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大家認為應唔應該付錢啊? 還是抗爭到底?

大家認為應唔應該付錢啊? 還是抗爭到底?


Now 電視, penalty 收費!! 求救 !!!!!!

i am using now TV, but my child activated/acknowledged the adult TV for 12 months service carelessly. i rong to now TV customer service before and want to cancel the adult TV service, but they reply can't cancel the service until 12 months. it is not reasonable! i aldy paied the service charge before and they stop the service on last month.. they sent a penalty for the rest 10 months sevice charge to me and request us to settle the cost..... anyone can help my case.. !!!! I feel not comfort for their arrangment..   請問我可以點做?




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