東方水匯桑拿(The Sauna and Spa)

我本來話唔寫,只係係「尖東係新場」题內加些資料. 但見高射炮兄出左個報告,
我卒之都係手痕 ,開翻條題目。
這場記得我若兩年半前講過會開, 拖下拖下終於上月中開檔.
雙鐘570 (85折原價約610, 加鐘200).



佢地亦一年前請左大豪客/維港既嘉玲姐過檔做經理, 我一直都好期望見翻靓女經理.

http://forum.timway.com/f/viewthread.php?tid=296609&page=2#pid8821792   (post #32)

高兄已寫過裝潢, 我只補充: 我唔會形容為好豪華, 但高雅新淨.

最吸引處是水池區的水晶燈好靚, 兩個水池(熱、凍)
分得好開, 地方大容許.

}身booths夠, 整個水池同locker區都鋪了好细塊tiles, 感覺exquisite.

但無維港色水咁花, 主調啡色, carpet 灰, 近水吧櫃有卡位餐^.

我個人經歷過原址舊龍濤濼(crystal spa) 、新龍濤濼到依家, 當然依家硬件最好.
入到休息室好輕鬆, 因為立即就有維港過檔的兩位腳師傅greeted我


都見翻中更的Maggie, 夜更的Carmen(當然不是維港的carmen)同Ming (唸第一聲),


特別開心見翻maggie和carmen. 幾位靚公關穿天空藍色suit,

而嘉玲姐養尊處優多時復出, 一樣依舊雙眼動人, 粉紅菲菲.


食物方面, 雖然已開始有小炒及飯餐,但未比得起維港的質素.

聽說間場三位股東之一X哥試過都話未係好得. (我落去有見同到高大靓仔的他.)

16/10開張那天到18/10那三天的確好爆客, 初時收 1 am都百幾客 (by now, 收5 am),
但by now 已levelled off甚至回落, 初時吸引到尖東附近桑拿的客, 甚至棕泉及各股東的舊客、朋友.

現在能否有較多的隱定長期客, 未係肯定. 佢要同附近的棕南海和維港競爭.



現役技師亦俾一些競爭者缚住, 现役棕泉的,講明東方水匯唔會請(但應該/可能有例外,

因為我知水匯有一個剛之前係香港棕泉幾红), 维港则早已扣起技師鐘錢之中的每雙鐘十元.

所以雖然维港失了若干客,水匯暫時未算好樂觀. 希望唔係弄致雙輸.

至於技師方面, 我不在版面說numbers 了. 不過我可以講下: 未有 8 仔,
最好意頭的雙位數字技師, 大半年前在维港做過. 以前龍泉匯的四小花(我真衰, 以前替佢地起埋咁既 ),

首小花和另一花都係水匯. 有一位來自碧麗湖的陀地(number 也有8字)及另一入行無耐的陀地,

近日會有再多一兩個陀地返. 另外亦有 d來自维港(早前已離職)

super兄和fitman兄問過我, 我會稍後pm你地深入少少的info.

對我方便的是,我在维港的至愛 ,與及维港較靚的其他幾位技師都留在維港.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-3 23:18 編輯 ]

I have not tried the 水力按摩H(photo 4),可配合全身磨砂按摩用。

photo 5: VIP massage room: 獨立沐浴室、濕蒸房及更衣櫃

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-16 16:45 編輯 ]

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picture 9 is 太陽燈機

picture 10 VIP休息房

picture 12 shows the bg uniform but she is not a real bg, a receptionist.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-16 09:40 編輯 ]

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These photos are found on the sauna's newly launched website, but of course I cannot post the web link which would violate the forum rule.

Since I still do not go to this sauna as often as my home court, Victoria Palm Spring,
to avoid 'bias' , if members want to look at the inside of VPS,
you can search for it on youtube, keying in 維港棕泉桑拿.
The video clip is also available on the sauna's homepage on yellow pages online.
of course, again I cannot post the clip here.

原帖由 SCWK 於 2009-12-1 16:48 發表
anyone tried the gym room? seem like no one works out at the sauna,
you mean this?  

