原帖由 八皇爺 於 2007-11-7 09:35 發表
Not only that, they themselves are not that democratic in the real sense... they have the look of democracy but without much substance...
the War on Terror is simply a hoax... In truth, the US administration really want some terroists attack on american soil so that they can scare their own citizens again for submission... stripping them more rights and freedom and privacy.. and enable them to launch more wars much more easier... then they will attack any nation they like with a pretext of them being terrorist or liberate them.... and you know why they wont touch Musharraf ?? not because they are partner for war on terror... because Musharraf is their crony .. having Musharraf in charge best serve US interests politically and economcially, being a dictator/totalitarian doesnt matter at all... Compared to Burma, their current leader dont serve US interest, so US want to topple them and install one that benefit them.. thats why you see US come out and acting as a moral leader and accusing burma of this and that.. and pressing so hard to sanction them.... this is all about self serving interests! nothing to do with freedom and democracy.... having said that what burma leader done is totally wrong, i just want to point out the hyprocritic and pretentious nature of the US leader...
Yes, US is targetting China indeed.. the toy recall, dala lama, etc... they all serve to provoke china... have an agenda of course...