薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

今天我剛上過等待開張的薀莎水療睇下, 裝修已完成七七八八. 其間「薀莎重開」題目有些憶測或過時的內容,
我現在開新題, 過瀘舊料, 也可供開業後各巴打貼上報告, 希望版主諒解.

在北角城中心搭電梯上三樓一出, 見到大堂牆上舊Windsor 的W字牌未拆, 但新Windsor巳有新logo, 是有關泰國文化的. 大堂真係好大, 新的reception desk 牆上有泰式飾物, 近電梯的牆有已開光的佛像彫塑及梳化. 大堂將會用微黃燈光照明.
全場用泰式柚木及天然雲石.好多擺設古董飾物及畫, 有些值幾十萬,都係泰國入口, 用射燈照住,行泰式休閒feel.

入去男賓locker , lockers 分為隔開三組, 以避開多客時擠迫.
入男賓水池區, 先有供客放私人用的炉液shampoo等toiletries的木櫃好多個亦好靚.
共有十個shower booths.
濕蒸房那邊有八個shower booths, 每個都有半透明玻璃門輕輕開關, 雖然booths不是好闊,
但好深, 可分前後parts, 後part 即是近showers, 前後的中間有半個screen 遮住,關不關門都比一般booths多了private 感.
當然未放上shower gel, shampoo, 但我見過的貨板有羅莉亞 shampoo, 好似亦有泰國的bath gel.
花灑除了主要頭, 兩側也有, 可射兩邊腰.
乾蒸那邊有兩個booths, 乾蒸房旁係冰池, 一蒸完就可跳入水. 那邊亦有雪櫃(雪糕), 自助食物處(好似維港桑拿水池那個).
濕、乾蒸各在一邊, 中間就暖池, 是較高身那種(高過東方水匯, 但沒維港的咁高).水池有藍色海洋feel(燈光效果).
主池的兩個對角有「飄池」各一, 以飄走客身上的油及污積. 雖未開張, 池現在已天天開行來「煲」(warm up).
池裹一處有所謂「水床」,不是真床是斜底有噴水位, 你俟落可噴背, 這個水床位左右有鋼扶手, 你可扶住起落.
現在池中間的柱和靠牆未有甚揦特別擺設或枝葉, 開張睇下點.

休息室是男女賓共用, 有三部TV, 泰式布廉擺設, 座位當然有lcd monitor, 梳花硬過維港或東方水匯的, 但有泰式
cushions. 茶機有大象.現亦考慮緊將女賓骨房區的若干房改為小小女休.
有六個VIP  休息室, 有wall TVv 及上網. VIP房玻璃是藍色, 外面望入去幾乎完全看不到入面, 夠private.
carpet 是灰色及有場的logo.

骨房男區和女區只是仳鄰, 並不分得好開, 共27間. 當然男房多過女房. 就算女賓一時唔夠房,
亦可用男房只需放落小竹簾遮住門的玻璃位(好似維港的3號房), 房裹有電子鐘,最大的四人房都唔錯.
至於會唔會好似天天桑拿女賓那層可男女同房dup, 唔講住了, 到時有興趣的去發掘下啦.
尤其是男房區, 一路行入去轉幾次, 其中兩列房成T型直角(有酒店層的feel), 出入房都可避太近「途人」. 有個「天堂鳥」的彫塑.那個'sub-corridor'盡頭又有一特別擺別. 我終於行main corridor 到盡, 有間store room遲些會改建為美容專房. 美容 及spa服務由美容業界人士承辦.不過遲些試業開張不會立即就有spa, 因spa牌估計要再遲些出.
有四間spa 房, 兩間有「缸」, 兩間有上面射水 那種. 應該是全港第一間有這個spa 規模的桑拿.

好, 接著入女賓水池區, 我第一次入女賓水池. . 一樣有for 女士放自家toiletries 的專櫃,
暖池及冰池較男賓的細, 暖池也有飄池.  四個toilet booths, 濕、乾蒸房, 三張dressing table 好大鏡亦好大, 女士愛美嘛.

總而言之, 全場硬件個別部份未必是全港最正, 但整體而言, 以其創新獨特性硬件有可能成全港top.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-8-17 09:34 編輯 ]

開張首月內有優惠,只講massage 一粒鐘$44X 送多一粒鐘, 抵!
一個月後就單鐘44x雙鐘59x, 但付了雙鐘就有$100 coupon下次用, 一次平d一次貴d, 好似加勒比海桑拿咁,

現管理班底有四男五女, 有三個由sister sauna 維港調過去,仲有水池部長一位及一美容主管.
我今日就見到日更經理, 我咁多年來在兩間場只見過佢幾次, 難得他立即叫到我姓, 佢事前唔知我到訪,好記性! 這十一人中兩個係舊溫莎老臣子, 亦來自東方水匯.

較多來自皇室 (其中有某一靚霖把 ),
浪陶莎 (哈, 有一個這個背景的我知會過去)
九龍方面, 東方水匯一些早更技師

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2010-1-4 23:30 編輯 ]

C hing, when will it open ??

開業日已有tentative schedule, exact date 暫不會「公」佈, 希望最遲係一月中, 若能在暫擬的「吉日」開, fine.

對蕰莎有興趣的巴打, be prepared!

在場留了半小時, 同佢地打個招呼佢地帶我「遊花園」, 之後佢地開全體management meeting 我就唔阻人地走先啦.

到時蘊莎會開早上10/1030 am.


