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不得發表內容空泛之文章、洗版、過於精簡、文不對題的主題或回覆、灌水或呃post,、 (只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推, ccc,....,see; 只用符號或圖案表情或 自己回覆自己等都計算在內)
(本討論區規定所有會員, 24小時內在不同的版裡, 大致不能發多於 6 個新帖, 但某些特定的版, 會有不同的規定, 請進入不同的版之前, 務必看清楚該版版規)

first time u blocked me, without any warning.
second, if i did that wrong, why dont u send an email to me?
third, i think the rules should be a little change, as u said im 灌水 in the first place, but at that moment everyones were sleeping, just only me in the forum and when i read through all the threads, of coz i should support all the members. thats why i were repling the threads. inside all the threads that i was repling, didnt have second of my posted.
ok, i shouldnt type only (cool, thx for sharing or thx for sharing). im not saying that i dont understand the rules, but inside the rules have some grey area. thats why i sent u a message to clear a little bit. now u blocked me again and u didnt reply my message first, dont u think u did very selfish. u just blocked everyones that complained u and u are not very kindly to explain to us.


also i wasnt posted any message inside your forum, i think u have no right to blocked me, u should inform 日本通, manbo2003 and anakin 版主 to blocked me, not u. im very curious how can u "fuk" management the forum, i just see u just jump over to other 版主, u just think they are useless? i think u dont have any technique, skillful and respect other 版主.
i wish big 版主 can fairly judgement.
i dont know in here can i voice it out to let all the members and 版主 to know this happen.
i suggest if some 版主 can blocked the member only their forum, so they can still read other forums. all the members come to join xocat, becoz here have a lot of differents forums to read and their interest.
i think on this name i will be blocked again. if not i hope i still can reply this thread.


i know im not right to just replied only " cool, thx for sharing and thx for sharing ", but on the past, i did so many times to replied this words, and didnt have any problem.
im highly respect the rules, but i really dont understand why "fuk" not give me a warning email first. im very concern what he did to me and other members.
big 版主, i wish u could  discuss with all the 版主 and make the final decision of this happen please. thx...


提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽


i really want to know the comments and answer, as i join this website more than a year and i dont know why blocked me right now.


5) 嚴禁洗版。
洗版是指在短時間內不停開新主題,或短時間內不停回覆,全版最後回覆者 或 發帖者都是同一人,而無意義的內容,或 回覆內容連續相同。
如有發現任何違規情況、無意義回覆、或洗版行為, 一經發現每項(體力及威望)會因應情況被扣分,
嚴重違規的戶口會被取消, 該帖亦會被刪除而不作出任何警告, 請各版友留意

三天內不能有超過10個灌水回覆, 如只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推,ccc,....,see)



如有發現任何違規情況、無意義回覆、或洗版行為, 一經發現每項(體力及威望)會因應情況被扣分, ok...but u didnt do this step.
嚴重違規的戶口會被取消, 該帖亦會被刪除而不作出任何警告, 請各版友留意
u never give me any warning first.
second what is 嚴重違規? how could be 嚴重違規?
三天內不能有超過10個灌水回覆, 如只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推,ccc,....,see)
but i didnt posted same words to the same thread. 灌水 meaning, cant do the same words inside the same thread.
洗版 meaning, cant use the same title to type it all the page. thats why i feel this is the gray area.
我就覆埋你今次. by the way, u never reply any message to me, u just blocked me.
remember what did u do in the first place, u said im 灌水, thats why u blocked me 30days. u were not using 洗版 to blocked me. please pay attention what did u use the rules...
if u dont remember, i could show u.
one more question, 永久禁言 and 戶口會被取消, what is between this 2 meanings?


i think big 版主 should come out to say somethings of this matter.
is that some rules should be change a little bit clearly...
a lot of members, without any warning just blocked by 版主, is that fair to them?
even i read the whole thread of "dickylam", one member even said a "fxxk" rude word, but i cant see he/she was blocked. is that fair?
some members using "cccccc, heahepohs" or etc words. u never blocked them, those are not a words. we come to support some members did a nice thread to make them happy and respect, then they will carry on to find some new stuffs to us. this is the main purpose to website do and more net peoples to come to this website, make the xocat famous. this is the point.
im not come collect the points, points doesnt mean anything, cant use the points to buy anythings, im not coming to cheat your points for what purpose?


Mr. fuk,

i cant see any forums and any other rules have 永久禁言, just only in your own forum have this rule. i can see u are really jump over to other 版主.
even big 版主 rules dont have it...
u have your right to blocked me, but u dont have right to 永久禁言 me.


原帖由 dickylam_0106 於 2008-7-29 17:12 發表

無用的, 你留反啖氣暖下個肚啦! 你再怎麼投訴都沒用的.

