I feel the same way too, it hard to get those nylon type lingerie....
If you try to the local brand (China), I can say 90% of the panties and bra, the material used is 紗質. If you lucky can get nylon one, this one also low quality nylon.
Even I go higher class likes Sorella, Audrey, still unable to get those nice nylon type, the shining type I like....
If you still insist looking for high quality nylon panties, no choice have to look for Wacoal, Triumph .....
原帖由 darkside 於 2012-12-18 02:19 發表
sure !! this kind of under is the most best !!! I have playing over 30 years !!!
Salaute! Brother ! 30 years is long long period, I just been a lingerie lover since 10 year old till now, it just 25 years.
Lace, Embroidery Lace, Nylon, Cotton... is all my favorite....
Lingerie loving is not a common interest for all man like what the car did! We only can share the interest over here, where we know share each other but keep privacy in the same time. I like this forum, able to meet you all, lingerie brothers..... cheers !!!
係 成個SERIES用既面料都好正 絕世好BRA TO ME 現在也戴著
但面料太容易勾絲 之後加推的換了面料 手感色澤也比不上原來的
上年在特賣場還找到 都是70 A B的 今年連特賣場也沒有了 絕跡
Sorry! I am from Malaysia, typing in chinese taking me a long time, I am using Han Yu Pin Yin
, difficult to type a ling story....
Is this Embry Form from China? If so, why I cannot get a good quality of China made lingerie, the lingerie sold here all in lower quality, that why I got no choice to go for 2nd hand or recycle lingerie, if more affordable then I go for higher class like Triumph and Wacoal.