Too bad we couldn't see any of those fucking 'kids' jumping down from the ceiling of the pier last night, they did not have that guts anyway, did they not ? What a pity they are just a bunch of politically-spoiled dirty little kids with no balls and talent for big business ! They are like most of the anti-Government bodies here in H.K. , they just know how to talk shit and make funny noises all day long instead of having the ability to build a better place for all citizen of Hong Kong to live in ! Shame on HKSAR ang H.K.Police too, they acted so un-professionally in dealing with just a few kids and a few political clown like 'Cheung-Mo' ! With such poor administrative skill and determination we can't expect them to rule HK properly and lead the people to fight for a better tomorrow ! Donald is just an empty-talker , he just don't have the potential and guts to be a strong political leader !