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[原創] 新手報到,希望有創業機會

創業 tips

I can't tell you which business good or not.

Every business can success or fail.

Success and Fail is Depending on YOU

1. Ask yourself what do you want?

2. Find you target and interesting?

3. No short cut way. Not to focus to money. You will lose yourself.

4. You need save your money now.(Cash is King)

5. Study with your existing company or boss

6. Listen more SMEs owner experience

7. Starting from Part-time

8. Starting from Ebay (Not HK market)

Finally, two main points
Focus your job in your life
Never Never Give Up!

Remark : Everyday and Everyway, you will be better than better


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-9-12 20:58 發表

Easy to say, hard to do!
Yes, it is hard to do ! If you think hard to do.

But ................. You need do it.  You must do it.

If you cannot do it, don't 創業.


So you need find your target and drive you life to it.

Do you know who is this forum owner?

He is Mr Cheung. He is a good business man. Timway & udomain Founder

Focus on IT business more than 10 years.




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