股東禁售期和增持的規限, 令一方可以減小招股時散户的參與令貨源歸邊。

李寧(上市至今股價不斷做好, 集團大可以換股或配股方式向永嘉(作出收購。吸收李寧(的成功經驗, 星展亞洲作為兩者的保薦人定能締造一個雙贏的局面。
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-8-30 00:52

多謝資料, 我認左 20k.
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-30 09:52

永 嘉 控 股 ( 3322 ) 今 日 截 止 公 開 認 購 申 請 , 證 券 行 孖 展 昨 日 首 先 截 飛 , 據 本 報 查 詢 7 家 證 券 行 收 票 情 況 , 錄 得 合 共 45.8 億 元 孖 展 額 ( 見 表 ) 。 接 近 承 銷 團 消 息 指 , 永 嘉 國 際 配 售 部 份 已 錄 得 16 至 20 倍 認 購 , 公 開 招 股 部 份 則 介 乎 80 至 100 倍 。
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-8-30 10:51

見招股反應理想, 今朝我再加碼 20K, 總共認左 40K. 吳知分吳分到1手 ?
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-30 10:56

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-8-30 02:51 AM 發表
見招股反應理想, 今朝我再加碼 20K, 總共認左 40K. 吳知分吳分到1手 ?
Say if 90 times over-subscription, 40000/90 = 400 shares, not much use.

But hopefully it can have 100 times oversubscription and activates the crawback
mechanism so the public can have more shares to subscribe.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-8-30 14:26

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-8-30 02:51 AM 發表
見招股反應理想, 今朝我再加碼 20K, 總共認左 40K. 吳知分吳分到1手 ?
Why bother?  If you are lucky enough to get one lot, all the charges and commission will eat into all the profits that you might have.  100X over-subscribed divded by 5X clawback = effective 20X over-subscribed = 2K allotment.

I think either you do margin and hope for the best, or if you are not certain, stay on the sideline.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-8-30 14:27

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-8-30 02:51 AM 發表
見招股反應理想, 今朝我再加碼 20K, 總共認左 40K. 吳知分吳分到1手 ?
Why bother?  If you are lucky enough to get one lot, all the charges and commission will eat into all the profits that you might have.  100X over-subscribed divded by 5X clawback = effective 20X over-subscribed = 2K allotment.

I think either you do margin and hope for the best, or if you are not certain, stay on the sideline.
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-8-30 18:20

Hope it exceeds 100X, so we can have crawback. But not to 300X, as it is only a small IPO.


作者: golfzenith    時間: 2006-9-1 00:29

300倍!   唔通另一輪抽股熱又黎?
作者: sdc2005    時間: 2006-9-1 18:09

They got the licence for Adidas, Reebok and also Diadora. Personally I think the best
selling soccer jersy on the world should be either Adidas, Nike and Puma. Diadora's
populairty is going downward. Reebok has been bought by Adidas but this brand name is not for popular for jersy. So I really wonder if they have very good prospect ???
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-9-1 21:05

Good or bad prospect, doen't matter. Sell all in day 1 after some gain. Get the cash for the
next IPO.

永嘉 is a manufacturer + licensee for brandname T-shirts. I doubt how profitable for its
manufacturing business.

But the 350X over-subscription rings the bell that cash is moving into the IPO game again.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-5 12:01

alloted 8K.  Cost $2.47.

It's speculated that it will open at around $2.80.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-5 12:45

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-4 08:01 PM 發表
alloted 8K.  Cost $2.47.

It's speculated that it will open at around $2.80.
So #210 is also rising recently!
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-5 14:11

原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-9-5 04:45 AM 發表

So #210 is also rising recently!
What has #210 to do with #3322 ?
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-5 16:56

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-4 10:11 PM 發表

What has #210 to do with #3322 ?

#210 is into shoes and I believe diversify to clothes as well.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-5 17:07

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-5 04:01 AM 發表
alloted 8K.  Cost $2.47.

It's speculated that it will open at around $2.80.
Now traded @ $2.83/$2.84.  High $2.85, Low $2.75
作者: QQQQQ    時間: 2006-9-5 17:08

3322 暗盤價....

[ 本帖最後由 QQQQQ 於 2006-9-5 05:10 PM 編輯 ]
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-9-5 22:55

原帖由 QQQQQ 於 2006-9-5 09:08 AM 發表
3322 暗盤價....
2.8元, 我想追入1萬股,因IPO抽吳中.
作者: laken    時間: 2006-9-5 22:55

find chance to Day trade tomorrow
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-9-5 23:06

原帖由 laken 於 2006-9-5 02:55 PM 發表
find chance to Day trade tomorrow
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-5 23:48

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-9-5 02:55 PM 發表

2.8元, 我想追入1萬股,因IPO抽吳中.
Why not?  At 40K subscription, you will be allotted 2K shares plus a 10% chance of getting another 2K.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-5 23:49

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-9-5 02:55 PM 發表

2.8元, 我想追入1萬股,因IPO抽吳中.
Why not?  At 40K subscription, you will be allotted 2K shares plus a 10% chance of getting another 2K.
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-9-6 09:52

而家叫緊 2.95, 追吳追好, 我得2K,吳够貨,我想多入 8k.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-6 09:54

原帖由 QQQQQ 於 2006-9-5 01:08 AM 發表
3322 暗盤價....