舊windsor  07年12月收皮

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2011-8-21 09:52 編輯 ]

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2010-1-2 19:02 發表
今天我剛上過等待開張的蕰莎水療睇下, 裝修已完成七七八八. 其間「蕰莎重開」題目有些憶測或過時的內容,
我現在開新題, 過瀘舊料, 也可供開業後各巴打貼上報告, 希望版主諒解.

在北角城中心搭電梯上三樓一 ...


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Thank you for WK Ching update.

回復 6# 的帖子
really look forward to visiting this sauna asap as too close to Chinese year is not good as need to give out a lot of Laize - not just $$$$ but really troublesome.  I try to avoid visiting at the the first 2 weeks of Chinese New Year.  Thanks WK brother's update on the status.

原帖由 garylock 於 2010-1-4 10:48 發表
really look forward to visiting this sauna asap as too close to Chinese year is not good as need to give out a lot of Laize - not just $$$$ but really troublesome.  I try to avoid visiting at the the  ...
maybe you could bump into your old favourite 18.
I can ask for you if she is on the bg list.

回復 11# 的帖子
Good but I think she may not come back as she left 6 months before it was closed last time and I asked some BGs there and sounds like most people don't know - suddenly disappeared.  But still missed the place - convenient and close to MTR thought the entrance at G/F is kind of open and a lot of people.

原帖由 garylock 於 2010-1-4 12:08 發表
But still missed the place -
The place is totaly different inside now.

貓兄 : 我地會否有機會係蘊莎見下面呀?

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2010-1-2 19:42 發表
到時蘊莎會開早上10/1030 am.


舊windsor  07年12月收皮
under similar  management / boss ?

原帖由 CY+Kong 於 2010-1-4 16:03 發表
貓兄 : 我地會否有機會係蘊莎見下面呀?
Good! Let's date in due course.

原帖由 Oldman 於 2010-1-4 19:30 發表

under similar  management / boss ?
There seem to be three directors: two are the present directors of VPS and the third is new to the field (but experienced in service industry).

Management: as I say, two in the management were staff members of old Windsor.

management structure: A Chief
                                         a day shift and a night shift managers
                                         three 'officers'
                                        four PRs

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2010-1-7 23:04 編輯 ]

原帖由 CY+Kong 於 2010-1-4 16:03 發表
貓兄 : 我地會否有機會係蘊莎見下面呀?
Brother C Y Kong, there you will meet a staff member previously from GFS, a pretty young lady.
Tonight I saw her at VPS. She is helping as night shift receptionist (junior PR) and will take up a similar post at New Windsor when transferred there.

Guess who she is?

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2010-1-4 23:43 編輯 ]

白貓兒 is doing advertisement for 蘊莎 here?  Haha, i have no objection on this... at least different sanua should do advertisement here.  Then more C-hing can understand the sanua more.

the abovementioned 加勒比海桑拿, I think it is not a fair comparsion. 加勒比海桑拿 is not a normal sanua.. They provide special services to their old customers in their list.  If no specific referral, they will not serve you no matter how many times you go there.  If you are a new customer, i think it is stupid to try. The bg there for normal service is old and massage skill is poor.  They will force you to give 200 tips.  The standard charge for two hours is 600. Total is 800.  Then give you a 100 coupon for next time.  Will you go there again?  The most fucking thing is that the service in sitting area is so shit.  They are only kind to old customers.  Only will serve new customers standard drink/tea.  Anyway, attitude is fucking poor.  加勒比海桑拿's old customers include some 明星 and rich guys.  This may be the reason for their working approach.  If you want to try 加勒比海桑拿, i suggest you NOT to go there.  I understand that they charge many new comers 800 everytime, it can help a bit for their business as well.   Don't go 加勒比海桑拿... just let them do their old customers forever.. see them 幾時關門.

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原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2010-1-6 09:10 發表
Well  I used to be a Windsor fans (2000-2007) too
but recently I stick to Shanghai30 (Rainbow HK) at Tin Hau (Citicorp building)
after 8pm $558 for 2 hours
Nice place, not too big but clean and nic ...
Which BGs at Shanghai30 would you recommend on night shift then?

原帖由 bizmatch 於 2010-1-6 01:30 發表
the abovementioned 加勒比海桑拿, I think it is not a fair comparsion.
I am not comparing the two in all aspects, I am only comparing the vegi prices and the coupon bit which are similar.
(in that price comparison I also mention Royal Spa).
I am just slightly referring to the vegi part of Carribean in passing, and its unsatisfactory rest room service
has been reported about in forums previously.

原帖由 carmanlamlam 於 2010-1-6 09:10 發表
Well  I used to be a Windsor fans (2000-2007) too
but recently I stick to Shanghai30 (Rainbow HK) at Tin Hau (Citicorp building)
after 8pm $558 for 2 hours
Nice place, not too big but clean and nic ...
Can we say that Rainbow HK has a distinct vegi and a non-vegi part in its service on offer?

原帖由 bizmatch 於 2010-1-6 01:30 發表
白貓兒 is doing advertisement for 蘊莎 here?  Haha, i have no objection on this... at least different sanua should do advertisement here.  Then more C-hing can understand the sanua more.

the abovem ...
Agree entirely.  I visited there a couple of time.  No one comes to talk to you after taking you to the seat.  I am still holding the $100 coupon but I do not think I shall go again.

原帖由 headboy 於 2010-1-6 10:19 發表
Agree entirely.  I visited there a couple of time.  No one comes to talk to you after taking you to the seat.  I am still holding the $100 coupon but I do not think I shall go again.
But I am thinking of giving it just one try. I seem to know one of the staff there, and a friend is taking me there.
After that, maybe bye bye.............

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