我之前跟那些版主理論(成件事跟你差不多), 有很多版主明知是自己不對, 仲要強詞奪理, 做錯了都說自己沒錯, 搞到其他文明版主都不敢出聲.
我不服 ...
thx your comments man, but i will carry on to fight this rules and i will visit this website less.
if they are not to face this matter, i will help them to do so...


fuk, i can see that u are over taken this matter and u have no face to reply and explain all the matter, becoz u did very wrong for everythings. even u blocked me with wrong rule in the first place, right now here u used another rule to blocked me. im really curious how did u management in here and your company. thats why u just blocked me, if u cant blocked me, u cant let all the members agree with u. i can see that...


mr fuk, u are using the #4 rule to blocked, i think u should understand what u wrote first...
4) 嚴禁發表內容空泛之文章、過於精簡、文不對題的主題 或 回覆, 嚴禁灌水 或 呃post 。
所有只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推, ccc,....,see....;
亂打一片的字句(如:sdfghj, fgfgfgfgf, 111111……等) ;
一連串相同字的回覆(如: 好好好, 正正正, goodgoodgood..….等) ;
只用符號或圖案表情 ;
在同一標題內連續回覆 ;
以及 自己回覆自己等都計算在內。


在同一標題內連續回覆, that is real 灌水. do u understand? mr fuk


原帖由 fuk 於 2008-7-28 20:04 發表
理由 :犯版規,灌水.三天內有超過10個灌水回覆,全部只打cool, thx for sharing及thx for sharing

ht ...
the evidence is clear.
What I want from ice_ted.
1) apologize.
2) say that you won't do it again.  灌水
And I will reassume your account.


glad u replied my thread, thx...
my point is not that.
your 1&2 is very easy for me to do, but the point is mr. fuk didnt do the right thing in the first place, he hasnt give me any warning to tell me i cant do that and that, inside the rules have a lot of problems. second jump over, third dont seems a lot of members understand the rules of 灌水 meanings and the blocked by 版主. i think all the members dont have chance and dont know why 版主 blocked them.
if you said 灌水 means on the forum couldnt be type the same words on different each threads, i suggestion to change a little bit on the rules to make all the members clearly...
on the #13 posted rule said,
4) 嚴禁發表內容空泛之文章、過於精簡、文不對題的主題 或 回覆, 嚴禁灌水 或 呃post 。
所有只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推, ccc,....,see....;
亂打一片的字句(如:sdfghj, fgfgfgfgf, 111111……等) ;
一連串相同字的回覆(如: 好好好, 正正正, goodgoodgood..….等) ;
只用符號或圖案表情 ;
在同一標題內連續回覆 ;
以及 自己回覆自己等都計算在內。
"在同一標題內連續回覆" and "過於精簡". first i wasnt type the same words inside the same thread. second over simple, on the reply post has already locked up at least 5-9 letters. i was over than that. "cool, thx for sharing" and " thx for sharing" i think is very meaningful, at least not the " thx, good, nice or etc, but if u said this is still broke your rules. then i will understand the future when i come to your website to reply the thread and i will respect your comments. thx...
i wish that i can wait to see your reply again, cheers...


glad u replied my thread, thx...
my point is not that.
your 1&2 is very easy for me to do, but the point is mr. fuk didnt do the right thing in the first place, he hasnt give me any warning to tell me i cant do that and that, inside the rules have a lot of problems. second jump over, third dont seems a lot of members understand the rules of 灌水 meanings and the blocked by 版主. i think all the members dont have chance and dont know why 版主 blocked them.
if you said 灌水 means on the forum couldnt be type the same words on different each threads, i suggestion to change a little bit on the rules to make all the members clearly...
on the #13 posted rule said,
4) 嚴禁發表內容空泛之文章、過於精簡、文不對題的主題 或 回覆, 嚴禁灌水 或 呃post 。
所有只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推, ccc,....,see....;
亂打一片的字句(如:sdfghj, fgfgfgfgf, 111111……等) ;
一連串相同字的回覆(如: 好好好, 正正正, goodgoodgood..….等) ;
只用符號或圖案表情 ;
在同一標題內連續回覆 ;
以及 自己回覆自己等都計算在內。
"在同一標題內連續回覆" and "過於精簡". first i wasnt type the same words inside the same thread. second over simple, on the reply post has already locked up at least 5-9 letters. i was over than that. "cool, thx for sharing" and " thx for sharing" i think is very meaningful, at least not the " thx, good, nice or etc, but if u said this is still broke your rules. then i will understand the future when i come to your website to reply the thread and i will respect your comments. thx...
i wish that i can wait to see your reply again, cheers...


to mr.xocatll,
if u still think is all my fault. then i have nothing to said and i cant see faith in this website. i know u want to protect your managment team, but if u still keep this kind of 版主, i cant see any health team.
im not saying to fire him, i think u should talk to him and tell him to change his temper.
i have 4 points it out, u might not to reply or read it.
first, can u explain why dont have warning message.
second, i can see mr.fuk is very impolite, i think u could read the evidence.
http://forum.timway.com/f/thread-204895-1-1.html, the posted #7
third, even mr.fuk doesnt know which rules to blocked me.
i guess u might not be reply me, but i will wait...thx


to xocatll,

i read fighterplane message. im really understanding now. thx...
may i have suggestion in this matter?




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