某天醉醒後寫的 GET HIGH 說明書 (Instruction Manual):
High Performance
Step by step guide to natural high (a.k.a. what happened last night):
A. Start with Happy Hour, four pints of beer in random choices (mine was 3 Guiness + 1 Holsten):
(1) feeling relax, easing up and putting behind the stress and manners of daily lives;
(2) beginning to discuss of topics usually try to prevent when sober;
(3) losing words and phases while ideas and thoughts hitting the mind faster than speeches;
(4) eating whatever snacks' available on the table.
B. Get on to the real stuffs (mix of whiskey, voka, tequila, wine, etc... plus more beer):
(1) giving hugs and kisses to everyone, including strangers;
(2) talking to everyone even you hardly know them;
(3) smile and laugh a lot in a hysterical way;
(4) the mind begins to get in sync with the speeches, talking in foreign tongues smoothly;
(5) discussing about strange ideas and thoughts not dare to speak of when sober.
C. Repeat above step B. Jumping and dancing and shaking your body to mix up all the drinks consumed:
solo dancing
(1) speaking and laughing out loud;
(2) jumping around and greet everybody all over again;
(3) keep repeating oneself over the same sentences;
(4) telling everyone you love them;
(5) letting one's emotion flow freely, including anger and fear and sadness;
(6) laugh and cry out loud.
D. Repeat step C until overdosed:
(1) alcohol becomes the sole source of energy supply, and you will never run short of it;
(2) fatigue and dizziness kicks in, keep repeating oneself over and over again;
(3) eye sights begin to blur;
(4) failed to recognize people and unable to control oneself;
(5) talking less and less and need to find a place to sit down;
(6) no longer be able to control the body.
E. Leave the scene (with or without help from others or being kicked out by the bouncers):
(1) lay down dead;
(2) headaches and dizziness;
(3) forgetting about everything happened in between above step B to D;
(4) took off the shoes and pants...
相關搜索目錄: Wine