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問題: 關於做Audit 的入職同埋薪金水平???

原帖由 public59 於 2008-8-21 19:40 發表

不是沒有機會, 只要肯接受較accounting低的工資.
In general, audit firm always offer relative low salary for the new comer. it is true that If you work at accounting field for a while, you may not  ...
Its not merely a matter of salary, but you have to start from the most junior grade in the firm.  So, even you worked in the accounting field for few years, you still have to be in the same grade with those fresh graduate in the firm.

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 public59 於 2008-9-15 11:00 發表

應該這樣說,  未有Big 4 的經驗, 很難進入大企業, 所以在MNC的財務高位, in general 都是有Big 4 audit 工作經驗
As the mindset for Big4-trained and non Big4-trained are different, MNC would normally prefer hiring Big 4 trained people to handle its financial positions.  Also, Big 4 people would also like to hire Big4 trained people as their staff, coz they most likely share the similar wavelength.




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