原帖由 khadafy 於 2008-9-29 18:46 發表
Bonkinasia兄都講得幾 o岩...
Thanks for all the advices. I had thought of getting a 17mm-85mm Canon Zoom but this lenses is
rather expensive. Perhaps I would re-consider and get 10mm-22mm zoom lenses from Canon. This will
cover a wider angles and completed my set of canon lenses from 10mm to 250mm except that these
3 lenses added up are too bulky, not convenient for travelling use. The prices for 10mm-22mm is now
very cheaper than 17mm-85mm. I am very calculative when come to purchasing of my hobblies items.
Perhaps, I will also add in another 2x Lenses Extenders, to be brought together with my 18mm-55mm
zoom lenses for my future travelling....................................
I have noted that even the lenses wth Image Stabiliser (IS) over a long distance of more than
200mm there still have some 'shaking effect', and have to reduce your aperture opening by 2 F-stop.
Hence tele-lenses of 200mm and above needs to use camera-stand and unless you carry stand along
during travelling, these long distance tele-lenses are not very convenient.
Can someone advise me the differnce between the film ASA and the ISO?
Is film ASA 100 = Digital ISO 200?