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【影片片名】:愛慾解放 (解禁片) [中文字幕]
【影片譯名】:解放的潘多拉 / 童顏巨乳又好色 / 花季少女的夏天.
【影片譯名】:A Real Young / une viaie jeune fille (1976)
【平均評價】:★★★★★☆→5.5 顆星.  (IMDb評價)
【影片大小】:1.41 GB
【影片格式】:AVI    (DVD→轉制AVI)
【影片演員】:Charlotte Alexandra, Hiram Keller, Rita Maiden, Bruno Balp, Georges Gueret, Shirley Stoler, Thierry Roland.
【語種發音】:法語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【影片片商】:Production Co: Artedis, CB Films.




     這是一部什麼樣的電影, 會連開放的法國社會也不見容? 而且一禁就是24年? 我們住在一個連巴黎野玫瑰, 色界都能上映的時代, 連艾曼紐夫人都能唾手可得的的社會, 但Une vraie jeune fille - 一個年輕女孩 (中譯: 愛慾解放)卻必須遭受到這樣的淩遲. 可見得法國女作家/導演Catherine Breillat對女性性慾的詮釋和對大眾看法的挑戰應該是到了極限.

     片中的Alice是個在外就讀而返鄉過節的14歲小女生. 童顏巨乳一臉無辜相的的她卻在回家感到無聊後開始發掘自己已經成熟的身體. 無論是在尿尿, 鏡前更衣, 野外出遊, 她總是在開發一個新的世界. 這由少女心思所開啟的性慾世界有著誌氣的象徵. 強烈又荒誕的性幻想, 無差別的挑逗, 挑逗完又玩忌妒遊戲得個性, 確實的描繪了心中幼稚, 身體成熟的小女生. Alice對父親僱的工人Jim有愛意, 而不斷的以少女害羞的方式出現在Jim面前. 天曉得在內心, Alice卻正在幻想Jim把她四肢拉開放在田地上. 用鐵絲綁著她的雙手, 並要把一隻大得嚇人的蚯蚓塞到自己緊閉的陰道裡. Jim塞不進去於是把蚯蚓剪成一截一截放在Alice的陰毛上.

     這是Alice的奇幻歷程. 或許可以說她希望被Jim禁錮著, 而且被一隻幻想中無孔不入蚯蚓(她對陰莖的印象和幻想), 入侵. 但是她卻未被開發而太緊了, 結果把蚯蚓弄斷成一截一截的. 她的性幻想堪稱經典. 因為這真的是我沒看過的手法喊比喻. 而且在1976年. 做到比艾曼紐還要更加有魄力真是了不起.

     隨後Alice因為得不到Jim, 所以轉而挑逗其他人. 她在Bar出現, 一路挑逗一些不相幹的人, 包括他那癡肥臃腫的父親. 也訴說了她那無差別式的性衝動和幻想(這反倒是跟一般小年紀的男生很像). 最後Jim終於接受她的挑逗要與之作愛. 卻無端被自己父親設的陷阱弄死. Alice對這樣的結局, 這樣如同夢碎的結局卻沒有大反應. 畢竟, Alice擁有的只是對Jim的愛液而非愛意.

     這部電影因為古老, 所以片質不好. 音樂更時沒有什麼好的地方. 然而, 最讓我詬病的不是別的地方, 而是殺害蚯蚓的部分. 我是很討厭有電影為了達到目的而作這種事. 不過, 看完之後, 卻覺得自己沒有更好的方法去改變那一部分的劇情.

     就是這樣的一部電影被禁24年. 奇怪, 我沒聽過索多瑪120天或是愛情神話被禁. 還得大獎哩. 真是, 不能因為巴索?尼跟費?尼大牌就這樣啊. 不過好歹, 她在一個自由社會不會遭受向Deepa Mehta的待遇. 最起碼電影院也不會她拍一部有爭議性的片而被燒


A Real Young Girl (Une Vraie Jeune Fille) - a film by Catherine Breillat
"Une Vraie Jeune Fille, Catherine Breillat's first feature film, was shelved for 25 years, apparently because the moral/aesthetic disgust couldn't be overcome at the time. It was released for the first time this year, and immediately re-ignited the scandal occasioned by Breillat's last feature, Romance."
- Kay Armatage, Toronto International Film Festival Catalogue

The story centres on Alice Bonnard, a young girl attending Saint-Sulvien Girl's College, and takes place during a summer in the turbulent sixties. Alice comes homes to spend her holidays with her parents in the Landes region. They run a sawmill where they employ a young man, Jim. Business isn't going well, although Mr. and Mrs. Bonnard are too proud to admit it and Jim's nonchalant attitude about his job doesn't help things. Alice is attracted to Jim, but she's too scared to let him know it, believing that as far as he's concerned she doesn't exist. Her tumescent sexuality begins to obsess her. She becomes fascinated with the excretions, juices and smells of her own body as well as with the slimy oozings and putrid detritus of the natural world. The film gives few clues to distinguish the girl's fantasies from the events of her life. This is fitting, as the entire film revolves around the girl and her own perceptions. The heightened realism of the direction and cinematography produces a text that refuses either to accuse or to exploit.

Catherine Breillat was born in France. Breillat began a career in acting, appearing in films such as "Last Tango in Paris" (1972) and "Dracula and Son" (1977). Her sexually explicit novels and films examine the metaphysics of sex and follow a French tradition that stretches from de Sade to de Beauvoir, Bataille and Foucault. Selected filmography: Une Vraie Jeune Fille (1975), "Catherine et Cie" (1975), "Police" (1985), "Milan Noir" (1987), "36 Fillette" (1988), "Sale comme un Ange" (1990), "Couples et Amants" (1994), "Parfait Amour!" (1996), "Romance" (1999).

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