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Canon EOS 450D 發表

I just bought the 40D.....
Hope the extra features on the 40D can justify the diff in price of US$350.

ISO 3200
Faster AF
Better build
Faster fps
More custom functions??
Better noise management??

2Mp Less!

唔好話離開咗二十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2/25/2008 06:31 AM 發表

How was performance?
My 40D??

The main reason I switched from 300D to 40D is for focusing and noise control.  Both 17-55 IS and 70-200 f/4 IS perform a lot better on the 40D body.  AF is a lot faster and more accurate.  Noise management is better on the 40D as well, but of course not as good as the 5D!  If you expose the picture well, then noise is very much under control on the 40D.  I just got two faster primes, Sigma 30 1.4 and Canon 85 1.8.  See if they can do well on 40D la.  Going FF was what I was considering before I bought the 40D, but a crop body gives me more reach right now.  I spent the USD$800 difference on lenses instead.  
唔好話離開咗二十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!




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