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Auckland - an insights

Auckland - an insights

A Brothels in Auckland vary from sleazy to high class. There are several in the latter category, the best of which is the pelican club, which features friendly girls, a nice atmosphere, and a management who understand that making you feel comfortable is a great way to get you back the next time. Down on fort street (Side Street off the bottom end of Queen Street) there is a sad little collection of places which have grown fewer in number over the last few years. The one to avoid at all costs is lipstick. Lipstick features a handful of girls who usually can't make it elsewhere.

Once in a while there's a good one there but for the most part they're older, tired and meaner than you'll find at the better whorehouses. One of the girls told me recently that drug use is common among the women there, and I don't doubt it. Last time I was there were five girls on offer, one of whom was just about the ugliest girl I have ever seen in a brothel.

Think short and square, with badly cut and badly dyed blonde hair, a bad attitude and acne. Makes you wonder what man would be so short-sighted or drunk to want her. The management is sleazy and contemptuous of their clients - as long as they get your money (nz$140 for a strictly enforced half hour) they don't care what experience you have. Avoid this place, and go instead to the pelican club (Newton Road) where you'll find very pretty, friendly girls and get a relaxed hour of fun.

Just a field report obtained from somewhere to share...............


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