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Chateau Montrose 06' & Norheimer Kirschheck Spatlese 07', Herman Donnhoff

Chateau Montrose 06' & Norheimer Kirschheck Spatlese 07', Herman Donnhoff

Tried the captioned wines yesterday. High hope on Montrose. Here are the TNs.

Montrose 06': Dark crimson, expressive nose, cassis, wow, full-bodied, powerful, excellent concentration, ends with abrasive tannins, good potential. Tamed after aeration. Better than GPL 06' of lately tasting.

Norheimer Kirschheck Spatleae 07', Herman Donnhoff: Grassy nose, pale yellow, nose may not be a crowd-pleaser, For me, a good aperitif. Medium sweetness. High acidity which is my favorite. Cheers.


bro latour61, can you advise the shop of the german wine from and how much it is, thanks

相關搜索目錄: Wine


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For your info., Manxx. After discount, $216.


This Donnhoff is really a good buy. Actually, I like the Spatlese more than Ausless when they are young, Ausless is too sweet and those sweetness needs a long time to merge with acidity. I also want to buy some more 2007 as it's a good yr for German wine.

[ 本帖最後由 barton 於 2010-3-4 17:49 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Agreed. So I'm also searching some more 07' wines.




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