原帖由 vinka 於 2007-2-23 11:20 發表
應該是有人以為所謂的民主是一呼百應的解決社會問題的“萬靈丹”,不願意看到一個社會以另外一種制度和發展方式存在,心胸狹窄,頭腦發熱 ! 


Definition of Democracy / 民主的定義
Democracy is an ideology. Democratic system is a system to perform democracy. Generally speaking in a simple form, democracy means " ruled by the people ". There are conflicts between democratic system and individualism (a conflict of individualism within a society has been especially explained by the experiences of Socrates [Plato's teacher] ). There are different democratic systems in the western world. 3 independent areas in government politics: Executive 行政, Legislative 立法, Judicial 司法. In most practices, all policies and politics should be discussed in public by the public. The majority is representing all people to make decisions for management, policies, ... Due to different environments with different democratic systems, the ruling party/ruling govt is selected by the majority to perform management for the people. Therefore, the majority has it's own responsibility to make the decisions, and there are risks on the quality of majority. It is up to the people what to vote and how to select their choices. There are other sides of democracy when small amounts of people (rulers) who are performing Totalistism while the majority are not with necessary quality. However, there are much much higher risks if there is no democratic system when the rulers are not representing the people to manage for the people.
Here is a 4 sentences definition of Democracy provided by university political science professors in North American in the 80's:
There is no universal accepted definition for democracy. Democracy means different things to different people. Democracy is not the best. Up to the 20th century, democracy is the most accepted one for human being so far.
簡單 D 講
國家的主權屬於人民, 政府只是人民的公僕, 而非主人。
政治層面上, 兩個相反的極端:
經濟層面上, 兩個相反的極端:
全世界每個國家都在政治層面上及經濟層面上的相反的極端之間走來走去。 極端的是不存在, 例如極端的民主只存在於一人一國, 極端的共產主義也不存在。
政治層面上, 每個國家都有其民主一面及非民主一面, 分別是比較性多或比較性小。
同樣, 經濟層面上, 每個國家都有其社會保障主義一面, 也有其資本主義一面, 分別是比較性多或比較性小。 若失去所有社會主義, 其極端是政府也可不存在, 世界所有資產都屬於一小部份的人, 即是完全資本主義, 其他人就無產, 根據馬克思理論, 就終走向共產主義。
民主運動包括遊行, 遊行也是人民意願表達的一種方式。