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原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-16 09:33 發表
picture 9 is 太陽燈機

picture 10 VIP休息房

picture 12 shows the bg uniform but she is not a real bg, a receptionist.
btw, this girl looks familiar, I seem to have met her and even talked to her/ was served by her  elsewhere.
Does any brother remember?

As I have said, my memory now often fails me.

Thank you WK Ching 咁長細既資料, 我應該今晚好大機會去試吓. 請問七點幾去會吾會勁多人而要等呢?1或要make booking sin 呢?

原帖由 yellow40 於 2009-12-16 13:55 發表
Thank you WK Ching 咁長細既資料, 我應該今晚好大機會去試. 請問七點幾去會吾會勁多人而要等呢?1或要make booking sin 呢?
Yes, I went there same time round 7 pm as you, not too many, just like VPS

You can book a girl by her no, or you can ask PRs for recommendations after you arrive.

原帖由 gowentgone 於 2009-11-25 23:15 發表

I met the manageress seems all ...............
bro gowentgone, did u meet these officers?

The one on the photo left is the famous Ka Ling 姐, chief of the sauna;
the one on the right is the day shift manager, Cherry 姐.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-17 09:26 編輯 ]

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原帖由 fitman 於 2009-12-15 19:43 發表
i been there for few times but with same bg  
I know you like to stick to the same girl, but no need to mark 死 一個wor....you could try others on my "recommended list", or
ask the PRs for recent worthy additions, unless you are like me, who, once having found a best favourite who is better than
all previoulsy tried girl, will always think she is unique.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-16 23:36 編輯 ]

原帖由 super123123 於 2009-12-15 11:48 發表
but to complaint about this new place
bookings always mixed up!
or, one PR does not know that a bg had changed to another shift, which was not her shift.
you were told that you could have her, but were later told that she was just off work.

Any rich member here interested in the following packages?





VIP $5,000咭可享用$5,800消費總額

原帖由 garylock 於 2009-12-8 10:58 發表
yes, the price after 12 plus $200 tips is still 59x.  very good value for money, though a lot of time needs to wait for BGs
To make things clear for those who want to visit during the discounted periods:










                                                                      Also, 11 am to 2 pm: $438

I thought parking was free (I don't drive)

but actually: 泊車 (每四小時)  60

十分詳詳細細 多謝貓兄 下次会試4尕小花

thanks for sharing!

dont know serve the client
Yesterday night around 8:30 I have saw one guy was very angry! I'm not sure wt they argue about,
but the guy complaint that
1. wait for 30mins but no food
2  nobody care about him and serve him
3. nobody know his last name (I hear he said : I'm not Mr NG)
4. why the manger have not apologize to him
so he immediately left! I'm wonder why the manger do not solve the problem at once!

原帖由 fitman 於 2009-12-16 19:07 發表
十分詳詳細細 多謝貓兄 下次会試4尕小花
Who are  FOUR   flowers?    If you mean the one previously from LCW,
then there are other flowers from other places. Keep exploring!

As for me, I am content as long as I have helped brothers in their exploration.
I don't have the mental energy to explore around.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-16 23:07 編輯 ]

原帖由 BonnyM 於 2009-12-16 19:58 發表
dont know serve the clientYesterday night around 8:30 I have saw one guy was very angry! I'm not sure wt they argue about,
but the guy complaint that
1. wait for 30mins but no food
2  nobody care about him and serve him
3. nobody know his last name (I hear he said : I'm not Mr NG)
4. why the manger have not apologize to him
so he immediately left! I'm wonder why the manger do not solve the problem at once!

Well, there have been problems like having to wait too long at reception for paying bills,
possibly wrong bill, etc. in the beginning when this sauna newly opened. I understand that might have been because the reception desk staff were new and inexperienced.
The locker attendants and pool men give good service, but somehow the waitresses in the rest lounge were not good enough.

Some Victoria Palm Spring guests went to this new sauna to try it, they met with the above problems and when they returned to VPS,
they told the VPS staff (and the VPS staff told me ).

