Actions of these come late for decades la.
I really don't understand how worthwhile to argue on reseving those so-called "old" remains like The Blue House, Lee Tung Street, Star Ferry.....etc etc.
How old are they????
How special are they???
How historical are they???
60 years??
100 years???
130 years???
Just go travel the world and see!!
Many real old- tasted and historical remains were demolished and got vanished one by one many decades ago~~!!!

Why our gov't did not keep the old houses where Dr Sun Yat Sen practise clinics (once was on Staunton Street, Central

) and met the other 3 fds to discuss China's future (once was on Gaugh Street, Central

) 100 years ago???

What I'm going to point out is not denying the kind efforts of those heritage protectionists. But the meaning of their acts is very negligible today bcoz it's now too late, and HK ppl only have to accept this cruel fact~!!

How they could be valued and attract tourism if only these houses are still here today~??!!!!
本帖最後由 V.V 於 2006-11-24 12:12 PM 編輯 ]