作者: cherryjasonchan    時間: 2006-9-6 10:31

Hi ! the current price of 3322 is 2.92. Day high is 2.99 so far. The question of whether it is still worthy to buy or not is difficult to say. But I do think that the slowdown in economic growth in US will have less demand in goods and products. Therefore, in view of its prospect, I personally don't think it is very worthy to buy and hold in the long run. You could also refer to its similar shares like 2331 Li Ning. The P/E for Li Ning is 51.14.

[ 本帖最後由 cherryjasonchan 於 2006-9-6 10:33 AM 編輯 ]
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-6 15:52

原帖由 cherryjasonchan 於 2006-9-5 06:31 PM 發表
Hi ! the current price of 3322 is 2.92. Day high is 2.99 so far. The question of whether it is still worthy to buy or not is difficult to say. But I do think that the slowdown in economic growth in ...
P/E of #3322 is only @16 now. So can move up some more. Lucky I got 20,000 this morning at @2.88.
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-9-6 19:56

原帖由 b4321 於 2006-8-29 02:34 AM 發表
I'll apply $1M by margin.
sold 6000shares@$2.95 today. gain around $2500 after cost.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-6 20:57

原帖由 b4321 於 2006-9-6 11:56 AM 發表

sold 6000shares@$2.95 today. gain around $2500 after cost.
I was watching the bid/offer between 09:48 to 09:50 and saw the strong big bid auction orders, with volume from 16 mil at 09:48 rising to over 30 mil at 09:50, bidding up the counter from $2.86 to $2.95.  That made me decide not to sell in a rush.  In any case, I won't be selling on Day 1 anyway.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-6 01:02 PM 編輯 ]
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-9-6 21:18

I don't think 永嘉 is working in the wonderful industry. So I think 28+% increase in day 1 is more
than enough. It may go up further, but it doesn't matter as I don't want to take any risk as I am
satisfied already for the percentage of gain for the industry. Also, there are more IPOs coming.
作者: cfa3    時間: 2006-9-6 21:19

我個2K無估到,但又吳敢係 2.95入.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-6 21:33

My view has always been - Day 1, there are a lot of people getting one lot.  They will sell at any price, especially if they can make a few bucks.  Other things being equal, selling in Day 2 is usually better than selling in Day 1, the price of which is skewed by the sell-at-any-price factor.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-6 21:36

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-9-6 01:19 PM 發表
我個2K無估到,但又吳敢係 2.95入.
Why not use margin this time???  

You should have bought yesterday at the grey market, which opened at $2.75.  

I called the damned broker yesterday before grey market opened but he already left.  I intended to buy at the grey market.

I am putting in a sell order tomorrow @ $3.18.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-7 10:11

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-6 05:33 AM 發表
My view has always been - Day 1, there are a lot of people getting one lot.  They will sell at any price, especially if they can make a few bucks.  Other things being equal, selling in Day 2 is usu ...
I sold out all 20,000 this morning when market & #3322 seems weak. Pocket net $2,500 for holding 1 day!
作者: b4321    時間: 2006-9-7 10:16

原帖由 peninsula 於 2006-9-7 02:11 AM 發表

I sold out all 20,000 this morning when market & #3322 seems weak. Pocket net $2,500 for holding 1 day!
As far u are satisfied for the gain, it'll be OK. We never know where are the peaks and
bottoms for the new stocks. U should buy yourself a luxury lunch today .
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-7 10:39

原帖由 b4321 於 2006-9-6 06:16 PM 發表

As far u are satisfied for the gain, it'll be OK. We never know where are the peaks and
bottoms for the new stocks. U should buy yourself a luxury lunch today .
Happy. Enough for a good seafood dinner for 4!
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-8 16:24

原帖由 cfa3 於 2006-9-5 05:52 PM 發表
而家叫緊 2.95, 追吳追好, 我得2K,吳够貨,我想多入 8k.
Lucky I sold out quick! Now back to $2.82.
作者: dejavu2003    時間: 2006-9-20 11:22

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-6 01:36 PM 發表

Why not use margin this time???  

You should have bought yesterday at the grey market, which opened at $2.75.  

I called the damned broker yesterday before grey market opened but he alrea ...
食糊.  Sold 8K @ $3.23.  I was such a good marksman.   There was only one trade of 98K at $3.23.  When I queued, there were 82K already on the board.  So mine was at 82K - 90K.
作者: peninsula    時間: 2006-9-20 11:29

原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-9-19 07:22 PM 發表

食糊.  Sold 8K @ $3.23.  I was such a good marksman.   There was only one trade of 98K at $3.23.  When I queued, there were 82K already on the board.  So mine was at 82K - 90K.
Good! I bought back in @$2.85 and can sell now!
作者: fwu19    時間: 2006-9-20 17:06

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作者: fwu19    時間: 2006-9-20 17:06

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