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[原創] Flash 設計程式員 Freelance or part time flash programmer

Flash 設計程式員 Freelance or part time flash programmer

Flash 設計程式員 Freelance or part time flash programmer

Pink and Black Ltd a rapidly expanding online services and marketing company.
We are a web design and development company. We are looking for web programmer for handling the programming job on freelances/ part time bases.

Job Requirements:
# Good knowledge and experienced in Flash design and programming
# Efficient design output ;
# Experience with flash design
# Knowledge on Flash action script

Interested parties please send your resume,porfolio and related information to :  hr@inspirr.com
Or contact us by phone: 3568 5408 / 9516 6029 (Ms Chan)

Pink and Black Ltd 是網絡推廣及設計公司。現承聘電腦程式員加入我們的IT 部。

# 懂 Flash design and programming
# 豐富經驗包括﹕Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash;
# 懂Flash Action Script

有興趣請把履歷/相關作品及經驗資料電郵到: hr@inspirr.com
或電話聯絡我們查詢﹕ 3568 5408 / 9516 6029 陳小姐

相關搜索目錄: 電腦 Web design 履歷




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