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養 家 青 年 上 吊 母 校 家 長 捐 助

I was so touched by this story.  It actually hurt to read it, so much so that I called my cousin in Hong Kong and asked him to donate some money to his mother and sister on my behalf.  Hong Kong is such an affluent city, but behind this wealth and songs, a lot of people are living below the poverty line.  I've read some primary school kids have to collect cardboard cans and bottles after school.  Time and again, tragedy happened in TinShuiWai.  I wish the affluent will pay a bit more attention to the less fortunate, share a bit of their wealth, and paying a bit more attention to those who are in dire need.


Us guys in our individual position can't really do much until after the fact, that is, to try to help, when most of the damage is done.  I agree with Mr. Kidhung that the government is not doing nearly enough.  The government should be more proactive in preventing such tradegies from happening.  But to be realistic, this is too common in, strangely enough, more affluent societies.  There really is no quick solutions to this.  Let's just hope the government will budget more funding to those less fortunate people, let's hope that they will beef-up the social programs, and try to retrain, and help those who are in need.  Sure, this is a by-product of our modern, upscale, affluent city, sure, its not possible to prevent this to never happenagain, but I'd like to see the government putting more efforts into the badly needed social progams.




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