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Coffee Machine

Coffee Machine

My wife loves coffee very much.  Instead of spending money in Starbucks, I want to buy a coffee machine for her on Valentine's day.  Any suggestion?  


get a generic coffee boiler, espresso machine will just be used once or twice and left to gather dust.


unless you have the time to steam whip foamy milk, and clean the grinds off the espresso maker...  as long as the beans are good, most people can't taste the difference between boiled coffee and americano(espresso+boiled water) anyways.


哈哈, moxfactor兄
全中, 我部expresso機都好耐無用過

不過, 自從見過Nespresso, 我真係好有興趣整返部



One of my friends has bought the Nespresso.  It's quite nice but the capsule is very expensive.  Without the capsule, the machine is useless.


原帖由 moxfactor 於 2008-2-8 16:18 發表
get a generic coffee boiler, espresso machine will just be used once or twice and left to gather dust.


unless you have the time to steam whi ...
The one you posted is non-electrical, right?  I saw an electrical moka maker in Sogo.  The brand is Delonghi.  Any brother knows whether it is good or not.


delonghi is quite good brand, but i find very troublesome to wash and clean...  better off just get one of those coffee machines that have the big glass pot under and use paper filters.  why must people drink espresso based drinks?  your morning tongue will not recognize enough difference to matter.  and if you buy UCC 117 instant coffee it will smell even better than your starbucks over-roasted arabica...

don't drink coffee because it is fashionable, drink it because you need that caffeine to wake up.

(or in my case, to help sleep)


原帖由 Challenger 於 2008-2-13 23:20 發表
One of my friends has bought the Nespresso.  It's quite nice but the capsule is very expensive.  Without the capsule, the machine is useless.
Too expensive!


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2008-2-13 19:13 發表
哈哈, moxfactor兄
全中, 我部expresso機都好耐無用過

不過, 自從見過Nespresso, 我真係好有興趣整返部

My office uses Nespresso, but I think it doesn't taste so good indeed.  I would rather buy coffee from Starbuck instead.  Yes, the capsule is kinda expensive, around $2xx/50 capsule.  Just my two cents.


Me too.  My friend has bought a fully automatic coffee machine in Sogo for his girl friend (should be Delonghi brand, nearly HK$15,000.00).    It is quite convenient.  It can make espresso, cappuccino and even latte.  All by one touch.  




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