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[疑難] 英文功課!!help~!!急急!!考試!!


Underline a word that is incorrect and write the correct word above it . Mark the position of a missing word wirh a ' ^' and write the correct word above it . Cross out an innecessary word with a ' X '

Today I had an interesting day ! this morning . I go for a walk before breakfast.As I was walking along the beach I a scream - ' Stop thief ! ' Everybody turned to look , and I saw that a man running towards me . I didn't know what to do . Suddenly , he ran into a some scaffolding and fell over . Silly man ! The police caught him easily.

I had breakfast with my friends on the hotel balcony after my walk . While we
was eating , it sudddenly started to rainy very heavily . It was really stormy so
we got drenched .we all stayed at the hotel listening to the weather forecast the radio . However , the rain didn't last long - it only rained 11.30 a.m. . The hotel manager told us that the weather in Thailand was always unpredict .

In the afternoon , we want to a floating market . It much bigger than Chinese markets . It was very hot and humidity while we werethere . Even though I
hadn't liked getting drenched in the morning . I really wanted it to rain while
we were exploring to the market!I think I would rather be wet and cool than
too hot temperature .

In the evening . we decide to go for a seafood meal - the hotel restaurant offers half - price meals 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Unfortunately , the waters were very rude . When we arrived , they told us said the restaurant was full , although I was sure I could see some empty tables . Another waiter was smoke too . We went to McDonald ' s for dinner instead ! Well , bye for now Aaron . I ' ll calling you when I get home

total : 18 個 錯 的 地 方

[ 本帖最後由 hong211 於 2007-3-25 10:45 編輯 ]


如果可以ga話 , 可唔可以解釋點睇佢係錯,錯左d咩~!!

另外我仲想問下咩叫做 不定詞 infinitive

[ 本帖最後由 hong211 於 2007-3-25 11:05 編輯 ]


For a Form 3 student, this shouldn't be too hard! I do believe that if you really got the heart to do it, you should at least get some part of it. So, are you hoping that someone here would give you an exactly corrected passage?

Please pay more attention in school, and study harder.


我覺得你用得時間打篇文章出黎, 倒不如認真諗一諗點做啦~

有一兩個地方唔識, 搵人幫手就話姐......

你而家咁, 好似唔多好bor......




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