Personally I was lucky : on the whole I had not met with any big problem in this new sauna, maybe because I already knew most of the PRs, and even a few locker guys
the first time I went there.   But I can understand the feelings of those who were not happy.
TONIGHT, when I was in VPS, I heard a guest grumble to manager VIvian about his unhappy experience, quite like what you heard over there in Sauna & Spa.

Maybe this IS  the guest who walked out ! (especially in view of the fact tonight I also heard the guest complain no one served him there at Sauna & Spa.

I think the mangement badly needs to train the waitresses.
One minor thing: last time I went to Sauna & Spa, when I entered the rest lounge after washing and changing into robe,
the waitress ushered me not to the nearer part of the lounge, but to the farther part. But in the farther part there were more cutomers with fewer
unoccupied seats than occupied ones. I immediately returned to the part of the longe nearer the exit where there were obvioulsy more
unoccupied seats. Honestly, I did have the impression that the waitress was not smart enough.

Also, we all know the rest lounge is just quite big, the waitresses need to position themelves better/ turn around/turn their eyes more often, etc. and be
conscious of customers' presence and sensitive to their needs.

As for PRs/managers, they were mostly okay to me but there are one or two that I am afraid were not active enough, well I don't want
to name names and offend people. But honestly I hope that the sauna Chief  Ka Ling will review the situation seriously.

I remember last time, when I got seated in the rest lounge, and one of the  PRs whom I was most familiar  with chatted with me
, a few guests (three in number) just arrived,and sat on the seats opposite me. I immediately asked her to leave me and go over to serve the three newly-arrived guests,
because opposite only one PR was serving them.
I hope that the PRs there can be flexible enough and need not always attend to their old/familiar guests every minute
and should never ignore unfamiliar guests.
'An old customer always started as a new, unfamiliar one' there is a Chinese saying equivalent to this.

The locker guys and pool men were good and once again I commend them.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-17 09:10 編輯 ]

原帖由 BonnyM 於 2009-12-16 19:58 發表
why the manger have not apologize to him

Honestly, can you tell me if the 'manager' you saw was a man or a lady?

When a sauna is new, problems can occur and this is nothing surprising, thing is it should minimise mistakes and learn from
'To err is human;
to forgive, divine'

A funny thing happened last time I went there.
After I finished massage, as I was about to leave the room,
I heard loud noise of a customer talking with a bg in the corridor.
Luckily I had finished massage; otherwise the noise would be very upsetting.

I was surprised that the customer behaved that way,
I was also surprised that the bg seemingly did not say "hush' (sh......) to her guest
but talked loudly too.

I was still INDIGNANT and when I told the staff, they said they would at once go to tell the bgs what they should not do.

回復 143# 的帖子
I think I am more lucky, I do not anyone from Sauna & Spa but several of the PRs, or receptionist, or boys remember me from VPS or Lotto

回復 148# 的帖子
Retried @* again, little complaint that she was lazy (stop massage before phone rang, 2nd time)
Heard ** & !#* got several bookings

原帖由 super123123 於 2009-12-17 00:33 發表
I think I am more lucky, I do not anyone from Sauna & Spa but several of the PRs, or receptionist, or boys remember me from VPS or Lotto
Ming (female PR night shift, from lotto)............has she left Sauna & Spa,
I have the feeling that she has left, right? or still staying?
you also saw locker boys from lotto?

Some how I feel that night shift manager 明哥 has left, replaced by Ken is that right?

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-16 16:28 發表
Maybe let me sum up the main staff (but I need brothers' help)
so that newcomers to this sauna better associate the staff and their names in their minds:

Chief: Ka Ling (but as chief she does not often get near to guests sitting in the lounge)
day shift manager: Cherry, day shift PR: Anna
mid shift PR: Maggie,  and another PR whose name I have forgotten
night shift manager: 明哥
night shift PR: Carmen, Ming, Ken

brothers who know better than me can clarify here, for the benefit of newcomers to this sauna.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-17 15:23 編輯 ]
