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Shocking Massacre & Rape( 殘忍!!不 喜勿進)

Shocking Massacre & Rape( 殘忍!!不 喜勿進)

The following links are the real historical films  about Rape of Nanjing massacre..
After watching those films I felt shocked & angry..
I think everybody should watch those films to understand The Jap & Chinese Wars during WWII.
I am not spread hatred here but we can not forget the history about Chinese victims  suffering horrible Wars..
We should learn from the bloody lessons & prevent this horrible tragedies happen again in the World...
( This video may not be suitable for minors.)

http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=YoW2WYdOsvg&feature=user   ( English version I)
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=iqH47MIpuoA      ( English VersionII)
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=TgENINXPrAM   ( Chinese VersionI)
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=mwdzxTMFUl4   ( Chinese Version II)


[ 本帖最後由 Reddog 於 2008-6-9 13:55 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Video


As a human  being I really feel shocked & angry about what barbarous Jap did in Nanjing..
From you historical text books you may never learn this horrible tragedies ...




Dude, this post should not be in this section of the forum.


原帖由 dumbo1221 於 2008-6-7 15:39 發表
Dude, this post should not be in this section of the forum.
If few more brothers complain
I will delete this post


This is too remind us that we must watch more jap porn so that we can disgrace their grand children


原帖由 sang123 於 2008-6-8 23:16 發表
This is too remind us that we must watch more jap porn so that we can disgrace their grand children
Oh, I get it now.

In that case, I am going to support the cause tonight.


Because of the horrible rape they did to us, I do not buy Japanese car.

I have been buying GM or Ford cars.


Oh!  Thank You!




Let history be the past and look forward.
I don't like Japs in WWII; but we should not carry on the feeling to today's Jap generation.

Suggest we keep these links for those who wish to learn from history.

We (Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, overseas Chinese) are brothers !!!



Thank You for the links.....

I watched them ......

A very hard lesson in history.....

Please KEEP this thread.....


Facts are facts. No hiding from it.


原帖由 tailantau 於 2008-6-28 04:38 發表
Facts are facts. No hiding from it.
That's the reason why i posted those links here.. B/C we are all ethnic Chinese in oversea. We can not forget the history, facts are facts...If we can not learned from
the bloody history, the horrible wars will happened again
Especially such unbelievable inhuman, cold-blooded atrocities, massacres, rapes, tortures which committed by Japs during WWII...
I am not hate new generations Japs  
Another things shocked me was i found all new generations Japs  responses after watched those historical video in YOU TUBE, Japs  said  " Those war crimes are fake "
No  Japs  felt sorry about what their people did  during WWII ...THOSE JAPS really PISS me OFF... ( check You Tube to find out ..)
Eventually I found out Japan government still lying & hiding all the War Crimes information to their people..
All the war crimes information still not available in their Textbooks,libraries... Japan still educate their new generations that all war crimes information in the world are FAKE!!

I appreciate big brother Rtsang88 did not delete my post.. As a human being I really need to do some things for our people...   

I decided to take some actions to  boycott Japan...
1. I will spread all the priceless historical video about Japs inhuman,cruel,  atrocities to the WORLD ..
2. i will not go to japan for vacation in the future..
3. I will reduce to buy Jap made products....

[ 本帖最後由 Reddog 於 2008-6-29 23:29 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Video


Unit 731 Japanese Torture & Human Medical Experiments

Flash: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=bAp8bSdE5MQ

Rape Sex Slaves & Comfort Women: Japanese Atrocities in Asia

Flash: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux74kJLv7KY



OF course I will continue FXXXK Japs chicks for SEX only.....




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