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Bordeaux 2005 vintage wines

Bordeaux 2005 vintage wines

I heard that Bordeaux 2005 vintage wines such as Grand Cru Classe will be selling at a very high price!! Higher than Vintage 2000!! Although such wines will be launched two years later, the price of last 2-3 vintage increase hugely, around 12-15% each year!!




not will be, they have been selling for more than half year
u can check with BBR or other merchants

but i personally think the price for 2005 is too high
not worth for investment

相關搜索目錄: Investment


原帖由 tailawyau 於 2006-12-29 11:23 AM 發表
not will be, they have been selling for more than half year
u can check with BBR or other merchants

but i personally think the price for 2005 is too high
not worth for investment
What do you meaning in the first paragraph? "Not will be ......other merchants"

The latest Bordeaux Grand Cru Classe which selling in the current market is Vintage 2003. We will have the Vintage 2005 around 2 years later.
However, we could buy some ordinary AOC which is vintage 2005 currently. Of course, New World wines vintage 2006 is in the shelf of most wine shops.

相關搜索目錄: Investment Wine


tailawyau must be talking about wine futures (contracts for
future date delivery).

By the way, where can I buy some ?

[ Last edited by  可愛老頑童 at 2006-12-31 02:27 PM ]

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2006-12-30 05:55 PM 發表
tailawyau must be talking about wine futures (contracts for
future date delivery).

By the way, where can I buy some ?

Last edited by  可愛老頑童 at 2006-12-31 02:27 PM ]
may be ..... wine future..... I dunno
Let tailawyau tell you where to buy.... =D

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 可愛老頑童 於 2006-12-30 09:55 AM 發表
tailawyau must be talking about wine futures (contracts for
future date delivery).

By the way, where can I buy some ?

Last edited by  可愛老頑童 at 2006-12-31 02:27 PM ]
Yes, i am talking about the wine futures, which is called en Primeur in French

Parklane, the wine dictionary/encyclopedia here talked about this in the old XOCAT, but i could not retrieve the article

In short, you can/should purchase the en Primeur from large wine merchants, such as BBR, or you would be in risk that your money was just used by the seller for their operation, not really engaging the contract with the wine makers

Perhaps Bro Parklane may wish to add some more comments

In Hong Kong, there are lots of wine shops offering assistance in purchasing en Primeur, e.g. BBR, Ponti, Concord, Connoisseur, etc.  However, i guess the 2005 en Primeur should have been sold out as they have been released for more than half year

相關搜索目錄: Wine


Thank you very much Tailawyau & Antenna.



Parklane, the wine dictionary/encyclopedia
compared with him,
i am a kindergarten kid

相關搜索目錄: Wine


>> i am a kindergarten kid

if that is the case, i am totally a new born baby then


Bought the following 2005 futures for 2008 delivery:

Ch. Pontet-Canet - GBP624 (per case of 12)
Ch. Grand Puy Lacoste - GBP450
Ch. Lascombes - GBP450

I am happy!   

[ Last edited by  可愛老頑童 at 2007-1-21 10:00 AM ]


'05 might PROBABLY be another overrated vintage~~


hi everybody,if you have interest buy some wine,please PM me

相關搜索目錄: Wine




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