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原帖由 hktigerwoods 於 2008-7-29 09:53 發表
You really believe?


dont be too serious, Balabala, relax D la, 香港人


i believe, but not this year


I also think 28000 is quite difficult to acheive this year, not mention 31000, but goes below 20000 I doubt it.

Out of the topic, this forum is getting quiet because people are losing interest in a downward moving market or?

[ 本帖最後由 eatallcheesecak 於 2008-7-30 14:13 編輯 ]


some of the stocks valuation is quite low
time to buy your very first layer


Short term boom.  Paulson tries really hard to save the financial market by continuous intervention. This serves, in my opinion, only a temporary purpose. By the time the US presidential election is over, you will find out if Paulson is still around and US will likely to go back and face the reality.  

I have reservation that the US consumer market can sustain its growth, not to mentioin that people are going to tighten their belt in anticipation of the tight consumer credit by banks which are getting more conservative now-a-day.   

Hong Kong economy can hardly stay out of the troubles from US & China. CEPA 5 only do good in the long run. Short term benefit can hardly be realized.  I would suggest to hold not less than 80% cash given the present situation.


I do agree, as mostly do, US's economy is on a downward trend, and there is no argue.

But, if there is really a short term boom as you said, many of us will be happy to utilize it or ride on it as studies shown many investors are short term buyers.

And, if we truely believe the US economy will break down soon, we can short the index or buy the put warrants, and holding 80% cash is not the only way.


But I do agree "holding more cash", as you said, which I was doing in the past few months.

[ 本帖最後由 eatallcheesecak 於 2008-7-30 18:55 編輯 ]


hold 80% cash till when?


原帖由 eatallcheesecak 於 2008-7-30 14:02 發表
I also think 28000 is quite difficult to acheive this year, not mention 31000, but goes below 20000 I doubt it.
Out of the topic, this forum is getting quiet because people are losing interest in a ...
Lauughing if can reach 26000!


don't you guys heard that, 1+1 = (10-5)/2 + (-0.5)
but not just 1+1=2

things are not so simple as you seen


原帖由 easylover 於 2008-7-31 11:10 發表
don't you guys heard that, 1+1 = (10-5)/2 + (-0.5)
but not just 1+1=2
things are not so simple as you seen
I am lost!


pls refer today 1/aug hs index, and think about what i'm talking. OR i strongly suggest you guys to read the book "The Black Swan"


none of you guys learn from history 1987, 2001 (911), 2003 (SARS).  i got the light bulb after 911


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-7-30 08:42 PM 發表

Lauughing if can reach 26000!
The only thing I know is 25,000 - 27,000 is the prediction for this year from the big names.

Also I dont know the stock market is simple or complicate, the only thing I know is it is simple when you are winning money and complicate when you are losing money.


原帖由 easylover 於 2008-8-1 16:17 發表
none of you guys learn from history 1987, 2001 (911), 2003 (SARS).  i got the light bulb after 911
Any repeat?


i mean STRONG BUY after disaster.  like this time, the subprime.


原帖由 easylover 於 2008-8-1 23:08 發表
i mean STRONG BUY after disaster.  like this time, the subprime.
subprime has started since Aug 2007
since then the market reached over 30000 the highest and 20000 the lowest
at which point shall we buy ??


原帖由 ces 於 2008-8-5 01:23 發表

subprime has started since Aug 2007
since then the market reached over 30000 the highest and 20000 the lowest
at which point shall we buy ??
I believe the subprime issue is fading out, instead, we should pay more attention to post subprime effects, meaning loan default rates (mortgage loans & credit card loans), trend of propoerty prices, consumer confidence, consumer purchase power, unemployment rate, repayment ability index....

We are possibly experiencing a stage of high inflation & low economic growth, i.e. stagflation, before deflation comes.

Investment strategy: 80% cash, 20% derivative investment (preferrably put options to sell selected stocks and commodities).

相關搜索目錄: Investment Credit card


原帖由 COO 於 2008-8-5 12:16 發表
I believe the subprime issue is fading out, instead, we should pay more attention to post subprime effects, meaning loan default rates (mortgage loans & credit card loans), trend of propoerty pric ...

相關搜索目錄: Credit card




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