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Proper way of learning programming

Proper way of learning programming

I would like to raise a discussion on “proper way to learn programming language”.

In last few threads that I read, I notice that lots of brothers quite concern on finding a good book to teach programming language / technique such as C++, Java..etc.

In my point of view, I always believe that such books are just for reference purpose. It shows you the syntax of that language; it also shows you what the libraries and real life examples practically. This type of reference book is perfect for people who know well in programming, but use it as for reference purpose or quick check up on syntax / libraries. On the other hand, it is also good for experienced programmers who want to start learning a new language, given that he knows all the concept and theory on software development and computational methodologies.

However, if you are just a learner who starts learning programming, you should not use this as starting point. Since this type of book never shows you the way you should think to develop an application. What you should learn is the programming concept, programming structure / architecture, its methodology, and the way of logic thinking on software development. This is what we called the software engineering or computational science.

Programming concept is like (內功). Without this, it is hard to go further.

Please comment on my opinion.

[ 本帖最後由 d_chu 於 2006-11-17 04:02 AM 編輯 ]


so, i suggest people who already very familiar with a specific OO language can go further to study what we call "Design Pattern" and study how people design class diagram for different purpose and cases. If you say Programming concept is like 內功. Then, "Design Pattern" is the 招式/劍法. The book that I suggest would be "Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable OO Software (ISBN: 0-201-63361-2)".

空有一身好內功係無用的 ~


Agree... totally agree hhl. This should be the next step of learning language.... then going futher could be some software engineering technique, going through a proper way of SDLC..




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