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[疑難] 法律問題


如果某人飲醉酒, 受酒精影響,神智不清,但依然強行駕駛,結果發生交通意外, 導致另外一位同車的朋友被拋出車外,雙腳殘廢而永久失去工作能力 (受傷那位當時沒有帶安全帶),
請問受傷那位,可以對駕車那位,提出控告嗎? (但他本身都有疏忽,冇帶安全帶,他有權提出任何訴訟嗎?)


原帖由 kwan07 於 2007-11-13 05:37 發表
如果某人飲醉酒, 受酒精影響,神智不清,但依然強行駕駛,結果發生交通意外, 導致另外一位同車的朋友被拋出車外,雙腳殘廢而永久失去工作能力 (受傷那位當時沒有帶安全帶),
請問受傷那位,可以對駕車那位,提出控告嗎 ...

1.        The first question that we must consider before taking civil actions against others for civil wrongs is whether there is a strong likelihood:
(a)        that we have the resources to commence with the action and maintain it throughout;
(b)        that we will win the judgment at the end of the day; and
(c)        that we will and can enjoy the fruit of winning the judgment against the assets (when the defendant is still alive)/estate (when the defendant has passed away) of the defendant(s), not whether we have a right to sue!

2.         In Hong Kong, most normal, local adults do however have a right to sue anyway, but will suffer a great loss in paying the legal costs incurred at the end of the day if they lose their cases in the court.

3.        If a passenger in a car accident sustained injuries (various kinds) due to the negligence of others (i.e., the defendants) but did not wear the seat belt at all or did not wear it properly, he would only be held contributorily negligent if his injuries which were the consequences of the accident would have been prevented or lessened if he wore a seat belt.  If the defendants succeed in proving contributory negligence on the part of the passenger, then about 15-25% of the quantum of damages (i.e., the compensation awarded) would be deducted from the passenger.

4.        I must repeat that the question whether the drunken driver and/or others had been careless at all in the accident must be considered as the paramount factor prior to the issue whether the passenger would, by reason of his agreement or conduct, be precluded from recovering full compensation for the consequences of any carelessness on the part of the persons involved.  Even if a driver has consumed a lot of drinks, he might still be able to exercise the reasonable standard of driving his vehicle that which is reasonably required by and expected from the court.

[ 本帖最後由 koolaar 於 2007-11-15 12:12 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Driving


Thanks for your help.


當委託人授權代理人訂立合約, 以及委託人指明代理人不可透露委託人的身份,和指明代理人不可透露本身自己的代理身份, 但代理人售賣委託人的物品時,代理人對該物品作出了失實陳述令第三方與代理簽約,事後第三方發現後,打算告代理人並向代理索償.

在上述情況下, 因為代理人未披露委託人的身分, 而且訂立合約時,代理人的權力已存在, 所以第三者可以根據合約起訴代理人/委託人...
雖然代理人的權力已存在(有委託人的授權), 但代理人作左一項失實陳述, 事後委託人可以根據合約起訴代理人??
請問個case係唔係應該咁樣發展? 謝謝解答.


原帖由 kwan07 於 2007-11-19 01:57 發表
當委託人授權代理人訂立合約, 以及委託人指明代理人不可透露委託人的身份,和指明代理人不可透露本身自己的代理身份, 但代理人售賣委託人的物品時,代理人對該物品作出了失實陳述令第三方與代理簽約,事後第三方發現 ...
You expect us to help you and/or your friends do the assignments?


我先前都有post類似的問題....我是剛修business law...
其實我係驚答錯方向....所以想問下你地 ...sorry.....
其實最主要的問題係d case好似雙方都有錯咁(好似上述既醉酒case....自己飲醉..仲要醉酒駕駛....搞到另一位殘廢....但殘廢個位自己又唔帶安全帶....)我做依題既時候就夾左係中間咁....雙方理據好似一樣咁....搞到我都唔知邊方強??最終都唔知邊個對??

[ 本帖最後由 kwan07 於 2007-11-23 11:27 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 功課




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