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[原創] QDII. What is your opinion?

QDII. What is your opinion?

The scale is USD14.2 billion, half of it can invest in HK stocks which is 7.1 billion, real effect or just pushing the atomsphere?


Honestly, the monies won't be full utilized before the 3rd quarter... so our raise is based on expectation and possibility to distribute in future at high price with current collection at relatively low price...

QDII is a good news to fry up HK stocks and to search for new high at around 21000-22000,,,, then it will come a correction (1 guess 10-15% to around 19000)

Then the real big bull will come with QDII are really effective and with further increase in its amount,,,, probably by the end of 3rd quarter 2007

Let wait and see....

[ 本帖最後由 小花至愛 於 2007-5-15 03:37 編輯 ]




原帖由 小花至愛 於 2007-5-15 03:32 發表
Honestly, the monies won't be full utilized before the 3rd quarter... so our raise is based on expectation and possibility to distribute in future at high price with current collection at relativel ...
seem so confident ... ... ... I am waiting for the big correction then ...




原帖由 vodkaboy 於 2007-5-16 09:12 發表
I have same feeling, becasue H stock is very high and A stock is crazy high....


Chinese govt annced to relax invmnt for domestic banks w/ QDII status. The Chinese commercial banks can invest up to 50% of the funds under QDII in stocks abroad.  c.f. in the past they were barred from direct invmnt in stocks & derivatives.

Initially, the funds will likely prefer H shares or red chips which hv most rev denominated in Rmb.  Attached pls find the disc table for H-shs against A-shs.  

Our prefered sectors are :

1. Finance - BOC (3988 hk; TP HK$4.95), ICBC (1398 hk; TP HK$5.50)
2. Property - Shimao Property (813 hk; TP $19.50), SPG (377 hk; TP $7.14)
3. Auto - Dongfeng (489 hk; TP $5.05), Denway (203 hk; TP $4.30)
4. Consumer plays - Parkson (3368 hk; TP $61), Egana (48 hk; TP $6.96)
5. Capital Goods - CIMH (3339 hk; TP $17.65) and Comba (2342 hk; TP $4.70)
6. others - Lee & Man (2314 hk; TP $24.20)


原帖由 ngaiso 於 2007-5-14 23:11 發表
The scale is USD14.2 billion, half of it can invest in HK stocks which is 7.1 billion, real effect or just pushing the atomsphere?
#218 and #227 gone crazy la!


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原帖由 giovanni 於 2007-5-18 23:53 發表
匯價 will never go up as fast as stock prices!


QDII is just a scheme.  The PRC Govt uses it as a tool to ease the RMB appreciation pressure step by step.  The effect on the stock market in Hong Kong is still uncertain.  Those who thinks the stock market will benefit very shortly in fact are purely betting on the positive side.

Let's pay more attention that the officials are starting up various propaganda channels to tell the market that there is a asset bubble.  Thank about that!!!




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