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Comparing price software

Comparing price software

Recently, DAB conducted a survey and found claims of cheaper prices by some supermarkets are not true, as on average, they charge 12 percent more than smaller outlets. Some prices of products, for example oatmeal and toilet paper showed the largest price difference, with supermarkets charging on average 20 percent more than the smaller shops.  

The survey found same products were priced differently by the same supermarkets in different districts.

In order to assist the public fight inflation, I suggest building up a comparing price net, which lists out the prices of commonly used products sold in supermarket chain stores and smaller outlets in the city’s 18 districts. People can check prices before shopping.  

I sincerely invite you, a programmer, a web-designer and people who are interested to join in my group.

Please let me have your reply on or before the end of April 2008.




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