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One terrible thing about the Olympic effect

One terrible thing about the Olympic effect

apple daily news says. for previous Olympic hosting country. Most of their stocks tends to rise.

But  from a chart shown in the news paper, I note that for Greece, Sydney and Korea, their stock tend to reached the highest point about 400 days prior to the Olympic. Then stock start to fall to the lowest when the olympic actually started.

The future is not known, but looking back, I feel terrible to find that HK and China stock was highest in October, and it started to fall in November, 400 days prior to Bejing olympic

So I take it that from now on the olympic may only benefit those conceptual stocks but not the whole stock market at large.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ces ©ó 2008-1-3 01:58 ½s¿è ]


you are right about the statistics...  lol
¦³®M¤é¼@¥s"BIG MONEY", (­ì§@: ªi®ö¤WªºÅ]³N®v), ùØ­±­ÓªÑ¾Â¦Ñ«e½ú¦P¥Lªº®{§ÌÁ¿­¹ÄK¿N(たいやき, ³½«¬¨§¨F»æ), ­ø¦n³s³½§À, ³½ÀY³£°á¦í­¹®I, ¦]¬°DÀ`«Y¤¤¶¡¦P®I¦n®e©ö®C¦º,·N«ä§Y«Y¸Ü, Long ¤S¦n Short¤S¦n³£o§^¦n°á¦íÁȭӤɮö/¶^®ö¨ìÁȺɡK
§Ú³£¦n¦P·N, ¦ý¤H¤H³£·|³g


there's a major fundamental difference here... China is mostly a closed market


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ ces ©ó 2008-1-3 01:55 µoªí
apple daily news says. for previous Olympic hosting country. Most of their stocks tends to rise.

But  from a chart shown in the news paper, I note that for Greece, Sydney and Korea, their stock  ...
It means the game is over.


olympic is not so important compare to American election


­ì©«¥Ñ booshi ©ó 2008-1-3 14:07 µoªí
olympic is not so important compare to American election
It may the reason why "Central" is keep cooling down the market lor.


­ì©«¥Ñ Ash_Tray ©ó 2008-1-3 14:06 µoªí

It means the game is over.
may be or may be not

as there's are many other good factors

eg.: US election, Mainland Stock express, interest rate factor, ramanbi rising etc

but my worry is though there may be up and downs, at the last trading day of 2008, the index may not be higher than today


­ì©«¥Ñ ces ©ó 2008-1-3 01:55 µoªí
apple daily news says. for previous Olympic hosting country. Most of their stocks tends to rise....
Some H stocks moved a lot this week already.


­ì©«¥Ñ peninsula ©ó 2008-1-3 21:28 µoªí

Some H stocks moved a lot this week already.
this comment is true at any time
brother Pen you seldom make this kind of neutral comments


Most people trade on a relatively short term basis, and the ups and downs , if in wide span, do good enough.

But for those long term holder they will be disappointed for this year's performance if the HSI stays as present, not mentioning a decline.
­ì©«¥Ñ ces ©ó 2008-1-3 02:51 PM µoªí
but my worry is though there may be up and downs, at the last trading day of 2008, the index may not be higher than today


­ì©«¥Ñ ces ©ó 2008-1-4 01:15 µoªí
this comment is true at any time
brother Pen you seldom make this kind of neutral comments
I do have some stocks benefiting fro the recent rise!


­ì©«¥Ñ eatallcheesecak ©ó 2008-1-4 12:32 µoªí
Most people trade on a relatively short term basis, and the ups and downs , if in wide span, do good enough.
But for those long term holder they will be disappointed for this year's performance ...
I seldom hold too long so missing the best profit but also avoiding the large falls.


­ì©«¥Ñ peninsula ©ó 2008-1-4 22:05 µoªí

I seldom hold too long so missing the best profit but also avoiding the large falls.
long term holding sure win is true. But more applicable to those with no time/no market knowledge/no investment EQ

with good market knowledge and dicipline
keep on buying/selling will surely earn more

most of all
it avoid stock disasters

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Investment


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ penisonic ©ó 2008-1-5 02:07 µoªí
¦n¦ü­ø«YØ{, ¿D¬wªÑ¥«01¦~¦P02¦~¥òÄ~Äò³Ð·s°ª
can you show me the figures and the charts
my only source of information is a column in apple daily
they may be wrong

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ces ©ó 2008-1-5 13:46 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ penisonic ©ó 2008-1-5 02:07 µoªí
¦n¦ü­ø«YØ{, ¿D¬wªÑ¥«01¦~¦P02¦~¥òÄ~Äò³Ð·s°ª
We are talking about HK market which has been a lot more volatile than Australia's.


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª




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