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[疑難] 請問accrued cost 是 怎麼用?

請問accrued cost 是 怎麼用?

e.g. 一個job, estimated cost is hk$5000,

then staff A claim cash advance for that $5000

Dr. Cash advance $5000
Cr. Bank                           $5000

when staff A spent  $3000 for direct costs, obtained actual bills from suppliers (paid)

Dr. WIP               $3000
Cr.  Cash Advance           $3000

once, the job is completed, issue sales invoice

Dr. direct costs   $3000
Cr.  WIP                        $3000

In this case, the accrued cost is $2000. (estimated cost - WIP)
I don't really understand of it.

I think that something wrong in my concept....

Can anyone give me a help?  
Really thanks.


原帖由 pigone 於 2008-5-5 10:08 PM 發表
e.g. 一個job, estimated cost is hk$5000,

then staff A claim cash advance for that $5000

Dr. Cash advance $5000
Cr. Bank                           $5000

when staff A spent  $3000 for direc ...
You completed the project to the extent that now you invoice customer.

You only paid $3,000 and have $2,000 yet to pay.

Therefore you accrue for the unpaid cost, so that you have $5,000 in your cost of sales ($3,000 paid + $2,000 unpaid).  So you

DR.  WIP (or cost of sales)
Cr.  Accrued expenses

When you pay the $2,000, you debit accrued expenses and credit bank/cash.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2008-5-6 18:39 發表

You completed the project to the extent that now you invoice customer.

You only paid $3,000 and have $2,000 yet to pay.

Therefore you accrue for the unpaid cost, so that you have $5,000 ...
Thank you, dejavu2003

is there any accrued cost in accounting concept? I mean...popula in use?
this is a first time I found it in the balance sheet....

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 pigone 於 2008-5-6 09:59 PM 發表

Thank you, dejavu2003

is there any accrued cost in accounting concept? I mean...popula in use?
this is a first time I found it in the balance sheet....
I guess when goods or services are delivered at the period end date, they have to be accrued.

Accrual is needed when a liability is incurred.  

Eg.  we accrue every month for the year end bonuses which are only due in December and January, but we need to accrue during the course of the year otherwise, I have to take a big hit comes December and January.  Another example is Unused Annual Leave.  We allow staff to accumulate annual leave and we have accrual in our books of over $1 million.

[ 本帖最後由 dejavu2003 於 2008-5-7 00:40 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2008-5-7 00:25 發表

I guess when goods or services are delivered at the period end date, they have to be accrued.

Accrual is needed when a liability is incurred.  

Eg.  we accrue every month for the year end ...
wow...1M,  haha....
so many staffs, big company.....

more clearly now, thanks again.


原帖由 pigone 於 2008-5-7 08:25 AM 發表

wow...1M,  haha....
so many staffs, big company.....

more clearly now, thanks again.
not many staff, but big accumulation per person, some over 40 days of annual leave outstanding.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2008-5-7 08:59 發表

not many staff, but big accumulation per person, some over 40 days of annual leave outstanding.
oh....heavy workload.

same as me, but my case is worst than you.
all accum. leave will be written-off at the end of each year.
no cash reimbursement or holiday.


原帖由 pigone 於 2008-5-7 11:42 AM 發表

oh....heavy workload.

same as me, but my case is worst than you.
all accum. leave will be written-off at the end of each year.
no cash reimbursement or holiday.

put in your leave request and let the company reject it.  then they can't deny you the vacation and not compensate you.

That's criminal.  I will never do that to my staff.

I am now restricting the accum. leave to 1.5 years entitlement and the excess will be paid off at end of year.  That will bring it down to less than $1 million.




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