狗屁不通, 同民主選舉會選希特拉言論為識者恥笑

當奴身為百官之首對中史有如此認知, 口出廢言, 胡温都可算 不懂用人矣 !!
(明報) 10月 12日 星期五 06:20PM
立法會議員張文光 批評曾蔭權將民主與文化大革命相題並論,是不倫不類,民主就是想防止獨裁的出現。
曾蔭權「民主文革論」原文 (明報) 10月 13日 星期六 05:10AM
【明報專訊】“ If we go to the extreme, people go to the extreme, and you have a cultural revolution, for instance, in China. When people take everything into their hands, then you cannot govern the place.
People taking power into their hands! Now, this is what it means by democracy, if you take it to the full swing.”
本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2007-10-13 10:04 編輯 ]