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LOSS OF pptool32Ex.dll

LOSS OF pptool32Ex.dll

When booting the computer, it prompts with a message "LOSS OF pptool32Ex.dll" and it does not allow the penpower chinese writing program to load on.  

Here, can I ask any expert brother what to do for solving this problem.

I am using Windows 7 operating system.

Many thanks in advance.   


Answer from Microsoft

n addition to Bindu's reply, you may check with the software vendor for the Penpower Jr program to verify that the program is Windows Vista compatible. If so, you may verify that the Pen Power program is uninstalled from Control Panel>Programs>Programs and Features and then try reinstalling the program to check if the issue persists. You may also try installing the program using another User Account.

Regarding the additional error, please relay if any additional programs have been recently installed. You may also run an Antivirus\malware scan using an Antivirus program.

Also, below is link for a Microsoft Security Essentials , a free anti-malware solution for your computer that helps protect against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software:

Help protect your PC with Microsoft Security Essentials

Thank you,


Dear fighterplane  brother,

Thank you so much for your prompt advice.

Will follow those mentioned steps to clear the problem.  Actually, I have emailed penpower technical support department  a week ago, but still haven't heard from them.


1。 有部份防Malwqare 軟件會誤認蒙恬筆為Trojan.agent 而把dll刪掉。
2。 另一個方法是去官網下載最新程式,以下是e貓小蒙恬的驅動

http://www.penpower.com.tw/downl ... 3&product_sn=10

相關搜索目錄: 防毒軟件




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